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Planning Board Minutes 01/10/05

Minutes of the January 10, 2005 Meeting of the Greenfield Planning Board

The meeting opened at 7:00 p.m. with members Marshall, O’Connell, Rainier and alternate member Carrara in attendance. Minutes of December 20, 2004 meeting were read and approved with the following change: Under the heading "Consultation with Carole Ogilvie", paragraph 2, the 3rd sentence now reads "Growth management, utilizing a limitation on building permits, is riskier to back up."

Meeting with Peter Hopkins
Peter is seeking guidance on requiring certified plot plans. Peter wants to add this requirement to the initial instructions or checklist given to someone submitting a building permit application. The requirement being added would read:

A certified plot plan is required for all structures. The plot plan requirement may be waved if all proposed structures are a minimum of 25 feet from all required setbacks.

Title LXIV, Chapter 676, section 13, subsection III, of the NH Planning and Land Use Regulations was reviewed. The Board motioned to endorse the “Certified Plot Plan Standard” referred to above and suggested by the Code Enforcement Officer. The motion was passed.

Peter performed a review, at the Greenfield Inn, of a previous life safety inspection that was conducted by the State Fire Marshall Office. Thirteen violation had been sited. Peter’s conclusion was that the majority of the violations had not been addressed; the fire alarm system being the most important.

Peter also discovered an apartment not allowed in the 1989 variance which granted 9 rooms and 18 quests, with not quest staying more than 30 days. Peter informed the owners of the Greenfield Inn that they need to apply to the Planning Board for a site plan review for a “change of use” and to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for a variance.

Contiguous Lots
The Board discussed zoning changes on lot dimensioning and contiguous dry land on lots in town. This issue was deferred to a later date.

Capital Improvements Plan
A discussion ensued pertaining to the feedback from the Highway, Fire, and Recreation departments. It was agreed that all departments need to give the Planning Board projected capital expenditures, through 2015, before our January 24th meeting.

Temporary Secretary
Since Jean will be out for several months, the Board motioned to hire someone for $12.50/hour to perform secretarial duties in her absence. The motion was passed. George will follow up.

Zoning Amendments Ballot 2005
The ballot was viewed and will be send to the Town Clerk.

There were two invoices, one from the Ledger and one from the Transcript.

The following items were received:
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes from December 16, 2005
Inter office memo from Deb about Town Reports
Invite to participate in a charrette from PLAN NH entitled “Design Assistance for NH Projects”
Postcard from UNH on “growth”
Brochure from UNH Cooperative Extension  entitled “GIS for Community Decision Makers”
Notice from Town of Bow ZBA about a cellular tower hearing
State of NH office of Energy and Planning about Facilities Map Update

Meeting adjourned at 9:19pm

Dario Carrara
Acting Secretary