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Planning Board Minutes 03/01/05
Minutes of the Joint Meeting of the Greenfield Planning Board and the Greenfield Zoning Board of Adjustment                         March 1, 2005

The meeting opened at 7:30 with Planning Board members Marshall, O’Connell and Rainier present, Zoning Board of Adjustment members O’Connell, Pettigrew and White present. Prospective Planning Board Alternate Halper and Code Enforcement Officer Hopkins were also present.

According to RSA 676:2, I Acting Planning Board Chairman Marshall presided over the meeting. Marshall declared that after extensive consultations with ZBA Chairman Gryval, Selectmen’s representative Rainier, ZBA Secretary and Planning Board member O’Connell it was determined that abutters had not been properly notified of the Joint hearing as prescribed by RSA 676:7 for a ZBA hearing (5 days) and RSA 676:4 Planning Board procedures (and Section V of the Town of Greenfield Site Plan Review Ordinance (10 days). As a result a new hearing, the noticing costs of which would be borne by both Boards, would be scheduled for Tuesday March 22 at 7:30. Ms. Christine Johnson, applicant, has been notified.

The meeting adjourned at 7:37 p.m.

Robert Marshall
Acting Secretary