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Planning Board Minutes 08/23/04

                                                Minutes of the August 23, 2004 Meeting of the Greenfield Planning Board

The meeting opened at 7:00 p.m. with members Cernota, Kavenagh, Marshall, O’Connell, Rainier and alternate member Carrara in attendance.  Minutes of August 9th were read and approved with the following changes:  on page 1, last paragraph, Simcons should be spelled Simpkins.  On page 2, 1st line, it should read “good through 8/26”.  Minutes of August 16th were read and approved.

Mail items received

·       Letter asking for volunteer award nominations.
·       Notice of Fall Planning & Zoning Conference on 10/30.
·       Notice of 2004 Municipal Law Lecture Series to be held in Jaffrey on 9/15, 9/22, 9/29. Deadline to register is 9/10.
·       State Approval for Subdivision for the Colburns.
·       Letter from Southwest Regional Planning on updating GIS date base of information on Local Resource Protection Priorities.
·       Notice of Selectmen’s meeting on 8/26 with department heads.
·       Notice of Decision from the ZBA approving a special exception for the Colburns.
·       Copy of a letter from Catherine to Ed Gross concerning problems on the Tax Map and Zoning Map.
·       Bills concerning the Colburn subdivision.
·       Monthly copy of the town budget.

Reports from board members

·       Mike mentioned that we need to decide how to handle having a draft of the minutes and a final copy with necessary corrections.  He will talk to Deb to see what she wants us to do.
·       Mike talked with Karen Day about holding a joint working meeting with the ZBA and the Conservation Commission.  He will try to set up a meeting for August 30 at 7:00 p.m. Kevin will contact the ZBA and notice this meeting.
·       Mike received a call from Alan Stevens who wanted to set up a preliminary conceptual consultation.  He is purchasing land from the Fletcher Estate on New Boston Road.  He asked him to come to our meeting tonight at 9:00 p.m.
·       Dario reported that he had talked with the selectmen in Bennington about the court decision allowing building on a Class VI road.  The road must be brought up to Class V standards by the property owner and the town does not have to do any upkeep.  We would like to read the actual decision from the court.
·       Mike reported that the subdivision regulations are being worked on and hopefully will be on the computer soon.

7:30 p.m. – Continuation of the Colburn Major Subdivision Hearing

Mr. & Mrs. Colburn were present.  Dario Carrara sat in for Marilyn Fletcher.  They brought in revised plats and a mylar.  Mike read the Notice of Decision from the ZBA.  One of the requirements is installing an 18 inch culvert.  Mr. Colburn said he has talked with Duffy about this as well as the required grade.  Mike also read a letter from Brad Simpkins which stressed three points.  The damage needed remediation and he thought that the work already done is sufficient.  Mr. Simpkins is issuing a written warning about the lack of a permit.  Mr. Colburn must apply for an “after-the-fact” wetlands permit.  He has done this and submitted a copy of this permit application.  The public hearing was closed at 7:46 p.m.         

Mike explained that the board would not take any more information or talk with the Colburns.  If the board has questions, they will ask for the information.  When we started the deliberations, it was discovered that there is no place on the mylar for the owners to sign.  It was moved that we approve the application since they have all the approvals needed.  The board voted unanimously to approve the application conditionally awaiting the new mylar with the Colburns’ signatures and receipt of the original copy of the driveway easement which must also go to the Registry.

8:25 p.m. – Preliminary Conceptual Consultation with Alan Stevens

The board met with Mr. Stevens who is purchasing land on New Boston Road and Blanchard Hill Road from the Fletcher Estate.  Mike read the section on a preliminary conceptual consultation from our regulations.  Mr. Stevens would like to have an 8 lot subdivision which would be in the name of A & T Forest Products.  He would like to put about 20 acres in conservation use.  There would have to be some lot line adjustments.  He asked that he not have to show contours for the conservation land.  Mike will call Southwest and discuss this with Eric.

Other Business

The board discussed having extra meetings during September.  Since we have the Law Lecture Series in September, we thought it would be too busy.  It was decided to have the regular meetings on 9/13 and 9/27.  We could have a working meeting on 9/20 if necessary.  Starting with October we will have the 1st Monday as a working meeting if the room is available.  That way we could coordinate with Carol Ogilvie who will be here to look at applications on the 1st Monday of the month.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m.

Jean Cernota