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Planning Board Agenda 12/11/2012
Town of Greenfield, NH
Planning Board Meeting Agenda
Updated December 11, 2012

Dec 17  Re-scheduled meeting due to Christmas- 4th Monday of the month
7:00    Start of Meeting, Minutes from last meeting, mail
        Old Business as time permits-Feedback from Dec 1 Community Conversation
        7:30    Sawmill Estates-Continuation
        8:30    Warrant Articles-Proposed Zoning Ordinance changes due to CPG
                Ordinance Review

Jan 14, 2013    regularly scheduled meeting – 2nd Monday of the month
7:00    Start of Meeting, Minutes from last meeting, mail
        Old Business as time permits-Sawmill estates continuation
        7:30    Public Hearing-Zoning Changes   
        8:30    PCC for Site Plan Review-Smith, Ironton Museum

Jan 21  regularly scheduled meeting- 4th Monday of the month
7:00    Start of Meeting, Minutes from last meeting, mail
        Old Business as time permits-Sawmill Estates continuation
7:30    Public Hearing Zoning Changes   (if necessary)
8:00    Community Planning Grant-Round 2 update
        Planning for Outreach meeting in February

Feb 11  regularly scheduled meeting – 2nd Monday of the month
7:00    Start of Meeting, Minutes from last meeting, mail
        Old Business as time permits-Sawmill estates continuation

Feb 25  regularly scheduled meeting- 4th Monday of the month
7:00    Start of Meeting, Minutes from last meeting, mail
                Old Business as time permits
        7:30    Master Plan
                Community Planning Grant

Future Topics:  
                Master Plan-Future Land Use
                Community Planning Grant