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Planning Board Agenda 02/11/08
Greenfield Planning Board
Monday February 11, 2008
Minutes recorded by Kathleen Carpenter

7:05 pm - Planning Board Meeting Opens

Those Present:  Members Halper, Adams, Carrara, O’Connell, Steere, Fletcher and Borden.  Steere is sitting in for Morris.

Halper reads minutes from last meeting.  Halper moves that minutes be accepted as read.  Borden seconds the motion.  Carrara calls for a vote, all were in favor, the motion passes.

Agenda, Smith will move out 2 weeks.  Halper addresses the Board.

7:20 pm - Final Site Plan Review for Laurel Allgood

Carrara reads from last meetings minutes and lists the 5 deficiencies.  The Board agrees that all deficiencies have been addressed. The Board formally approves the site plan for Laurell Allgood.

7:35 pm - Catherine Heck (Town Treasurer)

Catherine addresses the Board regarding escrow and bonding procedures.  Catherine begins by discussing and verifying what the Board’s needs are, as requested by the Board.  She provides a handout summarizing her findings from the Local Government Center after speaking with the legal department and provides the Board with a good understanding on the process and procedures required. The Board thanks her for her time and work on the matter.

7:45 pm - Open Space Development for Gene Mitchell on Sawmill Road

Nate Chamberlain  from Meridian Land Services is present for the applicant.  Steven Keache from Keache and Nordstrom Associates is present representing the Town of Greenfield as an outside consultant.

The Board reviews the status of the application.  It is noted that the last meeting was December 10, 2008 and that the public hearing was closed at that time.  Chamberlain discusses the changes that were made based on discussions with Steven Keache.  Nothing substantive has been changed to the plan itself, only the changes that were noted by Keache.

Carrara asks for Keache to summarize his recent findings.  Keache speaks to the Board at length about his findings.

Keache’s finding are summarized:

Receipt of state permits <may be a couple of months>
Surety bonding for the road (Chamberlain to provide estimate) <set bond @$5k and escrow, Carrara to discuss and set up>
Counsel review of home owners agreement <Mitchell will provide>
Fire department water source
Final engineering review comments and signoff
Granted waivers should be noted on plat
Payment of all fees
Timeframe for fulfillment if granting of conditional approval (6 months to fulfill conditions)
Lot R2-17-2-5 be captured in phase 2 (to develop only to 600’ line but drainage can be carried to the cut and fill neutral position).
Fox to review and signoff driveways as proposed

Carrara believes that things are going well for this application although it is taking some time.

Carrara asks what the Board thinks should be done tonight.  Carrara notes that the public hearing is over, the review has been summarized, reviewed, and summarized again.  Steere moves that the Board moves into a deliberative phase, Borden seconds the motion, no discussion, Carrara calls for a vote, all are in favor except member O’Connell who abstains.

Halper would like to discuss the size of the bond.  Chamberlain will provide a bond estimate and Keache will review it for the Board.  The Board discusses that the escrow account needs to be opened at the beginning of the application in future cases.  The account needs to be established now for the remainder of the fees for this application.   Keache suggests Steve Shabbot provides an estimate by phase.  The Board shows interest in asking Keache to pursue the estimate.  The Board determines and agrees that the initial escrow be $5,000.00 to cover initial fees.

Steere moves that the Board does not require the applicant to put in a sidewalk or bike path.  Halper seconds, no discussion, all in favor, the motion passes.

Halper discusses the applicant’s request to waive the maximum road grade, from 8.0% to 8.3%, for two specific instances. The Board feels that this will not create a safety problem and that it will diminish cut and fill operations. Halper moves to waive the maximum road grade, from 8.0% to 8.3%, for two specific instances. Seconded by Steere, no discussion, all in favor.

Adams moves that the Board grants the waiver request to not require a high intensity soil survey.  Seconded by Borden, no discussion.  All in favor.

Fletcher moves to waive the criteria for the 200’ minimum vertical length of the road in 3 sections located at the stop signs (as noted page 3, bullet 3 of Keache’s review) at no less than 150’  as shown on the plats.  O’Connell seconds, no discussion.  All were in favor.  The motion passes.

The Board would like to ask the applicant to waive the required planning board action until March 11, 2008.  Carrara schedules Mitchell continuation for March 10, 2008 at 7:30 pm. Chamberlain  authorizes the time waiver on behalf of Mitchell.

9:25 pm - Brooke Leasing

Keache took a copy of plats and storm water drainage report for Brooke Leasing and Development to provide an estimate for engineering consultation review.

9:30 pm - Rick and Linda Griffing Preliminary Conceptual Consultation

Rick and Linda Griffing are present.  Carrara reads the PCC disclaimer.  The Griffings are considering purchasing the ministry center for a restaurant and pub.  Adams asks about handicap access.  Adams asks what the parking situation would be like.  The Griffings would like to be able to provide parking for approximately 100 people, 70 in the restaurant and 30 in the pub.  The issues that would need to be discussed:
Parking, for employees and customers, handicap parking
Septic, the Griffing’s would like to keep existing septic rather than tying into the town
Waste disposal, dumpster
Snow plowing
Handicap access, ramp

Carrara schedules the site plan review for the Griffing’s for March 10, 2008 at 7:30 pm. Site Plan Review for Rick and Linda Griffing formally submitted.

10:00 pm - Planning Board General Business

The Board discusses general business regarding seats on the Board.  
The Board discusses what was found in regards to private roads.  The discrepancy between the subdivision regulations and Open Space requirements needs to be addressed.  Carrara would like to establish a lasting process that will continue through any changes in the Board.   Carrara reads from the NH Planning & Land Use Regulation 2005-2006 paragraph 2-31-32 regarding reclassification of roads.

Fletcher discusses some concerns and reads the regulation specifying the maximum number of lots is the maximum number of dwelling units.  Carrara schedules the discussion for the next meeting of the Board to read through the language and try to clarify it.

10:15pm  Planning Board Business - Mail
Brochure from Local Government Center
2007 Greenfield Building Permits Issuance Summary
Site Plan Review for Rick and Linda Griffing
Memo from Catherine Shaw
2008 Greenfield Building Permits Issuance
Keache-Nordstrom Assoc Review of Mitchell OS Development
UNH Storm water Center 2007 Annual report
PSNH Transmission Line Easements, Procedures and Survey Requirements
CMRC Accessible Trail Min. Impact Expedited Application, various documents, no cover letter.

10:30 pm - End of Meeting

Adams moves to adjourn the meeting, Halper seconds, no discussion, all are in favor.