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Open Space Committee Minutes 1/10/07
Greenfield Open Space Committee
January 10th, 2007

Attended: Jim Chase, Karen Day, Carol Irvin, Lucie Plourde, Laura Putnam, Janet Romanelli

1.      Official Business - Jim and Carol were given their forms - they have to take them to the Town Clerk (Dee Sleeper) and get sworn in.  Karen will get a form ready for Lucie.
2.      Budget hearing - will be on February 8th - all members are encouraged to attend, since our warrant article affects the budget.
3.      Zoning Ordinance Changes - there was something in the paper about it, but it has not yet been posted.  There is a hearing Monday night, January 15th.  Members are encouraged to read up about it and attend the hearing, if possible.
4.      The warrant article
a.      Will the selectboard support it?  They haven’t said.
b.      How to publicize it?
i.      A booth at the Winter Carnival Feb. 3rd & 4th - ask Neal/the GIVers where and when - probably at the chili cook-off, and ask if we can speak about it.
ii.     Poster - put one up at Delay’s, post office, town bulletin board, hand them out, Crotched Mountain Ski Area, library, post it on the website.
iii.    Mailer - should go out around March 1st. Karen will take Laura and Janet’s mockup and work on it.
iv.     A piece in the Transcript-Ledger.
v.      A piece in the Spirit - Carol’s piece is good, but she is looking for feedback.  All members should review it.
vi.     Through the elementary school - a project for the kids, and the parents find out through them.
vii.    A newsletter.
viii.   More people on the committee.
ix.     Yahoo forum
x.      Ask Roger Swain, Monica Lehner, Jeff Timmons, and Sheldon Pennoyer to speak.
xi.     Find out who the owners are of the largest lots and personally invite them to the meeting.
c.      Info to support it
i.      How much land are we losing?  Southwest Planning should be able to supply us, or Catherine may have the info - Jim will obtain it and send it on to Karen for the mailing piece.  It would be good to include a graph with how much land we’re losing.  Building permits don’t show it all - the planning board is scheduled out through May!
ii.     Compare us to Hancock, Francestown - towns we want to emulate.
iii.    Quote the master plan.
iv.     The info from the Build Out.
v.      Karen will ask if Deb has the tax maps in electronic form and will hook up with Lucie, who has access to good map tools.
5.      Website - We now have our own web space on the Town website.  Janet will add the following: Carol Irvin (with phone no.), Laura Putnam  (with phone no.), Jim Chase (no phone no.), Lucie Plourde (no phone no.).
6.      Projects - the Selectboard has stressed that we need a project, and Karen reports that Don Stokes of Hancock reminded her that they want to protect the Contoocook corridor - the Hancock side is largely done, but the Greenfield side needs protection.  He is extremely excited about it and will be back from Florida in April and might arrange a summit of interested parties.  Some options: The Trust for Public Lands could buy it and we would pay them back over time.  Hancock folks are Steve Froland, Chair, and Bill Elliot, and Karen is pretty sure they would be willing to come to a meeting and speak to us, since they are so experienced at this - Janet will e-mail him.
7.      Next steps
a.      See above takeaways.
b.      We need an interim meeting before the next scheduled one on February 14th - Janet will schedule it (Tuesdays are not good for Jim).
c.      We need to focus on getting the warrant article passed, and then we can look at other things.