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Oak Park Committee Minutes 08/26/2013
Oak Park Committee
Meeting Minutes
Monday, August 26, 2013
(The purpose of The Oak Park Committee is to suggest Capital Improvements for Oak Park and, upon approval from the Select Board, proceed to raise funds for the improvement to be done.   The Highway Department is then responsible for the maintenance of the park, with input from the Committee.)

Meeting was called to order at 7:14pm.
Present: John Hopkins, MaryAnn Grant, Lee LeBlanc, Dorene Adams, Lisa Hall, Patrick & Eileen Linzi.
The following items were discussed:
1.      Pavilion:  The concrete floor has been finished and looks great!  John explained that the job cost more than what was originally quoted, which used up almost all the money that was in the account.  All agreed that it needed to be done and will be a “plus” in the rental of the pavilion area in the future.  The Highway Dept. will be putting crushed stone around the edges of the pavilion.  

2.      Oak Park Sign Update:   Lee and MaryAnn said the G.I.V.ers are working on this and may have some options to show us at next months meeting.

3.      Oak Park Gardens Update:   MaryAnn Grant is working on new arrangements for the gardens at the entry of the park.  Hopes to get some flowers in soon, though she has no funds to do so.

4.      Tennis Court Update:  
·       There is a hornet next on the far side of the court by the door, needs spray!  
·       The Weeds need to be pulled up around the court.  
·       The gates need repair.  
·       It would be great to have coin operated lighting at the court.  This idea will go on the “list” for future things.

5.      Volley Ball:  Dorene may have acquired a net, but this may not be done until next Spring.
·       The area needs to be weeded.
·        Permanent pole holders need to be put in place.
·       Measurement of court size and boundaries placed.
·        A net and poles need to be purchased or donated.

6.      Horseshoe Pits:    Sand needs to be added to boxes.

7.      Fields: John is looking into the possibility of installing a water sprinkler system for the football field and installing two, 5000 gallon, underground water storage tanks.  John has spoken with Mike Rector, who has a landscaping business, who may be willing to help us plan and install the sprinkler system.  He has a computer program that could help with the design.  If we had a sprinkler system, the fields would be lush and green. Not this year, but may start planning in 2014.  A separate meeting will be planned to discuss this in detail.   

8.      Pump Track Update:  The pump track was made for the NH 100 race.  Primex, our insurance carrier,  walked the park with John and noted that the track needed to have signs stating use at own risk.  John said that the Trails Association will have the signs made up and placed, as well as improving the track a bit.

9.      Kitchen Area:  The committee will take inventory of all supplies in the kitchen, at the next meeting.   It was noted that a Fire Inspection needs to be done each year.  John has given this information to Tim.  
·       John would like to replace the tables in that are stored in the kitchen from the heavy ones currently there, to the lite weight type.  This will go on the “list” for future things.

10.     Flag Pole Update:  MaryAnn met with the Mountaineers and the Select Board about the use of the large flag pole that was going to be placed by the football field.   They decided to use the large flag pole, which was donated by John, to replace the small pole in front of the baseball field.  John suggested they take a look at the large flag pole, as he didn’t think it was in better shape than the current one.  MaryAnn will check that out and let us know.  
·       Our goal is to have a flag flying at the park and have it illuminated.

11.     Small baseball field Update:  Chris Weeks is planning and working on it.  Will update at next meeting.

12.     Skate Board/Roller Blade/Scooter Area:   Dorene suggested paving a path for kids to use their boards, blades, scooters and bikes.  This would not be a skate board park with jumps etc., but just a path.  
·       Estimated costs of paving and the length and placement of the path need to be determined.  This will go on the list of future potentials.

13.     Playground:   Primex, our insurance carrier, noted a few things that needed to be done at the playground.  The merry-go-round needs a gear box so it slows down on its own and the see-saws need a rubber base on the ground where the seats hit.  John has forwarded this to Tim at the Highway Dept. and he will get it done.

14.     Baseball Field Area:   
·       Dug outs need to be swept and cleaned out (we will do this).
·       Can we put hat pegs in the dug outs?  
·       “Home Team” dug outs need to be painted on the inside.  
·       Plaque on the baseball fence, that faces the parking lot, needs to be repaired and/or cleaned.  
·       Can the white sign on the baseball fence been taken down?
·       The dirt area in front of dug outs, as you step into the dug outs, should have a section of cement or paving that would help keep the dirt, build up, out of the dug outs.  
·       The above items will be forwarded to Tim.

15.     Walking Track:   
·       Lisa noted that there are a lot of weeds growing on the track and should be removed.  Patrick mentioned a “natural” solution of: sea salt, vinegar and dawn dis liquid in a spray bottle.  This information will be forwarded to Tim.

16.     Other Suggestions and Ideas:
·       Landscape Architect Designer:  John would like to see about getting a Landscape Architect designer to help us with future plans for the park.   Will talk about this in the future.   
·       Community Service Helpers:  Lisa suggested getting kids who need community service hours to help with some of the spring cleanup or simple maintenance items.  
·       Grant Opportunities: Lisa suggested finding someone who finds and writes Grants, to help us with improvements to the park.  They usually charge a percentage of what we receive in a Grant.  We will look into this.  
·       Facebook Opportunity: Lisa suggested starting a facebook page for Oak Park so we can let people know of all the uses the park has to offer.  This could boost the usage of the park with Greenfield residents, as well as the rental opportunities.  We need to think “marketing”!  Will seek permission from Select Board for this.

John also mentioned that we will need to vote on officers for the committee and the members will need to be sworn in.  Lisa will speak with Aaron in regards to what exactly we need to do.  We will do this at the next meeting.    

The Next Meeting:
·       The next Oak Park Committee meeting will be held on Monday, Sept. 30, 2013 at 7pm at Oak Park.  We will be taking a complete inventory of the kitchen supplies and items stored in the attic.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20pm with a tour of the kitchen for new members.
Respectfully Submitted,
Dorene Adams, acting secretary
John Hopkins
Matt Phillips
Dorene Adams
MaryAnn Grant
Lee LeBlanc
Lisa Hall
Patrick & Eileen Linzi
Steve Kamieniecki
Chris Weeks