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2006 Town Meeting Schedule

Thursday – October 6, 2005 – Depts. receive 2006 budget packets

Friday - October 21, 2005 – Proposed budgets due to the Selectmen’s Office
*Mail proposed budgets to BudCom & BOS

Thursday -October 27, 2005 – Board of Selectmen review submitted budgets, *Selectmen invite Dept. Heads to join them to review and discuss changes made to your budgets and why they are needed.

Thursday - November 10, 2005 – Board of Selectmen meet with Department Heads and Bud Com -

  Discuss any warrant articles that will be proposed in March

Friday - November 17, 2005 – Budget Committee Members will be provided with a copy of proposed budgets this week, as were discussed with the Board of Selectmen

If needed meet independently within the next month with Budget Committee Members to discuss budgets

Thursday - December 15, 2005– Meet with Dept. Heads/Budget Committee again to discuss proposed budgets

If needed meet during the next week or two with  Selectmen and/or Budget Committee for more discussion on proposed budgets again.

Monday – January 9, 2006 –  First day to accept petitions  to amend the zoning ordiance, building code etc. RSA 675:4

Thurday - January 12, 2006 - Yearly Reports for Town Report Due to Central Office, no later than 5 pm.

Friday, January 13, 2006 -   First day to hold a public hearing on bond or note issues over $100,000.  Notice of time, place and subject of hearing must be published at least 7 days before the hearing.  RSA 33:8-a,I.

Tuesday - February 7, 2006 -  Last day for petitioned warrant articles
RSA 39:3
Departments must have warrant articles in by now also

Thursday - February 17, 2006 -  Last day to hold at least one Public Hearing- “Mini Town Meeting” to discuss the proposed 2006 budget. RSA 32:5, I & V
(If additional hearings are needed we can do so with 7 days public notice, earlier hearings are also acceptable)

Monday, February 20, 2006 – Last day day to publish notice of a public hearing on bond or note issues over $100,000.  Notice of time, place and subject of hearing must be published at least 7 days before the hearing.  RSA 33:8-a,I.

Monday, February 27, 2006Last day day to hold a public hearing on bond or note issues over $100,000.  Notice of time, place and subject of hearing must be published at least 7 days before the hearing.  RSA 33:8-a,I.

Monday, February 27, 2006 – Warrant & Budget must be posted at all polling places & at clerks office or town hall. Warrant shall state place, day and hour of election, hours polls are open & which items will be voted by ballot. RSA 39:5; 31:95; 669:2.

March 14, 2006 – Town Meeting for voting – adjourn meeting and reconvene on Friday, March 17, 2006 @ 7:00 pm. (Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!!)