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Library Minutes 12/03/2014
Stephenson Memorial Library Trustees Meeting
Meeting Minutes
December 3, 2014
Minutes recorded by Bob Marshall

Present: Neal Brown, Julie Steenson, Jami Bascom, Bruce Dodge, Mary Ann Grant, Bob Marshall

7:02 Review of Minutes of Nov. 5, 2014
The following substantive changes were made:
  • Line 25: Change the word software to “Apollo Integrated Library System (ILS). New sentence to read “…Biblionix Apollo Integrated Library System (ILS)….”
  • Line 27: Change sentence to read “The migration fee and the new two month fee for the new ILS will be expended from the 2014 budget.
  • Line 28, after the word budget, Add: “The 2015 annual  fee will be paid in 2015 funds allocated in the budget for the ILS-formerly Alexandria.”
Bruce Dodge moved to accept the minutes as amended. Neal Brown seconded. All in favor, the motion carried.

7:09 Treasurer’s Report
  • A Julie Steenson led a general discussion about various line items and expenditures anticipated by the end of the year. She has already scheduled two NH Humanities Council programs for 2015.
  • Julie explained that our Sanford furnace expenses resulted in a payment of $500 from our budget and Aaron Patt provided the balance from the General Fund.
  • Julie explained that our current practice of recycling barcodes was not a good one and we’ll not continue the practice. Our new Apollo ILS will enable us to use labels we’ll purchase as a supply and print new labels for books.
Neal Brown moved to accept the Treasurers Report as presented. Jami Bascom seconded. All in favor, the motion carried.

7:16 Director’s Report
Julie handed out her directors report and proceeded to address issues of concern for her. She was asked if she anticipated any problems with the transfer to Apollo ILS? She said she had not encountered any glitches yet. She noted the following:
  • We’ve had a clean upload of our data.
  • We will be cleaning up our card holders list, identifying residents and other categories
  • She expressed concern that we are having difficulty interfacing between the demands of Apollo and our computers and software set-up. Andre Wood has been cooperative and providing support but Julie is concerned that the circulation computers will not be ready for a smooth transition to the Apollo start up that begins next Wednesday, December 10.
Action: Bruce Dodge will contact Andre and try to facilitate the transition on next Wednesday..

Julie handed out a list of databases available to patrons through the Granite State Library System. She indicated that she can create brief tutorials on computer/Apollo ILS use that are stored in the “Cloud” and can be accessed via our computers or from home computers via the Town’s website. She indicated that she is also willing to provide short teaching sessions complete with handouts to help educate patrons in technology use. Jami Basom asked if she could also do a class for Trustees so we could become advocates of the system. Julie said she would.

Neal Brown congratulated Julie on a great presentation and explanation of our budget to selectmen. He also felt that her explanation of her philosophy and the Library’s role in the community was excellent.
Julie raised the question about having a Petty Cash account. She had been to a recent conference and found an opportunity to purchase some materials and had to use her own funds. Discussion ensued about prior experience with Petty Cash and accounting practices. Action:  Mary Ann Grant will explore getting a credit card for use for small purchases/petty cash.

Library sign: Julie noted that Tim Murray has really gone out of his way to help with Library building issues. He has volunteered to dig the holes for sign placement. We need to know where to locate the sign. Action: Neal Brown will go out with Bruce Dodge after this meeting to locate where the sign should go and Neal will place markers tomorrow.

A brief discussion ensued about the impact of plowing from the Thanksgiving snowstorm. Tim assured us that damage resulting from the plowing will be repaired in the spring.

Julie expressed concern about the front door and ability to lock same. She will be paying attention to that issue. She also noted that we had a young child go down the front stairway into the cellar. Neal Brown said we need to install a “Staff Only” sign or some signage to that effect.

Julie asked if any news had been received from Bill Harper re: engineering consultants to make recommendations about how to proceed with cellar repairs so we could get some bids.
Action: Mary Ann Grant will contact Bill Harper for a Structural Engineer recommendation so we can get engineering specifications needed to proceed with the bidding process.

Julie presented a Photo release proposal to be signed by parents so we could use photos of children engaged in Library activities. Jami Bascom moved to accept the proposed release. Bruce Dodge seconded. All in favor, the motion carried.

8:27 Other items on the agenda:
The Youth Services Librarian, 2015 budget items and Basement leak had already been discussed in the context of the Director’s report..

Julie reported on policy initiatives and identified her priorities. Jami will review our recent policy work and share that with Julie. We’ll discuss these at our next meeting.

Neal Brown brought up potential conflict of sponsorship of the Spirit for the Feb/March issue. IF the Fire Department wants to sponsor that issue, the Library will look toward sponsorship later-perhaps in the June/July issue where we could promote the Summer Reading Program.

8:35 Adjournment:
Jami Bascom moved to adjourn. Bruce Dodge seconded. All in favor, the motion carried.