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Library Minutes 10/16/2013
Stephenson Memorial Library
Special Board of Trustees Meeting
Wednesday October 16, 2013   
Minutes recorded by Bob Marshall

Present: Sheldon Pennoyer, Kristin Readel, Gail Smith, Mary Ann Grant, Jami Bascom, Bob Marshall, Neal Brown, Bruce Dodge

7:35 Parking Lot
Sheldon Pennoyer was present to discuss his concept draft of a parking lot proposal. He explained the rationale for his design. Members of the Board offered their preferences and discussed the various advantages and disadvantages of the proposal.

It was felt by Trustees that a design that moved the lot more to the rear would better fit the site, be consistent with the Neighborhood Heritage District suggestions currently under consideration, better suit neighbors, include a larger buffer between the lot and the Library building and provide for better use of the site in general. The proposal would increase parking lot size to accommodate 24 parking spaces, double what currently exists.

Sheldon quickly sketched those adjustments as part of the conversation. The Trustees liked the concept and Mr. Pennoyer will draft a more detailed concept drawing (similar in scope to the first draft, but including square footage and acreage needed) for the Trustees use.

8:45 Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45.
