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Library Minutes 10/09/2013
Stephenson Memorial Library
Special Board of Trustees Meeting
Wednesday October 9, 2013   
Minutes recorded by Bob Marshall

Present: Mary Ann Grant, Jami Bascom, Bob Marshall, Neal Brown, Bruce Dodge

7:40: Parking Lot
As Sheldon Pennoyer was not present due to an unforeseen meeting called by a client. NBrown proposed that we reschedule for October 16, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. in the Wensburg Room.

7:45: Budget
Mary Ann Grant reported a $4727.21 balance in the checkbook.
        Discussion ensued about last year’s book line in the budget. Recognizing the immediate need     for painting to the building, the Trustees reduced our book line to $3250, a reduction of more than half. JBascom felt that we really needed to get this line back to a more realistic number. NBrown said that we had been able to reduce this line last year because we had approached the Friends of the Library and got support from the Merrill fund. Those resources are now reduced and we need to restore this line.

        After a brief discussion, it was agreed that we would submit a 4% increase in wages for our two Librarians.

        Front Steps Repair:
        NBrown asked for the authority to expend $500 from our current budget to make repairs   to the  front stairs to support them and reduce water damage in the basement. After a brief discussion, the Trustees agreed. The money will come from our heating line.

8:15    Staff Evaluation
GSmith has completed her assessment of Kristin and her evaluation will be provided. Discussion ensued about the roles of the Library Director and Children’s Librarian. We currently do not have an assessment instrument for the Library Director.
BMarshall suggested that we need to develop an assessment instrument for the Library Director based on the Library Director’s job description recently adopted. He proposed that we develop such an instrument soon and begin a bi-annual observation followed by a meeting and review of the results between the Library Director and her/his assessor. The results of these reviews would then be available to the Trustees by September 1 to be ready for budget.

BDodge suggested that NBrown and BMarshall work in conjunction with GSmith to develop an instrument that could be used next year to evaluate the Library Director. They agreed to do so.

9:00 Adjournment
JBascom moved to adjourn. NBrown seconded, all in favor, the motion passed.