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Library Minutes 05/01/2013 Preliminary

Present: Jami Bascom, Bruce Dodge, Mary Ann Grant, Gail Smith, Neal Brown, Scott Jones.
Absent: Bob Marshall, Kristin Readel.
Minutes recorded by Patricia LaPree.

7:07 PM – The meeting was called to order by Chairman Brown.
     Treasurer’s report:
Mary Ann reported that the meeting with the auditors went well. The firm that did the audit of the Library is the same as the one used by the Town.
The Trustees reviewed the year to date budget expenditures outlined in the report from the Town as of 04.28.13. It was noted that the building repairs and maintenance fund is at 42.5% expended and heating fuel is at 49.3%f expended. ACTION: Scott will meet with Mike Borden about the installation of the other two new windows as soon as possible.
As of 05.01.13, the Library checking account has a balance of $3768.78. There was $93.11 deposited into the account, and there was revenue in the amount of $31.50 from copies. There will be a $75.00 reimbursement coming from the New Hampshire Library Trustees Association.
Mary Ann also provided the Trustees with a report on the expenditures from the Merrill fund for annual book expenditures from 2010 to present.
Bruce made the motion to accept the Treasurer’s report as presented. The motion was seconded by Neal and the vote was unanimous in the affirmative to accept the report.

7:15 PM – Update on the spreadsheet development:
Bruce reported that the Town does not have a multiple user license for Microsoft Office or Excel. There is $300.00 available in the budget for computer software. The motion was made to have Bruce find the best deal for purchasing Microsoft Excel software and expend the funds needed from the budget by Jami and was seconded by Neal. The vote was unanimous in the affirmative to pass the motion. ACTION: Bruce will obtain Microsoft Excel for installation on the Library staff computers.

7:20 PM – Librarian’s report:
Gail provided the Trustees with the monthly statistical report for library usage. Gail reported that Kristin did not have an opportunity to contact Alexandria regarding statistical retirement. Gail did note that circulation continues to increase and that they are using the bar code system to track public computer use.
National library week went very well and there were lots of visitors. Gail and Kristin also went to Warner, NH for World Library Day and brought back 20 books that they gave away to residents.
Gail reported that Kristin is doing well at home, and that the volunteer staffing in her absence is also working out very well. Mary Ann suggested that the Trustees send Kristin a get well gift. It was decided that an Edible Arrangement would be the choice. A motion was made by Jami that Mary Ann can purchase the gift and use money from the Library checking account for the purchase. The motion was seconded by Neal and the vote was unanimous in the affirmative to make the purchase. ACTION: Mary Ann will purchase and send a get well gift for Kristin.

7:33 PM – Update on the parking lot expansion. Neal stated that he will talk with Aaron Patt, Town Administrator about the best way to proceed.

7:34 – Review of the preliminary minutes for the meeting on 04.03.13:
There was one grammatical error. On line 72, the sentence reads “… fro March” and it should read “…from March”. (The minutes taker acknowledges and thanks Bob for suggesting using line numbering). The motion was made to accept the minutes as corrected by Neal and it was seconded by Bruce. The vote was unanimous in the affirmative to accept the corrected minutes. ACTION: Pat will correct the minutes and send them to the Town Administrator to be put on the Town website.

7:37 PM - Election of Officers:
Neal opened the discussion about how the elections should be held. Bruce stated that according to Robert’s Rules of Order, the Chair can appoint all other officers including themselves. Jami read from RSA 202-A: 11 that the Trustees have the authority to write the by laws, which includes how the elections are held. The existing by laws state that the officers positions should rotate and that no one can hold an office for more than three terms. The Officers were assigned as follows for this year:
Neal Brown – Chair.
Jami Bascom – Secretary.
Mary Ann Grant – Treasurer.
ACTION: Neal will write a letter to the Board of Selectmen recommending that Mary Ann, Scott and Bob be sworn in as alternates.
There was a brief discussion about whether the Library should have permanent Trustees. ACTION: Jami will consult with the NHLTA about the question.

7:55 PM – Update on Policy Development:
Jami and Bruce are meeting on May 8 and Kristin has offered consultation n update via computer while out on leave.

7:58 PM – Other Business:
1)      Sign update from Bruce. He reported that he has updated the design to include the blueberry theme. He also reported that he is going to research the possibility of a Styrofoam sin because it can be laser cut and colored. Mary Ann asked if David Bridgewater is still going to be considered for making a wooden sign. Bruce noted that David needs a full size mock up of he sign to work from, which Bruce has not yet produced, and that David does not consider himself a sign maker, but he will be considered and informed about the sign.
2)      The NHLTA conference is on May 20. Jami will drive and everyone attending will meet at the Library at 7:15 AM. All attendees have registered for their seminars.
3)      Neal reported that he will approach the TA about the liability to the Town from the ice buildup on the Library roof. Scott suggested that heat tape might rectify the problem and it could be put on a timer to keep the electric usage down.
4)      Scott reported that he will have the Scouts work on and maintain the two gardens at the Library this year. He will consult with a landscaper to come up with a plan for the scouts. Mary Ann reported that the TA wants a plan for the gardens, and that the library needs to know whether the Town will be doing repairs on the basement because that might affect the garden plan.

8:12 PM - The motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Neal and seconded by Bruce. The vote was unanimous in the affirmative to close the meeting
The next meeting of the Trustees will be held on Wednesday, June 5, 2013 at 7:00 PM at the Library.

Respectfully submitted,
Patricia LaPree