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Library Minutes 10/03/2012

Present:  Neal Brown, Gail Smith , Scott Jones, Mary Anne Grant, Bob Marshall, Kristin Readel.
Absent: Bruce Dodge, Jami Bascom.
Guest: Ken Paulson, Budget Committee member

Minutes taken by Pat La Pree

7:07 PM- The meeting was called to order by Chairman Brown. Neal requested that Scott Jones and Mary Ann Grant be appointed to be voting members for the evening. They both agreed to do so.
1)      Review of the preliminary minutes for the September 5, 2012 meeting. The minutes were reviewed by the Testers. Neal made the motion to accept the minutes as written and Mary Anne seconded the motion. The vote to accept was unanimous in the affirmative. ACTION: Pat will post the September 5 minutes on the Town website.
2)      Review of action items from last meeting:
a) Neal is in contact with the DPW Director about the painting of the Library building and other maintenance needs for the Library.
b) Pat amended the August minutes as noted.
c) Scott had the Boy Scouts come out and work on the grounds of the Library as a community project. The job was very well done and the grounds are ready for spring preparation. Bob stated that he has heard positive feedback from residents about the project.
d) Jami did convene another meeting to continue work on the Library by-laws. The report of that meeting will be tabled until next month's meeting due to Jami and Bruce's absence this month.
e) Neal did contact Sanford about the increased cost associated with the use of heat pumps in the bid they provided the Trustees for work on installation of air conditioning in the Library. Neal reports that the cost increase would be minimal due to the high rate of efficiency of the heat pumps

7:12 PM- Report on the sign and window project: Scott reported that Classic Signs of Amherst, NH is willing to come to a future Trustee meeting to assist with the sign. Neal suggested tabling the discussion until the next meeting due to Bruce's absence.
Scott reported that the prototype storm window that Mike Cavanaugh made will go on the window to the left of the fireplace in the Library to see if it makes a difference as a wind break and decreases draftiness. Mike Borden can make two windows for a bid of $1000.00. This will be determined after the prototype has been up for this winter.

7:19 PM- Review of the Budget Proposal and explanations for Fiscal Year 2013: Neal comprised a six page document after the Trustees met for a budget work meeting on September 12 and copies were provided to the Trustees and Ken for review and discussion.
a)  Education and Conventions: there is an increase of 100% over last year's line item, from $ 400.00 to $800.00.This is needed due to the cost of training for the Alexandria system for the Library staff.
b) Fire and Security System: Neal questioned whether this line item is appropriate. It is the same amount as last year, $800.00. Neal wants to make sure there are no other costs that need to be factored in. Gail reports that the amount is accurate because it represents what is needed for annual service, inspection and battery replacement.
c) Heating Fuel:  Is at $7700.00, which is the same as last year. The figure is an estimate, since there are so many unknowns. Variables include number of heating days, the contract price at which the Town and the vendor agree, the temperature and windiness of the upcoming winter.
d) Programs and Entertainment:  Is at $1000.00.The line item is a decrease by 33% from the 2012 budget allocation. Neal wrote an explanation that addresses the decrease in attendance in 2012 despite increased diversity of programming and increased advertising and considers a change in the format of programming in 2013 to be in collaboration with other Town entities. Neal asked for feedback from the staff and they stated that his explanation was clear and concise.
e) Building Repairs and Maintenance:  Is at $2,200.00. The $1000.00 increase represents the cost of the construction and installation of two new windows at the Library in 2013. The goal is to continue to replace needed windows at one to two a year to better manage the expense of replacement in the budget. The oil burner needs ongoing overhaul. The   ignition electrodes replacement will be done this year, and the fuel filter housing will come out of next year's budget.
f) Ken asked for clarification about the costs associated with the Alexandria system in the budget and noted that he did not know about the upgrade to the Alexandria system. He suggested that residents may benefit from an article in the Spirit about the new system and what is does and can do for the Library. ACTION: Library staff will write an article for the Spirit about the Alexandria system.
g) Non-Town Resources and Accounts:  The Merrill Fund has been disbursed tot eh Friends of the Library in the amount of $6789.56 this year. 55% is designated for books and 45% is designated for construction. Discussion followed about getting exact expenditure figures in anticipation of budget negotiations. Neal and Mary Ann will collaborate in this process. ACTION: Mary Ann will get exact numbers from Chris Jordan and provide a year to date balance for the Technology Fund. Revenue from  the sale of used books, the Xerox copier fines, the rental of the Wensberg Room are reflected in the current balance in the Library checking account and will be compiled for budget negotiations.
h) Other budget line items summary:
i)      Books/Periodicals: $6350.00, is same amount as last year.
ii)     Clerical Services: $648.00, is same as last year
iii)    Computer Equipment/Accessories: $350.00, up 75% from last year to accommodate replacement of faulty or worn out equipment.
iv)     Computer Software: $3000.00, is the same as last year.
v)      Dues and Professional Expenses: $200.00, is the same as last year.
vi)     Electricity: $4000.00, is up 11% from last year in anticipation of increased rates and being open 4 days a week.
vii)    General Supplies and Postage: $1500.00, up from $1250.00 in 2012 to anticipate increased costs in this category.
viii)   Office Equipment: $5.00, remains unchanged from last year.
ix)     Mileage: $300.00, up from $200.00 in 2012 to better reflect the mileage usage of the Staff and Trustees in 2013.
x)      Part-time Wages: $48.484.00, up from 47, 533.00 in 2012. This represents a 2% wage increase for each of the two staff members.
xi)     Sewer Fees: $618.00, which is the same as last year and the actual assessment expected in 2013.
xii)    Telephone: $1800.00, up from $1700.00 in 2012 to anticipate rate increases from Fairpoint for the two lines in the Library (one for the main desk, one for DSL service).
xiii)   Total Budget Summary: The total 2012 budget was $75,804.00 and the 2013 total is $80,055.00 which is a 5.61% increase overall.
Neal made the motion to accept the Budget Proposal as written, Mary Ann seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous in the affirmative.

8:15 PM – Spending/Treasurer's report: Mary Ann reported that the budget continues to be on target for the remainder of the year. She suggested that the Trustees review the 2012 budget at the next meeting to expend the remainder by the end of the year. Scott Jones can purchase new computer keyboards with larger letters and new mice for the public computers. Gail reported that the printers were not working for several days in the last month until Andre Wood got them working again. Discussion followed about how to expend monies in the 2012 budget. Bob recommended that the Town office be contacted and asked to transfer monies from one (or more) line items in the current budget to office equipment in order to purchase the new telephones, a new copier and keyboards/mice, and transfer funds from the program budget to building maintenance to purchase another storm window for the Library. ACTION: Gail will contact the Town Office about the funds transfers and contact Sanford to replace the ignition diodes in the furnace. Scott will talk to Mike Borden about the construction of another window. The $4169.46 balance left in the line item for heating fuel will be meant to last until March 2013 if at all possible.

8:35 PM – Librarian's Corner:  
a) Town Administrator Aaron Patt visited the Library last week and told the staff that they need to keep their hours at 29.5 a week. The staff received clarification as to how twelve hour days and holidays should be written on their time cards so as to adhere to 29.5 hours a week.
b) A thank you note will be sent to the Boy Scouts, and a Thank You will also be published in the next issue of the Spirit. Mary Ann suggested that a sign be put outside on the grounds acknowledging the Boy Scouts and their hard work.
c)There was a brief discussion about how to recruit and use volunteers at the Library. Kristin noted that the Library is not allowed to have volunteers under the age of 14 without supervision.

8:45 PM – Other Business:
a) Bob reported that he attended a forum on the Fast Roads project to bring broadband service to rural areas, including Greenfield, and noted that it was prevalent in the discussions at the forum about how important libraries are in the infrastructure for broadband.
b) The Weston Lab trip is scheduled for Friday, October 12. Bob, Jami, Kristin and Neal will attend.

8:55 PM – Neal motioned to adjourn the meeting at this time. The motion was seconded by Mary Ann and the vote was unanimous in the affirmative.
The next meeting of the Trustees will be on Wednesday, November 7, 2012 at 7:00 PM at the Library.

Respectfully Submitted,

Patricia La Pree