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Library Minutes 08/01/2012 Preliminary

Present: Jami Bascom, acting Chair, Bruce Dodge, Mary Ann Grant, Kristin Readel, Gail Smith.
Absent: Neal Brown, Bob Marshall, Scott Jones

7:03PM- The meeting was called to order by Jami. Jami asked Mary Ann to act as a voting member for the meeting in place of Bob Marshall. Mary Ann agreed to do so.
7:08 PM- Review of the minutes of the June 27, 2012 meeting. One change was made: page three, under “old business”, subsection 2, and line three: “ ACTION…DPW Director abut” changed to “…Director about”.
Te motion to accept the minutes as amended was made by Jami, seconded by Bruce. The vote to accept was unanimous in the affirmative. ACTION: Pat will amend the minutes and have them posted on the Town website, as well as send an amended copy to the Trustee’s secretary to put a hard copy in her book of records.

7:10 PM: Spending and Treasurer’s report review:
Mary Ann reported that the balance in the Library checking account is 3811.51 as of August 1, 2012.In the Merrill account, the Computer account balance is 235.10, Book funds balance is 5676.64, and the Construction funds balance is 4864.33. Discussion followed about several line item expenditures on the report from the Town as of August 1. Andre Wood has been doing work to fix the connectivity problems at the Library, but has not yet billed the Library for these services, which will be paid out of the computer support/maintenance line. ACTION: Mary Ann will follow up with Andre about getting bills to the Library in a timely fashion so the budget line item expenditures can be tracked. Kristen reported that attendance at the summer programs has been small, and that other area libraries are experiencing the same thing. Discussion ensued abut why the attendance is low and how that might be changed. Staff reported that the participation in the photography contest was good, and Gail suggested using some of the programming budget to purchase nice prizes and run more contests. Kristin asked the Trustees to give them any ideas for Fall/Winter programs. Status of the book budget was discussed, and Kristin noted that the beginning of the school year is a time for increased expenditures. The DVD Library received a substantial donation of DVDs and the Library has replaced many classics, so there is a good variety available for patrons. Periodicals continue to be popular, and Staff has added eight more Adult titles to the section . Discussion followed about the possible use of digital periodicals, more children’s titles as well as teen/young adult periodicals. Staff asked about the acquisition of a magazine rack for the Library form the office equipment line, and the Trustees thought that was a good idea. ACTION: Gail will look at some racks and bring the cost information back to the Trustees.
The motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s report by Mary Ann and seconded by Bruce. The vote to accept was unanimous in the affirmative.

7:40 PM- Librarians Corner
A)      Building Maintenance List: Staff attended a Department Head meeting and generated an annual maintenance list for the DPW to perform. Discussion ensued about lawn maintenance and what needs to be done and by whom. Review of the NHRSA 202 A:4, regarding the maintenance of the Town property by the Town. The Town Administrator has told the Library staff to weed outside of the Library building. Action: Mary Ann will talk to the TA as a Trustee of the Library about the Trustee’s concerns. The Trustees do not want the Library staff to weed the Library lawn
B)      Sponsorship of the Spirit: The Library last did this in 2000. No decision was made about sponsoring an issue. The current cost to sponsor an issue 100.00.
C)      Latest Library Statistics: Gail has generated her monthly report, augmented with data form Alexandria, which generates hourly and daily information. There is an increase in checkouts during the hours of 11 AM and 12 Noon. Saturday hours are being well utilized.
D)      Status of the transfer of data to the Alexandria system: The progress is going well. The volunteer will be at the Library for a total of 16 weeks, and the average cataloging that is getting completed is 2000 volumes every two weeks. New arrivals are cataloged on arrival.
E)      Status of new scanners: Kristin reports that the work station for the volunteer that Andre configured with a scanner is working fine, so there is no need for more hand held scanners. Gail did purchase two pairs of speakers for the computers and has not yet submitted the cost of 30.00 because she wanted to make sure they would serve the purposes for the staff and patrons.
F)      Air conditioning for the Library: Sanford is coming on August 2 to give estimates for some options for air conditioning the Library. To date, Pinney Plumbing and Heating did not return Gail’s call asking them for a bid.
G)      Other business: The weather station will be tabled until the September meeting.

8:15 PM: The Weston Laboratories trip will be rescheduled in September.
8:18PM: Devising a schedule and process for constructing the 2013 budget:
Neal provided a copy of the 2012 budget to all the Trustees and staff for review via e-mail before today’s meeting. There was an agreement that a meeting will be held before the next Trustees meeting in September. Discussion followed about what information should be gathered before a working meeting. Information will include programs that occurred in the last year, and which were sponsored by the Friends of the Library , new expenditures anticipated for next year, Sanford’s air conditioning estimate, the  cost of a service contract with Andre Wood, Alexandria costs in 2013, upcoming costs for the static IP address for the Library and other computer  needs, and conferences and workshops in 2013.  ACTION: the working meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 22 @ 6:30 PM at the Library.
8:40 PM- Update on Library sign: It is tabled until the September meeting. Bruce has had work obligations that have kept him from working on the project.
8:42 PM- Update on Action items:  Mary Ann has submitted an invoice for clerical services to the Town.
Mary Ann followed up on the question abut whether the Merrill fund could e used for maintenance the Library; it cannot be used for that purpose.
All other action items were done, with the exception of the outcome of Neal having talked to the TA about the Library budget and the DPW about maintenance issues.
8:49 pm: Other business: The trustees approved the expense of the Library staff purchasing a new phone for the library.
There is an upcoming New Hampshire Library trustee Association workshop for new trustees.
The blueberry Jamboree: the Friends of the Library are having a book sale and the Library will be open. Trustees will also attend as they can.

8:54 PM: The motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Bruce and seconded by Mary Ann. The vote was unanimous in the affirmative.
The next Board of Trustees meeting will be September 7, 2012 at 7:00 PM at the Stephenson Memorial Library.

Respectfully submitted,
Patricia LaPree