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Library Minutes 2/01/12 Preliminary
FEBRUARY 1, 2012

PRESENT:  Mary Ann Grant, Bob Marshall, Kristen Readel, Gail Smith, Scott Jones, Bruce Dodge, Neal Brown, Jami Bascom

MINUTES TAKER: Patricia LaPree

7:00 PM: The meeting was called to order by Chair, Neal Brown.
A brief discussion was held regarding the Trustee positions open for the 2012 ballot. There continues to be a question as to whether there is a two-year and a three year position open for election in 2012. ACTION: Jami will clarify it with the Town Clerk when she signs up for to run for another three-year term on February 3.
Scott Jones is interested in being an alternate Trustee. ACTION: Neal will inform the Select Board.

7:10 PM:  Review of the January 4, 2012 minutes.
The Trustees reviewed minutes. A discussion ensued regarding whether there should be a written posting on the wall in the library of the newly adopted policy regarding the use of the public computers until it can be put on the computers as wallpaper. ACTION: Kristen will revise the existing policy to make it as clear as possible and e-mail it to the Trustees, then will post it .
Bruce moved to accept the minutes as written, and Jami seconded it. The motion passed unanimously.

7:30 PM:  Souhegan Area Trustees gathering:
Stephenson Memorial Library will be hosting the Souhegan Valley Area Trustee gathering on April 5 from 6:30-8:00PM. It will be held in the lobby of the library and snacks will be provided. ACTION: Mary Ann will invite trustees from the Dublin and Antrim area for whom she has emails.

7:35 PM:  Treasurer’s and Statistical Reports:
Mary Ann presented the Treasurer’s report to date. She noted that there were a small number of overages in the 2011 Budget, some of which were costs that the Library has no control over, such as utilities. She also noted that due to a lack of timeliness in using funds allocated before the 2011 budget closed, there was a loss of approximately 5% of the budget. She suggested that the Trustees note the areas of overage for the 2013 budget and there was a discussion as to how the current budget can be better managed in the coming year. Bob suggested that in addition to the monthly reports provided by the accountant, the library staff might keep a monthly spreadsheet to record expenditures. Bruce suggested that it may also help the Trustees track the budget better, because the monthly accrual print out from the accountant may not always show expenditures within the month due to the Town’s accounts payable cycle. The goal should be to utilize the budget as completely as possible. ACTION: Mary Ann will further break down the monthly treasurer report by invoice numbers paid.
Statistical Report:
Gail presented statistics for December 2011/January 2012. The number of visitors and circulation were both up in January from December. There was increased computer use in January over December. Kristen noted that there were fewer open days in December due to the holidays, and she thinks the new Alexandria system will assist the staff in keeping more accurate record of circulation, Inter Library Loans, new cards issued.

7:55 PM: Neal reminded every one that the Budget Hearing is February 9 at 6:30 PM at the Town Office.
He hopes that all Trustees and Library staff that can be there will be there.

8:00 PM: Gail and Kristen’s Issues for discussion:
  • Alexandria Deal: Kristen reports that the contract has been signed and the check has been sent for the acquisition of the Alexandria system. The contract is for 10 simultaneous users (vs. 15 in the original contract). Kristen requests that the Library be closed for the staff to train on the system after it is installed. ACTION: The Library will be closed when the staff is trained on the new system.
  • KA Electric: They never did come through to do the work before the end of the budget year 2011, so that was 800.00 lost in the budget for that work. ACTION: Neal will call KA Electric and inform them of it.
  • Bob asked for clarification as to what else is needed for more shelves on the new bookcases. Kristen stated that two more units will be needed. ACTION: Bob will get a price and a time frame for installation and bring it to the next meeting.
  • Mike Kavenaugh was not able to attend tonight’s meeting as planned. Gail reports that he has offered to make exterior wood framed, stiff plastic storm windows for the old part of the building at a general price of $50.00 per window. He has also agreed to caulk more as needed. The Trustees agree that the “short –term fix” that Mr. Kavenaugh has offered to do is worth the money. Mary Ann suggested that the Trustees give Mr. Kavenaugh a gift in Thanks for all his hard work. ACTION: Gail will get a firm quote for the windows and ask him to attend the next trustee meeting. Mary Ann will research a gift basket for him.
The Trustees discussed planning for future improvements to the building, to include painting and energy efficient windows where needed, plan for the expenditures in a future budget as a CIP and ask the Town Administrator to seek out grants for the costs after the Trustees have provided proposals for the improvements There were no decisions made and this will be an ongoing discussion.

8:25 PM: Plans for Town Meeting:
Neal asks that we let any interested patrons and Friends of the Library to come to Town Meeting to show their support for the Library. Kristen suggested that Trustees/ Friends/Staff/ Minutes Taker wear nametags at town meeting identifying ourselves and our role at the Library. Bob asked that Trustees be prepared to answer questions of the Town, and to defend the 2012 budget. Neal proposed a one-page handout specifically addressing the costs associated with the Library being open an extra day. ACTION: Neal will mock up a handout and bring it to the March Trustee meeting.

8:35: Report on Library Director Position job Description:
Jami and Neal have met and have compiled a job description that will be ready to be presented at the next Trustee meeting. Bruce asked if the description should include a component that identifies the Community Center function of the library. Discussion concluded that the description could be amended when there is a clearer idea of what that component will be in the future.

8:39 PM: Written Policy prohibiting firearms in the Library:
Neal opened a brief discussion on the issue, and it was decided to table it until the next meeting. ACTION: Kristen will talk with the Police Chief about the NH gun laws and report back next meeting.

8:45 PM: Space and Sign Subcommittee report:
Bob reports that he hasn’t proceeded with space needs since John Gryval brought up the possibilities associated with using the Library as a part of emergency management planning. ACTION: Bob will follow up with Emergency Planning Director Gryval and will report back at the March Trustee meeting. He also asked for feedback from the staff on how space is working with the new bookcases in place.
Jami, Bruce and Kristen will be meeting on February 7 to continue the planning and design of the new sign.

8:50 PM: Other Business:
Kristen suggested that National Library Week (April 8-14) would be a good week to dedicate the plaques for the new computers, launch and inform the public of the new hours and have an open house for the whole Town. This will be discussed further at the next Trustee meeting.

8:55 PM: Jami made a motion to adjourn the meeting at this time. Bruce seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned.

Next Meeting will be Wednesday, March 7 at 7:00 Pm at the Library.

Respectfully Submitted,

Patricia LaPree