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Library Minutes 12/13/2016

Present:  Jami Bascom, Neal Brown, Ray Cilley, Bruce Dodge, MaryAnn Grant, Julie Perrin, Stephen Atherton, Margaret Charig Bliss, Robert Marshall, Aaron Patt

6:36 PM – Chairman Dodge called the meeting to order and welcomed the Selectboard Members and Town Administrator.

A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the 5 Bid Proposals for the Foundation and Drain Improvement Project at the Library. Ray reviewed our current standing with one low bid, two mid range bids, and two high bids.  ACTION:  Ray will follow up with reference checks for the two bids being considered by the Trustees.  He will also set up a meeting with the low bidder, Mike Borden, and Rick McQuade for January 11th or 12th, 2017.

As the final selection of provider was not determined at this time, a discussion followed regarding the wording and amount of money being requested for the Warrant Article for Town Meeting 2017.  Bruce made the motion to amend the Warrant Article Draft to include the dollar amount of $62,000 and to not include the name of the bid company.  Neal seconded the motion. The roll call vote was 3-0 in the affirmative.  ACTION:  Julie will send the amended warrant draft article to Aaron Patt.

7:25 PM – The Select Board members and the Town Administrator left the meeting at this time.

7:26 PM – Library Director Posting:  The Trustees reviewed the Posting Document that Neal and Julie created along with the current Library Director’s Job Description.  It was decided to add the e-mail address for the Library Director to the Posting Document.  

Julie suggested the documents be posted on the two NH library listservs, the NH Library Job Line managed by the State Library, and the Town website as these are all free of charge.  If the Trustees wish to post outside of NH, she recommended Simmons Job Line.  She is not sure if there would be a cost to post here.  Neal reminded the Trustees that when we last hired a Director, we had sent posting information to the NHLTA.  ACTION:  Julie will post to the two library listservs, the NH Library Job Line, and the Town website.  She will also find out if there is a cost to post with Simmons.  Neal will post with the NHLTA.

Julie believes that she has a good game plan in place and competent staff to help us in this transition.  She requested that we enter into a Non Public Session.

7:55 PM – Bruce made the motion to enter into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3, II-a, a personnel matter.  Neal seconded the motion and the roll call vote was 3-0 in the affirmative to enter into Non-Public Session.

8:44 PM – Bruce made the motion to move out of Non-Public Session and it was seconded by Neal.  The roll call vote was 3-0 in the affirmative to exit out of Non-Public Session.

8:45 PM – Julie reminded the Trustees that any changes to the 2017 budget numbers must be in to Aaron Patt by January 15, 2017.

8:46 PM – The Spirit article is due January 1, 2017.  Upcoming programs, budget, foundation repair and the open Library Director position are all items that could be included.  ACTION:  Julie will prepare upcoming programs and Bruce will write a piece from the Trustees.

9:00 PM – Library Town Report is due January 6, 2017.  ACTION:  Julie will provide statistics and Bruce will write the report.  MaryAnn will provide the necessary financial portion of the report.

9:10 PM – The motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Jami and seconded by Neal.  The vote was 3-0 in the affirmative to adjourn the meeting at this time.

Respectfully Submitted,
Jami Bascom