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Library Preliminary Minutes 05/04/2016
Present: Neal Brown, Bruce Dodge, Mary Ann Grant, Jami Bascom, Ray Cilley, Julie Steenson
The minutes were recorded by Patricia LaPree

7:00 PM – The meeting was called to order at this time by Chairman Dodge.

7:00 PM – The visitors from Crotched Mountain Residential Services and Crotched Mountain School were unable to attend the meeting tonight. They will try to attend the June meeting, and Julie reports that they have been responsive to her concern when she has contacted them.

7:02 PM- Review of preliminary minutes for the April 4, 2016:
There were several grammatical and content changes to the minutes. On line 19, change “Sept 1. “to “Sept. 1,”, on line 35, delete “…due to the Select board changing their meeting day” and replace with “…posting of accounts payable is affected…”, on line 48, add “make” after will. On line 64, delete “that”, on line 70, replace Julie with policy committee, on line72, replace Brice with Bruce, on line 82, change ht to th and “25 to”2-5”, on line 84, replace “Julie is trying” to “Julie is still”. On line 90, delete “senior in high school” and on line 94, add “The motion was made by Neal to not seal the minutes of the nonpublic session, and it was seconded by Bruce. The roll call vote was 3-0 in the affirmative to not seal the nonpublic minutes.”.
The motion to accept the minutes as amended was made by Jami and seconded by Neal. The vote was 3-0 in the affirmative to accept the amended minutes. ACTION: Pat will have the final minutes posted to the Town website.

7:13 PM -  Establish a minutes revision process:
Bruce noted that a lot of time is taken up in the meeting with the revision and edits to the minutes. The minute taker concurred. Bruce proposed that all edits should be sent to Pat by the Monday of the meeting week, at which time she will correct grammatical errors and send revised minutes to all Trustees
and alternates prior to the monthly meeting. Any changes or dispute about the content will still be changed at the meeting by the Trustees only. Julie asked for, and was given, examples of that which is a grammatical correction and that which will need to be discussed in the meeting.

7:17 PM – Treasurer’s report:
Mary Ann provided the Trustees and the Director with a year to date and monthly accounting of expenditures from the Town budget and the current balances for Merrill fund and the Library checking account. The current Merrill fund balance is $18794.69, with the last expenditure for books being 451.98 in March 2016. The Library checking account balance as of April 29, 2016 is $2106.90. Mary Ann noted that the Town budget report is more up to date with accounts paid and expenditures because of a policy change by the Select board. Mary Ann also asked, and received, clarification form Julie as to what the difference is between computer support and technology in the budget. ($% of the computer support has been expended, and Julie explained that is due to annual fees that are paid at the beginning of the year. Otherwise the budget is on target for the year.
The motion was made by Bruce to accept the treasurer’s report as presented, and it was seconded by Jami. The vote was 3-0 in the affirmative to accept the report.

7:25 PM – Foundation Repair update:
Ray reported that he has met with Ben Tirey and has an appointment with Daniel Rochette from Underwood engineering on May 12. A brief discussion followed about the pros/cons of having a structural engineering study. The Trustee thanked Ray for his work on the project

7:30 PM – Librarian’s report;
Julie requested that the Trustees go into nonpublic session at this time, per RSA 91- A:3(a), a personnel issue. The motion was made by Neal to enter into non-public session at this time and it was seconded by Jami. The roll call vote was 3-0 in the affirmative to enter into nonpublic session at this time (7:30 PM).
The decision was made to approve the personnel request and hiring that Julie proposed.

7:38 PM: The motion was made at this time to exit out of nonpublic session by Jami and seconded by Neal. The roll call vote was 3-0 in the affirmative to exit out of nonpublic session.
7:38 PM – The motion to seal the minutes of this nonpublic session was made by Bruce and seconded by Neal. The roll call vote was 3-0 in the affirmative to seal the minutes of the nonpublic session.

7:39 PM – Librarian’s report continued:
  • Julie provided a detailed report of activities and statistics to the Trustees. There was a discussion about the statistics reflecting how many times staff handle a book and when adult to children ratio numbers will be available.
  • Julie reports that she has hired two Library assistants and one Library aide.
  • The Greenfield Elementary School third graders have written a book about Greenfield and a copy will be in the Library.
  • The summer reading program theme is Get set, ready and take time to read. And Julie plans to call the adult theme exercise your mind and take time to read. She has planned the kick off for summer reading to take place a few days before the end of school with a program at the Meeting House.
  • Julie reports that the vacuum cleaner is still missing from the Library.
  • Julie gave an overview of the Patron Privacy panel that she participated in at Derry Public Library.
  • Julie gave a synopsis of the grants that she has applied for, and reported that the National Endowment for the Arts grant for a living history program has been awarded. The program will take place in the fall and it will be a presentation on Franklin Delanore Roosevelt.
  • Julie reported that the Library mission statement that is on the Facebook page and on the Town website are now the same.
8:25 PM - All the action items identified in the April minutes have been completed

8:26 PM – Other/new business:
  • The 225th anniversary committee has asked the Library to take the lead in getting objects for the time capsule. There will be a scroll with the names of staff and patrons that will go in the capsule.
The summer reading program will have a garden plot at the community garden.
There was a brief discussion about who should be on the call list for the alarm company. Bruce needs a key and an alarm code for the building.
The next strategic planning meeting will be held on Saturday, June 4 from 9-11 AM at the Historical Society.
The Trustees thanked Neal for his years of service as the Chairman of the Trustees.

8:46 PM – The motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Bruce and seconded by Neal. The vote was 3-0 in the affirmative to adjourn at this time.
The next meeting of the Trustees will be held on Wednesday June 1 at 7:00 PM in the Wensberg room at the Library.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia LaPree