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Library Preliminary Minutes 02/03/2016
Present: Neal Brown, Bruce Dodge, Jami Bascom, Bob Marshall, Julie Steenson.
Absent:  Mary Ann Grant.
The minutes were recorded by Patricia LaPree.
7:02 PM – The meeting was called to order at this time by Chairman Brown.
  • Review of the preliminary minutes for the January 6, 2016 Trustees meeting:
There were several changes, mostly grammatical. On line 26, change “hare” to “her”, on line 39, Paulson is spelled Paulsen, on line 59, “14 years “ should read “16 years”, as well as on line 62. On line 75, Bruce should be Bob, on line 76, change”…of the total operating costs of the Library.” to “…of the total value of book expenditures…”.On line 80, National is replaced with American, and on line 81, january should be January. The motion was made by Bruce to accept the minutes as amended, and it was seconded by Jami. The vote was 3-0 in the affirmative. ACTION: Pat will amend the minutes and have them posted to the Town website.
7:11 PM – Treasurer’s report:
Julie provided Mary Ann’s reports and current balances in the Library checking account and the Merrill fund to the Trustees. Julie noted that there two outstanding invoices for books that will be paid out of the Merrill fund, and the annual fee for Biblionox is pending. Julie also reported that there will be an increase in heating fuel cost this month because the furnace was not heating the children’s wing for a week so the heat was turned up to keep that area open to the public. The furnace has been fixed and was paid by the Town’s building and maintenance budget for the Library. The Trustees thanked Julie for the report. The motion to accept the report as written was made by Neal and seconded by Bruce. The vote was 3-0 in the affirmative.
7:20 PM – Review of the February/March Library article:
Julie and Neal report that the article was submitted and has been printed. It was a collaborative effort by the Trustees and Julie.
7:24PM – Preparation for budget hearing and 2016 Town meeting:
  • The warrant Article for the Library foundation repair. Neal reported that Aaron let him know that the warrant articles for the Library will be in the order of the Budget, then the closure of the Library Roof repair Capital Reserve Fund, the balance of which is $109, and then the establishment of the Library maintenance Capital Reserve Fund. The warrant article for the appropriation of $15000. To be put into the Capital Reserve Fund is worded properly. The motion was made to accept the warrant article was made by Bruce and seconded by Neal. The vote was 3-0 in the affirmative.
  • Status of procurement of the engineering studies for the foundation repair:
  • Bob reported that he had a bid from Underwood for the civil engineering and that he has contacted Ben Tyrie who will update his bid for the structural engineering study. A discussion followed about the total cost of the two studies, which will be paid out of the Merrill fund, and whether to go forward with the studies before the Town votes on the Capital Reserve Fund. It was decided to go forward with the studies now because it needs to be done and the studies will only cost more later. Julie reported that she is ready to write grants to help offset the repair costs. Bob suggested that the Trustees keep the Town Administrator apprised of the bids and the recommendations from those reports. ACTION: Bob will follow through with Aaron Patt, TA, with information to pass along to the Select Board and the DPW.
  • How to recruit support  for Town Meeting:
  • Julie provided a list of frequent patrons to the Library. A discussion followed about strategies to invite people to support the Library at Town meeting. A donor has come forward and has offered to pay for buttons and signs. It was decided that a copy of the bar graph that shows the increased use of the Library over the last year be distributed at Delays, the Post Office and the Library, and that the graph be enlarged for display at Town meeting. It was also decided that the Trustees and Julie will write personal notes to patrons asking for their support. The Trustees and Julie will sign the notes. ACTIONS: Jamie will distribute copies of the bar graph to Delays Market, the PO and the Library. Bruce will generate the graph for copying and have the graph blown up for Town Meeting. The Trustees will meet to write the notes to patrons on Wednesday, February 10.There will be buttons made, and Bruce will help with the design. He will send the design electronically to the Trustees for final approval.
  • The Budget hearing will take place Thursday February 4 at the Meeting House. Julie is prepared to make an argument for a full time Library Director to the attendees. The Trustees will all be there to support Julie.
9:00 PM – Julie requested that the Trustees go into a non-public session at this time for a personnel matter. In accordance with NH RSA 91-A: 3 subsections II (b), the motion to enter into a non- public session at this time was made by Bruce and seconded by Neal. The roll call vote was 3-0 in the affirmative to enter into non- public session at 9:01 PM. A decision was made. The motion to exit out of non-pubic session at 9:15 PM was made by Neal and seconded by Bruce. The roll call vote was 3-0 in the affirmative to exit out of non-public session.
9:15 PM – The motion was made at this time to enter back into public session by Neal and seconded by Bruce. The roll call vote was 3-0 in the affirmative.
9:15 PM – The motion to seal the minutes of the non-public session was made by Jami and was seconded by Neal. The roll call vote to seal the minutes of the non-public session was 3-0 in the affirmative. ACTION: Pat will provide the secretary of the Trustees with a copy of the sealed minutes.
9:16 PM – Library Director’s report:
Julie provided the Trustees with her monthly and year to date report and statistics of usage of the Library. Julie noted that she is going to have the Library open every day for February vacation. The Trustees and Julie briefly reviewed the mission statement of the Library that is on the website and the Facebook page. There was no change made to the statement.
9:25 PM – New/other business:
  • There was a brief discussion about possible candidates for a Trustee alternate in the event that Bob gets elected to the Select Board. Neal is on the ballot for the three year trustee position,
  • The area Trustees meeting will be hosted by our library and it will take place on February 12.
9:32 PM – The motion to adjourn the meeting at this time was made by Bruce and seconded by Neal; the vote was 3-0 in the affirmative to adjourn the meeting.
The next meeting of the Trustees will be held on Wednesday, March 2, 2016 at 7:00 PM in the Wensberg Room.
Respectfully Submitted,
Patricia LaPree