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JLMC Minutes 10/05/2010
Greenfield Joint Loss Management Committee
Minutes 10-05-10
3:15 present were; Deb Davidson-Town Office & Oak Park, Kevin McDonald-Highway Dept., Matt Blanchard-Recycling Center, Loren White-Fire Dept., Phil St. Cyr-Primex Risk Management Consultant. Introduced was Kevin Dillon-Highway Dept. Alt.
Absent were; Glen Roberge-Police Dept., Gail Smith-Library
Alternate announcements were; Kevin Dillon-Highway Dept. Alt., Catherine Shaw – Town Office & Oak Park, Austin Tenney-Recycling Center, Lt. Aaron Harris-Fire Dept. & Capt. Shawn Plourde. Library Alt. TBA, Police Dept. Alt. TBA. It was decided that the alternates would receive their communications from their Dept. Heads.
We reviewed September’s meeting minute’s draft, making corrections to a couple of names and voted to accept as recorded. Deb will plan to have the drafts available for the public to view and then post them on the town Web site upon acceptance at the next meeting.
Man Lift update – The Highway Dept. indicated that they are still searching for a suitable bucket truck i.e. Telephone/cable type. One of the frequent uses would be for the town flags being displayed on the utility poles and taking them down several times a year for proper observance and their preservation.
The Safety Committee Handbook review was tabled for all to accomplish.
There were not any reported accidents to discuss.
It was decided to continue meeting at 3-pm the 1st Tues of each Month at the Town Office until the committee is up to speed when we will consider meeting every other month to insure that we have the 4 meetings a year that are required. We may also consider holding future meetings at different facilities so we can do a committee walk-thru.
Implementation of the 1st aid log that Deb sent each department in a recent e-mail attachment was clarified as a tool benefiting all personnel. It was emphasized that recording a paper cut, bruise or other self treatable injury that results in an infection or otherwise requiring further medical treatment will help to clarify that it was work related, less likely to be disputed and subject to the towns medical coverage.
Primex’s $831.00 funding of Loss Prevention Safety Equipment needs was discussed. Kevin indicated that the Highway Dept. would not pursue this fund as he is working a safety equipment grant. It was decided to obtain heavy duty gloves for the Fire Dept. and Recycling Center as well as safety glasses, goggles and an eye wash unit for the Recycling Center. Phil recommended Warwick Mills in New Ipswich for the gloves. Kevin has a contact there we can possibly work with. Deadline for request is Dec. 31 and will not be available next year.
The use of a 1st report of injury for non-town personnel was discussed for when the public visits our facilities and has an injury. This will insure that we document what happened and get all the pertinent information. Phil pointed out that the LGC could probably help us with this as it would apply to their services to Greenfield. Deb will check with the LGC.
We discussed the need to develop a MSDS catalog for each department and to consider keeping a second copy off site. Phil pointed out that they should be maintained for 30 years by law. He also clarified that items acquired for 1 time incidental use are not so critical unless they have a high hazard warning. It is more appropriate for products stored in our facilities and or in quantity. Brand, manufacturer, active ingredients, EPA # and UPC # are all means to specify which MSDS sheets we are trying to obtain. Our vendors are obligated to provide MSDS for each of the products they supply. They may also have a web link for us to access the MSDS for electronic catalog filing that could then be put on a flash drive and then stored at the town office and or the Fire Dept.
Walk-thru’s of our respective facilities has already begun at the highway department as well as the recycling center. We discussed making a list of the items we find with pricing and prioritize for planning and identifying purposes. Hopefully we can accomplish the majority before we begin our committee walk-thru visits. It was noted that someone not from within our departments would be looking through fresh eyes where we might be complacent.
Tabled for review at a future meeting were the handouts from our last meeting. Please make time to do so before our next meeting, JLMC Responsibilities, DOL Requirements, NHDOL compliance sheet, NHDOL JLMC info sheet, NHDOL common citations sheet, a sample meeting agenda, General Building Checklist.
Meeting adjourned @ 5pm.
Respectfully recorded,
Loren D. White
JLMC Chairperson/Secretary
Drafted 10/06/10