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Minutes of Joint Loss Committee, Thursday, August 21, 2008
Town of Greenfield, NH

Present: Molly Anfuso, chair. Debra Davidson, Town Administrative assistant. Duffy Fox, Town Road Agent, Pat LaPree, Recycling Center employee. Absent was a representative form the Police department and Library. The meeting began at 10:10AM.

Molly presented an agenda. It was reviewed and accepted by all present. See attached copy.

A Comprehensive Joint Loss Committee program for the town of Greenfield was presented. It was reviewed and accepted by all present. It was decided that a copy would be provided to all town employees for their information and that they will need to acknowledge that they have read it by initialing the last page and returning it to the town office. The initialed acknowledgement will them become part of the personnel file. Please see attached copy of the Program.

Pat LaPree was elected to be secretary fore the Joint Loss committee meetings.

There were updates on Town areas that are of concern to the JLC:
Meeting House: Molly reports that the railing needs to be replaced, Furnace room needs to be cleaned out and tree limbs need to be removed that may pose a hazard this winter. Duffy reports that the railing replacement is on the Highway department’s TO DO list, but they have been too busy to get  to it. Debra will speak to Matt Blanchard about cleaning out the Furnace room. There are trees on other town properties that are of concern and Duffy says he recommends using a professional tree removal service.

Town Office: The ramp and stairs need some work. The gutter above them regularly drains water and that then becomes very icy in the winter. Jim Plourde had submitted a bid for this job when he was a town employee and it has been accepted. Debra will follow up with Mr. Plourde to see if he still wants the job and when he can do it. Otherwise the job will be put out to bid again.

Library: There have been problems with flooding in the basement and subsequent mold buildup due to the excess rain this summer. Debra said she will follow up with the librarian next week and knows that the trustees of the library plan to meet with select board about this issue soon.

Oak Park:  Mulch has been put down at the playground. The old swings have been removed and will be replaced. Many saplings have been removed, and it looks great down there.

Highway Dept.: Department of Enviromental Services did an inspection of the Highway department last month and no deficiencies were found, The inspector recommended that the waste oil drums be labeled as such. First aid kits need to be put into the new trucks.

Recycle Center:  A fundraiser was held to get funds to put toward the purchase of a new skid –steer to replace the forklift. The event was well attended and a preliminary count of proceeds is about 800.00. The forklift continues to be used a lot and most of the time it runs all right.  DES also inspected the waste oil facility at the recycling center and no deficiencies were found. Labeling the waste oil storage tanks were recommended to be done there also. Recycle and Highway will collaborate to make all signs needed for both facilities. The Mini-mall has been having problems with donations being left that are dangerous to other customers, especially children. Things such as broken glass, sharp saw blades, etc. Pat is going to write an article for the next Spirit about the mini-mall and the new brochure states that customers need to see the attendant before leaving a donation.

Police: No problems as far as we know

Old Town Office: Town maintains the exterior; CMRC maintains the interior, per agreement. The roof is leaking, and McMillan has been awarded the bid. CMRC has agreed to assume the cost of the roof repair. Highway will maintain the driveway and walkways in the winter. There is a tree that should be removed, but it sits on the abutter’s property, and the owner refuses to let it be removed. The home is now for sale, so maybe new owners will be agreeable to removal.

Wastewater facility: An inspection is scheduled for 8/29/08.Duffy will be present for that.

Cemeteries: No Problems

The JLC would like to visit the library to see the mold and flood damage as has been reported. Molly will contact Maryann to arrange this visit.

The meeting was adjourned, with no further business, at 10:55AM
The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 20, at 10AM in the Town Office.

Respectfully Submitted,
Patricia LaPree