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Fire Dept Minutes 12/08/14
Greenfield Fire Department
Business Meeting
Monday, December 8, 2014

1. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER:  The meeting was called to order by Linda Dodge at 7:48pm.
Linda said a few words of thanks to the department members and how much she loves living in Greenfield.  It's a great town with great people and she is thankful to be a part of it.  Everyone gave thanks to Brenda for preparing the meal tonight with the help of Mr. Zund.  

2. ATTENDANCE:  Present: D. Adams, C. Babb, C. Borden, Lt M. Borden, J. Boutin, Capt A. Burtt, Z. Davis, L. Dodge, K. Fontaine, Chief D. Hall, Lt J. LaCourse, C. Long, Deputy M. Long, M. Maguire, Mascot Otie, Capt J. Morris, Deputy J. Murphy, C. Murray, B. Parker, Capt R. Patterson, J. Rychwa, D. Simmons, J. Snell. Excused: R. Auth.

3. GUESTS, VISITORS OR NEW APPLICANTS: Bruce Dodge, Meredith Burtt, Riley Patterson, Karen Day, Jason Duval is a new applicant and has just moved to Greenfield. He has 25 years of experience in Firefighting and is a level 2 FF and EMT.

4. SECRETARY'S REPORT:  Report was emailed. Lt LaCourse made a motion to accept the report as emailed. Capt Burtt seconded the motion. Voted YES to accept the report.

13 Rescue 1: In Service:  Please remember to shut all interior lights off after use.
13 Engine 1: In Service:
13 Engine 2: In Service:
13 Engine 3: In Service:
13 Tanker 1: In Service:  All scene lights are in working order.
13 Brush 1: In Service:
13 Utility 1: In Service:
13 Boat 1: Winterized:  On Sunday, make sure gas is drained, add stable if necessary.
The Chief informed everyone that on Sunday, all the apparatus was winterized and the Dry Hydrants were purged. He thanked those involved for doing this, as he was teaching at Henniker Fire.

Rescue Drill:  Tuesday, Dec. 9th, 7pm at GFD.  Personnel will be fitted for N95’s.
Fire Drill:  Tuesday, Dec. 16th, 7pm at GFD.  Classroom simulation of 4 Greenfield homes on fire. Instructor Cook will lead us through the tactical suppression of these fires. EMS only members are encouraged to attend.
Officer's Meeting & B.O.R.:  Wednesday, Jan. 28th, 2015 at 7pm at GFD.
Next Business Meeting:  Monday, Jan. 5th, 2015, 7pm, at GFD.
Any other upcoming training opportunities?
        *Capt Morris informed everyone that GFD is holding a FF1 class and that 18 people are needed in order to hold the class.  They will be contacting other area Fire Departments.
        *Capt Morris informed GFD that there may be an opportunity to have someone do a presentation on "How to shut down fire sprinkler systems".  He will keep us informed.
        *Lt Borden will be taking a Fire Plans Examiner Class.

Sunday Morning Church at GFD 9am-11am:  This is open to all members who are willing and able to participate on Sunday Mornings.  There is no fixed agenda. . . we clean, fix, build, repair or train as needed.  All are welcome.
Portables:  Chief Hall found 4 portables in the office when they cleaned it out. They are now in service.
Flags and Poles:  You will notice that the poles and flags have been installed and look great. Thank you Jeff Rychwa for your hard work in getting this done!  
Community CPR Class:  Chief Hall will schedule this in the New Year.
GFD Web Page:  This is work in progress. Long time friend and volunteer to the Department Denis Filipetti is working with Chief Hall on this.
Pictures of GFD Members:  Karen Day is here to take all members photo for the upcoming Town Report.  
Turnout Gear:  Our new applicants, Joey Sweeney and Jason Duval, will need their gear.
Card Printer: Mark Long looked into getting one and they are expensive.  Jason said that MCH prints them up for free and we should contact their Security Department, Lou Chatel and see about getting that done.  Brenda volunteered to handle that.
Items tabled until further notice:
        1. "Hydrant Bags": Capt. Morris will update as needed.
        2. The Towns 225th Anniversary:  Dorene will update as needed.

Meal for January meeting:  Lt Borden volunteered for Jan, Chief Hall for Feb.
New Computer:  Has been installed!
Deputy Long gave his notice:  Deputy Long informed the Dept that he will be moving to the Midwest and will be resigning from the Dept effective in March of 2015.  We are all sad to see the Long family go and wish them well in their new location!
Membership vote on Chris Borden:  Chris was asked to leave the room while the members discussed her participation at GFD.  A motion was made by Deputy Murphy to accept Chris Borden for Membership at GFD, Capt Morris seconded the motion.  The vote was Yes. A big welcome to Chris and a thank you for volunteering to do the treasurer duties as well.
Personnel Form update:  The Chief passed out a form for each member to fill out to update their information.
Bylaws and SOGs: Kyle mentioned that the Bylaw's and SOG's needed to be revised.  Chief Hall agreed and said that is on the agenda of the Officer's and B.O.R. at the beginning of 2015.
Uniforms:  Chief Hall was wearing the type of uniform he wants all members to wear at events and on call, when we get them. Lt LaCourse commented that it looks great!

Scheduling:  Per Chief Hall: All members are to sign up with Capt. Patterson to take a shift from 6pm-6am once a week. This will insure that at least two members will be on call every night, one of which will be an officer. This will provide minimum coverage for all overnight calls. All members are still encouraged to respond to all calls even though they are not scheduled for that time. Your time and effort to respond is greatly appreciated by the Chief and Officer's of the Department! Daytime response is still more of a challenge, but we are fortunate to have some members including officers available during the day.  
Signing On and Off the Radio for Calls:  Discussion ensued for signing on the air.  When you sign on, please indicate your level of training.  Example:  13 Rescue 1 on the air, with a driver, waiting for medical. Or 13 Rescue 1 on the air, with 1 BLS or ALS. For Fire:  Example:  13 Engine 1 on the air, waiting for driver and crew.  Or 13 Tanker 1 on the air, with 1, waiting for driver, etc.  This is so GFD members know who is still needed for the call. This is also helpful for the Peterborough Ambulance responders so they know what capacity medical personnel are responding to the call with them. They will do the same for us. If you have any questions, please speak to an officer about this so you know exactly how to respond.  Also if more than one apparatus is responding, please have one person sign all units on the radio to dispatch, not each unit sign itself on in sequence... in other words, limit airtime. Remember to use the TAC channel assigned and do not continue to talk through dispatch.
Covered Bridge:  Discussion ensued as to what apparatus can safely cross the covered bridge on Forest Rd should we need to respond to the Hancock.  The Chief said they need to revisit the height and weight limits. For now Engines are OK but DO NOT take the TANKER over the covered bridge!
Definition of "A Crew":  Chief Hall will contact area Fire Chief's to see what they have in their SOG's in regards to how many people make up an Engine crew. He will inform the members.
Responding to calls:  Chief Hall wants all personnel to respond to the station when toned out to calls.  Do not go directly to the scene unless it is in direct line with your response to the station. If you arrive at the station and the apparatus has left the station, please wait for to see if anyone else shows up. You can sign on in the radio room at the base station and ask if any more assistance is needed or if another apparatus is needed.  Better to have several members respond together, say in the Utility than by POV. Responding directly to the scene with your personal vehicle can create an unsafe scene by having too many vehicles there.  If you have to respond to the scene in your own vehicle, please park well away from the scene and out of the way.  Leave your keys in the vehicle in case it needs to be moved.  Remember to turn off your headlights at the scene. You should leave your emergency lights on, but headlights create visibility problems. If you have questions about this, please speak to an officer.


Respectfully submitted,
Dorene Adams