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Economic Development Committee Minutes 11/18/2013
Economic Development Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes
Recorded by Sharon Rossi
November 18, 2013

PRenaud, JMoran, AWood (sitting in for RCilley), NNickerson.

7:05 p.m. Meeting Opened

PRenaud asked Board members if anyone had any corrections for last month’s meeting minutes.  No changes were made. NNickerson motioned to accept meeting minutes. JMoran seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.

PRenaud announced that JHopkins will be welcomed as an alternate as soon as he is confirmed as sworn in.

Conclusion of SWOT Analysis:
PRenaud will be presenting to the Select Board the SWOT findings in either December or January as part of a larger presentation.


The following are written commentary from RCilley:

RCilley (from an email) said to counter the perceived weakness of our school district, we should add that a number of private schools (K -12) are available in surrounding areas, or within a 30 mile radius. There are numerous opportunities for higher education, with colleges located in Manchester, Keene, Nashua, Henniker, Rindge, and Concord, all within reasonable commuting distance.
PRenaud said that adding the schools/colleges will be a good marketing tool for the town website.  Also adding (from RCilley email) that we are centrally located, well positioned with access to a major world renowned city such as Boston, the mountains, the ocean, lakes, and many cultural areas with an easy commute to major airports. These are some of the strengths and opportunities that provide the benefit of small town rural life, but with easy access to so much more.

JMoran asked how do we monetize the opportunities to increase Greenfield’s coffers?  We should list items mentioned as strengths as they could add to the coffers. The Committee decided to list RCilley’s comments as Strengths instead of Opportunities.

PRenaud asked the members if they would consider being on the EDAC for another year?  We will need to discuss this probably at our meeting in February. If so, he will discuss with the Select Board different priorities and projects we could work on in the coming year. It is this committee’s first year; the goal was to keep EDAC going as a viable organization.  Our two stated charges for this year were industrial rezoning and the broadband issue.

Improve access to broadband and telecom…  PRenaud has done an investigation into the lack of broadband in town and throughout the Monadnock Region. Parts of the region will benefit from the FastRoads project. Greenfield is currently amongst the worst area in the state for broadband.  He reported that various areas throughout the state have brought faster broadband to their locations; for example, enabling partnerships with Canadian businesses in the North Country. The Seacoast and Merrimack Valley, along with the Upper Valley, already have extensive economic development with the broadband to support it, while the Lakes and Mountain regions rely heavily on tourism.

Maximize draw of recreational assets…. JMoran found a group which sponsors the Spartan Races.  This group started in Vermont and it has turned the Spartan Race into a profitable business.  By bringing a Spartan Race to Greenfield, it is a perfect opportunity for us to maximize our recreational assets with all the access to trails in this and other nearby towns, along with the Wapack trail. The Spartan Race would be a professionally promoted event and would bring revenue to the town. He also suggested a super obstacle course in winter, as there are currently none in New Hampshire.
PRenaud wants to add these type comments in a summary of the 4 sections of the SWOT.

Possible tie-in with parks and wild lands for…… the above paragraph ties in with this sentence.  Our location shows that we have an excellent area for any outdoor activity.   Getting the public interested in this would be great, but lodging is limited.  Once people come in for events, lodging will follow.  

Possible tie in with town and state park for large draw entertainment events…..The Harlow Restaurant event was done twice and perhaps this could be an event in which we talk to the event planners and see what they are planning for next year and how we can benefit by it. AWood mentioned the possibility of an annual Renaissance Fair which could be held in town.

JManley, State Rep, said in a previous meeting (July 15, 2013) that a bill would be coming up in which towns could get some kind of break in use of the state parks.  This is something that we need to keep in the forefront of the legislature. PRenaud stated we may want to get some other area legislators in here for a meeting, such as Sen. Sanborn.

One idea is for independent seed money to help bring events to this town. We could then keep the event going and this would bring cash to the coffers.

All agreed we need to do something to leverage the Oak Park location.  There were several other areas in town discussed that could be possible locations for events that would help promote this town.  

Potential to rezone acreage with most attractive commercial-industrial development potential… PRenaud has identified two sections of town for industrial zone changes.  He will be presenting his two zoning changes to the Planning Board on November 25 with pros and cons listed.  He will be asking the Planning Board for their input and then two weeks later will ask for a binding vote on the zoning changes. PRenaud will then write the zoning amendments for the second December Planning Board meeting.

Build on agricultural base with focused programs… JMoran has been thinking how to use the farming lands that are located in Greenfield. He asked is there some way that farmers would commit their products to some business which would create possible revenue for the town by driving up property values. AWood sees organic food as a way to attract a business which would need that product.  Sadly, we don’t have a product which would attract a business.  Blueberries used to be a product which attracted people to this town.  NNickerson said we have become more rural in character than agricultural.  PRenaud said making this come true is very difficult.  RCilley was going to contact VeryFine and see what they are going to do with the land that they have in town.    PRenaud said they own the biggest piece of land for development and it is sitting fallow.  This particular location could be the driving factor in being an agricultural base for this bullet item.  

Developable natural resources and geology… PRenaud is waiting for the natural resources inventory report from RCilley and the Conservation Commission.  We don’t really know what we have; so until we have that information it will be hard to promote this.  Water is another large natural resource for the town.

Align with state or federal programs supporting economic development…  PRenaud has been researching state and county resources promoting business relocations to the area.  PRenaud said the region has the Monadnock Economic Development Corporation located in Keene. Judging by projects listed on their website, I believe they are looking for big companies to come to the region. Nearly all their projects are in the Keene and Claremont areas. JMoran said we have to locate local areas that we could promote for businesses to come to.  PRenaud said interaction with this and other development organizations is something that will be ongoing in the next year.  

Proximity to arts community in Peterborough…  PRenaud said Peterborough is stepping up their marketing as an arts community. If they are successful, we could then promote the town’s proximity to this.  This also could be an impetus to promote greater lodging in the town.


Further erosion of tax base… JMoran this is the most telling of a ‘death spiral’ for our town.  Our schools are big part of this as well.   There will be a re-evaluation of the town properties this year and if our values go down, then we are headed to economic disaster. NNickerson asked if the non-profits in town are included in the revaluation. NNickerson stated the town revaluation will be done with Real Replacement Value, with Greenfield being the last town in the area to utilize this method. (The Town is not utilizing this method for its upcoming revaluation).

Further loss of state and federal aid…  These two go hand in hand.  AWood said a lot of state governments are trying to figure out how to tax the companies that use the internet.  With the spread of e-businesses with physical locations, i.e., a warehouse, then we can charge taxes on the physical locations.  AWood said we could look into this, there are some that are a risk, but it may also be a benefit to us.   

Continuing escalation in costs of educational system……NNickerson said we have to do something about the tax rate where the school is the instigator of the rate increase.  Ceding from the school system is an option.  PRenaud said a committee will probably have to be formed to find ways to stop the escalation of costs in the educational arena.  JMoran said the way to do this is to start with a small committee in which to build a network, and present a list of ways to stop the escalation of costs.  NNickerson said we need to ease into finding ways to stop the costs that are escalating at ConVal.

Further degradation of infrastructure…  This ties in with the above three items.

AWood said we have to stop the problem of rising taxes and high expenses so we aren’t hemorrhaging to death. Otherwise we simply cut everything off and start back at the beginning.  JMoran said the drive to cutting of expenses is to go to the Town Meeting, and have a large contingent to support and say ‘no more expenses’.  All of these are inner related and all contribute to the ‘death spiral.’  

Contraction of remaining commercial and industrial base or usable lands… Not discussed.

General state of local/regional economy…..  PRenaud said the general economy has improved but the local economy hasn’t improved much.   NNickerson said as far as the town goes, the town’s economy is worse now.  NNickerson said there are a lot of empty houses that are not moving and there are no new businesses are in town.    

Overview of Select Board Presentation:  

Overview of Zoning Changes:   Will have presentation done later for EDAC review after Planning Board decision.

Broadband Findings:  PRenaud will tell Select Board about the subcommittee which will be formed, the results of the town broadband verification project, and general town broadband options going forward. He said we have to look at the various technologies and find funds to bring to town.  PRenaud is working with the regional Broadband Stakeholders Group. Right now in town, the internet is minimal and DSL barely qualifies for the Regional standards, let alone FCC standards.  There are five areas in town that can’t get DSL at all. AWood said “In town if you want net access, go to the library for wireless.  Only place to go faster with internet is CMRC or my house. The WiValley antenna in Francestown is a line of sight signal but has very little availability besides a small group of users.”    

SWOT Analysis:   PRenaud said over the next month he will write a synopsis of what we have added or changed and how this will be presented to the Select Board.  

RSA 79-E:   PRenaud will be using the handout with the flowchart and talking points to present to the Select Board.  He will also advise owners of the buildings and what incentives they could receive.  RMarshall will be going to the meeting with me in support and will be getting the Neighborhood Heritage District Advisory Committee’s input and support for this RSA.  

Other Matters:

State, Regional and County EDACs:
PRenaud reported that the Regional EDAC will be meeting on December 20th in Keene.  PRenaud will attempt to go that meeting.  He also advised that he can’t find any information on a County EDAC. He is pretty sure there is no such organization.

The state Economic Development Advisory Council is an office of the Division of Economic Development, part of DRED. They assist DRED in identifying trends and needs in all sectors of industry and government, and aid in strategic planning for economic development. All its members are appointed by the governor.  This entity has numerous links on its website, providing access to business aid information and assistance. PRenaud thinks this could be something we could use in helping current and prospective businesses get needed support. He will look into this more in the coming months.
RSA 79-E requirements:  
RSA 79-E will be presented to the Select Board.  If the Select Board doesn’t adopt the RSA to be placed on the town ballot, then a petition will have to be signed by 25 residents and be filed by February 4, for placement on the ballot.  

Broadband Opportunity:   PRenaud has been to several regional broadband meetings and he announced that the SWRPC has nominated Greenfield to participate in the Broadband Ready Community Program to receive assistance with community assessment, planning and decision-making regarding broadband. PRenaud said “I’ve received a ready assessment tool which has to be completed by December 6.  There are up to three towns nominated by each regional planning commission (there are 9 RPCs in the state). There will be 3 towns with varying needs chosen to participate for the entire state; they will be announced on December 20. The selections will be made based on the needs of the town, the support letter from the RPC, and responses to the assessment tool. The program is being administered by the UNH Cooperative Extension, under the direction of Carol Miller, the State Broadband Director and member of the NH Economic Development Advisory Council. If selected, this program will last from 6-9 months, beginning early next year at no cost to the town.  If we are not selected, all of the towns that were nominated and that completed the assessment will be invited to a conference/workshop late next year and will be instructed in the materials generated by the program throughout the year, again at no cost to the town”

If selected, we will receive the following guidance from the Community Resource Team:
·       Support for developing a locate steering committee
·       Materials on the economic implications of broadband
·       Assistance with a community needs assessment and demand analysis for broadband services
·       Help in identifying community assets
·       Information on financing and funding options
·       Information on planning and regulation considerations
·       Support in the development of a plan for building community support
·       Action planning and training support to the business, municipal, health and education sectors.

9:30 p.m. Adjournment

JMoran motioned to adjourn. NNickerson seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.