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EDAC Minutes 5/21/13
Economic Development Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes
Recorded by Paul Renaud
May 21, 2013

Members present: Ray Cilley, Jack Moran, Norm Nickerson, Paul Renaud
Also attending: Craig Morrocco.

7:05 pm Start of meeting
PRenaud explained the changes to the EDAC Charter draft made as a result of his meeting with the Board of Selectmen. PRenaud motioned to adopt the current draft with added changes as the final and official Charter document. JMoran seconded. Charter adopted by unanimous vote.

PRenaud stated that Andre Wood has agreed to serve as an alternate and would be present at the next meeting. PRenaud explained to CMorrocco and the Committee the process entailed in getting alternates officially appointed. He will get on the agenda for the Board of Selectmen’s meeting of June 13th to enable the appointment of CMorrocco and AWood as alternates.

PRenaud motioned to accept the minutes of the January 21, 2013 and the April 15, 2013 meetings.
JMoran seconded. Vote unanimous in favor of accepting minutes of both meetings.

PRenaud explained administrative procedures and meeting noticing requirements for the Committee.
He stated that he can initiate public document files and other administrative tasks at the Town Offices next week. He also confirmed that Sharon Rossi has agreed to take minutes for the Committee beginning at the next meeting. He will arrange payment through the Planning Board budget by consultation with Bob Marshall at the next Planning Board meeting on June 10.

7:30 pm  Election of Officers
NNickerson motioned to appoint PRenaud as Chairperson of the EDAC. JMoran seconded. Vote 3-0 in favor of PRenaud as Chair with PRenaud abstaining.

JMoran motioned to appoint RCilley as Vice Chair. NNickerson seconded. Vote 3-0 in favor of RCilley as Vice Chair with RCilley abstaining.

At the suggestion of RCilley, each member spoke briefly of their personal background and vision for the Town and Committee.

7:40 pm  Broadband Discussion
PRenaud talked about the Broadband Workshop he attended in Keene on May 1. He met and talked to members of the Southwest Regional Planning Commission, UNH Cooperative Extension and the regional Economic Development Advisory Committee at this event. This reinforced his belief for the need of representatives from the town to enlist the help of state and regional organizations in attaining faster broadband speeds in town. PRenaud also spoke briefly about his attendance at the Planning & Zoning Conference in Manchester on May 11. One of the sessions was about using the town website to market the town to prospective businesses and to utilize mobile technology to promote the town and its businesses. PRenaud also spoke about the New Hampshire Broadband Mapping and Planning Program. He stated that they are currently primarily focused on the mapping phase as they are encouraging all state residents to send them their actual internet speeds by taking a speed test on their website.

NNickerson suggested a notice in the Greenfield Spirit encouraging town residents to submit their internet access speeds on the NHBMPP website. PRenaud will look into deadline dates for an article in the Spirit.

Further discussion on broadband issues included the technology involved in the Crotched Mountain Rehabilitation facility system, HB 286 (broadband bonding bill) which was recently tabled by a State Legislative Committee, general costs associated with expanding broadband, and the perception of the adequacy of the town’s current internet speeds among the general population.

8:05 pm General Discussion
PRenaud explained further about the regional EDAC, which usually meets quarterly in Keene. He asked if it would be worthwhile for one of us to participate in this, with the possibility of one of us becoming a member of the regional EDAC. The Committee agreed that it might be worthwhile. PRenaud will get further information to present at the next meeting.

JMoran talked about the increased efforts of state business recruiters in getting businesses to locate in NH. It was decided by the Committee to put involvement in this on the back burner to be discussed in greater detail at a later date. JMoran also spoke of doing a SWOT analysis of the town.
The Committee agreed this should be a high priority task.

RCilley mentioned the work of Bob Marshall in getting the Neighborhood Heritage District effort going. He related the past problems in the village district with East Coast Steel Corp., and how the existence of a NHD then would have prevented many of these problems. RCilley asked how we can split the Committee into groups assigned to particular tasks? This will be discussed at the next meeting.

PRenaud stated he was concerned that a bigger problem than adequate broadband for the mid to long term business viability of the town could be the lack of a water distribution system. RCilley said there is a substantial aquifer in the northwest corner of town; there is plenty of water availability. He suggested a study on the future water needs of the town.

Other items discussed were utilization of the railroad as a resource for the town and the future of the industrial lot on Gulf Road owned by the Veryfine Co.

8:25 pm Projects
PRenaud will be working with JFletcher on identifying lots in town for possible rezoning to the Industrial Overlay District. RCilley asked if this can be completed by October 1st?
PRenaud responded he should be able to have something presented to the Select Board and Planning Board by sometime in October. RCilley said he would also look into possible lots for rezoning. Both PRenaud and RCilley agreed to present some lots for preliminary consideration at the next meeting.

PRenaud described the steps necessary to get a rezoning proposal before Town Meeting next year.
He will also look into the legality of land owner notification of possible rezoning.

PRenaud asked the Committee about the non-profits study mentioned at an earlier meeting. RCilley spoke to Bob Marshall who said Aaron Patt has already done a similar study. It was agreed the Committee should get the data from him. NNickerson asked if ConVal was included in the study? JMoran stated that, if not, we should be able to get this information from Myron Steere.
PRenaud mentioned RSA 79-E, Community Revitalization Tax Relief Incentive, brought to the attention of the Committee by JMoran in a previous meeting. PRenaud stated this program would need to be adopted at Town Meeting to take effect. It was agreed to defer a detailed examination of the program until a later meeting.

RCilley spoke to BMarshall about getting new faces to participate in town affairs. He is concerned about the possibility the town may need professional managers in the future because of the lack of volunteers for town posts. RCilley, BMarshall, MSteere and the incoming School Superintendent will work on funding for a scholarship for Greenfield students to be awarded in exchange for public service in the town. RCilley will follow up on this proposal. NNickerson said we should get local businesses to contribute to this program.

NNickerson discussed the road situation in town and the need for a working road maintenance plan.
It was agreed that a bond issue is needed to support the maintenance plan.

RCilley mentioned the possibility of getting State Rep. Jon Manley to attend a meeting later in the summer to discuss HB 286 and other matters.

PRenaud reviewed priorities for the next meeting. He will ask APatt to present the non-profits study at the next meeting. The Committee also agreed to begin the SWOT analysis – JMoran will lead this task.

9:12 pm Meeting adjourned