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Conservation Commission Minutes 12/14/2016
Date:           December 14, 2016
Attendees:      Neal Brown, Carol Irvin, Conrad Dumas, Janet Renaud, Candi  Fowler, Bob Marshall (guest), Gary Russell (guest), Betsy Hardwick (guest), Karen Russell (guest), Hunter Carbee (guest), and Janet Lutkus (minute-taker)
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm. The following items were addressed:
  • Review agenda and other old business – Conrad
  • When Marlene and Stephanie attended the 46th annual NH Association of Conservation Commissioners (NHACC) conference, Marlene discovered that an individual can’t be an appointed or elected official in New Hampshire unless they are a U.S. citizen.  Marlene is not a U.S. citizen and has resigned from the Greenfield Conservation Commission.  Candi was an alternate member but will be reappointed as a full member to replace Marlene.  Conrad will contact the clerk about having Candi sworn in again.
  • Conrad reviewed the mail – Some of the items reviewed were: Year-to-date budget for town, Intent to cut on Woodward Road, Notification from Peterborough about Waste Water Treatment plant, etc.
  • Approval of the SWRPC Agreement? – Conrad has signed off on the technical assistance agreement for the NRI. Henry will come to our January meeting as a kick-off, using tonight’s input to the questionnaire from the commission members as a starting point.                      
  • George Proctor Property Update-Bob Marshall (Select Board) and Gary Russell (Greenfield Sportsmen’s Club).  Carol gave a brief history of going to the Select Board in April 2015 to find out if there was an active steward for the property.  Gary reported that the club has become very active recently. Right now the club is at 16 members and at the next club meeting, Gary expects the number of members to double.  Gary reported that the property has not been inactive. According to Bob, two official documents affect the property. First is the original agreement between the Select Board and Sportsmen’s club from 1952 (deed). Second, created in a town meeting in 1988 is Article 36. Article 36 states that Greenfield donated part of the Proctor Recreation area (West of the brook that runs South of the Fleck conservation area, and North of Savage Road) as a town forest to be managed by a committee consisting of the Select Board, three members of the sportsmen’s club, and two members of the conservation commission. This was done by petition.  Janet pointed out that this brings up a legal question: Does the town meeting decision supersede the original deed?  Janet proposed that the town council review both documents (deed and Article 36) to ensure that there are no legal issues. Bob agreed to take this question to the Select Board meeting on Tuesday night.  Carol and Janet are willing to serve as the two Conservation Commission members on the Article 36 committee.  Janet attempted to send electronic versions of the George Proctor conservation plan to the Sportsmen’s club but the file was too large. Bob Photostatted copies of the conservation plan and distributed them to the four members of the Sportsmen’s club in attendance.  A date for the first Article 36 committee meeting was tentatively set for January 9 at 7 PM in this building. Hunter Carbee, a member of the club in attendance and a professional forester, offered to donate his time and services if forestry work is required on the property. Hunter lives 10 minutes from the property. (NOTE: At the end of the Conservation Commission meeting, members discovered a conflict with this date, time, and location as a public hearing is already scheduled.  The commission members agreed to contact the Sportsmen’s club to reschedule the Article 36 committee meeting.)
  • New Boston Road Culvert. Dredge & Fill application deadline was November 30, 2016.  Is work now complete? – The engineered plans were approved by the state.  The state approved the installation of a 60 inch culvert, to be embedded 30 inches. The existing culvert will remain. The work will begin in 2017. Conrad will ask Neal to keep in touch as the work is progressing. When the permit is approved, the commission will get a letter.
  • New Business  –  Commission members
  • Status/review of the Town report article (due to Aaron by January 6, 2017 – Conrad.  No status.  Not written yet.  Due January 6, 2017.  Conrad plans to review the minutes and Carol’s notes and highlight the commission’s major victories.     
  • Review/discussion of Town report article to be submitted by the Contoocook and North Branch Rivers Local Advisory Board – Janet distributed copies to the commission as a courtesy. Commission agreed that it is a useful and well written report.
  • Notification of Public Hearing for Zoning Amendments, January 9, 2017 – Janet.  Fifteen zoning amendments will be presented.  They are planning to repeal the Open Space Development ordinance.  This type of ordinance has been replaced by other things that are better for the environment.  Eventually another ordinance will replace it but now the plan is just to repeal it.  Janet encourages members of the commission to come to this public hearing.
  • Concerns about communication back to the Commission – Janet.  Janet’s letter to select board was not officially responded to.  Carol’s visit to the select board was not acted upon. Conrad feels that if the commission keeps unfinished business on the agenda (old business), it will stay on the agenda until resolved.
  • Greenfield Conservation Commission NRI Questionnaire for December 14, 2016 – Sent by Henry.  Commission brainstormed and provided answers to the SWRCP questionnaire.  Janet noted answers to the questionnaire in a document which she will distribute to the members of the commission.
  • Conservation Easements – It’s encouraged to go the land trust route, rather than have this commission manage an easement.  If the terms of the easement are onerous, it would be difficult for a group that meets monthly to manage.  Terms and conditions dictate what can and cannot be done on the property.  Whoever holds the easement has to monitor and enforce the terms and conditions.  If you get a new land owner who doesn’t honor the easement, you would have to bring in legal counsel.  Better to have a land trust which has people to manage professionally and full-time. Donations of land go to the town.  If town takes ownership, there are no taxes.  Carol, Janet, and Conrad.
  • Review/discussion of annual donation by the GCC to the CNBRLAC - Janet.  This donation would come out of the conservation fund. There is a line item for programs.  Candi made the motion for the commission to donate $100 to the CNBRLAC. Carol seconded the motion.  The commission unanimously approved the donation.   
  • Process for Committee to review monthly meeting minutes – Conrad. Commission members can look on town web site to read the meeting minutes so they can be approved at the next meeting.
  • The Board of Selectman had a request from state about water drafting and water restrictions for private and public wells for preservation of water for humans and animals- Bob Marshall. Bob asked the Conservation Commission if they are willing to support restrictions for times of water shortages. Water shortages will not go away in the near future.  The state is asking if the selectman will impose restrictions on the town. The Select Board asked if the Conservation Commission is willing to be involved by giving input and thoughts and suggestions, such as, best practices on water conservation.  Bob will get copies of the documents the state sent to the Select Board to Janet. Bob’s sense is that the restrictions would have to be voluntary if they are to succeed in Greenfield.
The meeting officially adjourned at 9:35 PM. The next meeting is January 25, 2017 at 7:30 pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Janet Lutkus to Conrad Dumas and Janet Renaud for approval, corrections, and posting.