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Conservation Commission Minutes 10/26/2016
Date:           October 26, 2016
Attendees:      Neal Brown, Carol Irvin, Karen Day, Conrad Dumas, Janet Renaud, Marlene Paulsen, Stephanie Kokal, and Janet Lutkus (minute-taker)
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm. The following items were addressed:
  • Review agenda and other old business – Conrad Dumas
  • Invoice from Solitude Lake Management - to eliminate the Phragmites from Sunset Lake.  Neal confirmed that the $500 charge on the invoice is accurate. Conrad will approve that the invoice be paid from the Conservation fund.
  • An “Intent to Cut” on Sawmill Road document was reviewed. Karla Allen will step in if the commission sees any issues in the activity. Karla also gets a copy of the ”Intent to Cut” document.
  • Robertson Land Development (under Ray Cilley) - Conrad confirmed that the pledged $20,000 for Ray Cilley’s project (Robertson Land) has been completely paid out.
  • Natural Resources Inventory (NRI)- Status of Contract-  Henry Underwood sent an email  to apologize for delay.  Karen expressed some concern about the delay as the contract should not take very long. The agreement will be sent to Conrad next week.   
  • George Proctor Property Update-Select Board to contact Greg Martus prior to making decision. Select Board Response -    Janet got email from Aaron that explained that Gary Russell of the Sportsman’s club came before the Select Board stating that the Sportsman’s club is still active and they want to continue the stewardship of land. In response to Janet, members of the commission pointed out that thus far, the club has not held up their end of the contract. Carol suggested the commission call Gary and come to an agreement about the stewardship in a win/win manner.  Conrad suggested the commission invite Gary to the next commission meeting. Conrad directed that each member of the commission should review the contract prior to the next meeting. Karen suggested that the commission leave the decision with the Select Board at a higher level.  She stated that it is the commission’s role to tell the board what the commission will provide if given stewardship but to let the board make the decision. Carol stated that she sees this as an opportunity to make it a better wildlife area through the logging plan the town forester has drawn up.  Carol favors the approach of partnering with the Sportsman’s club.   Action: Conrad committed to contacting Gary Russel to suggest that the Conservation Commission wants to partner with the Sportsman’s Club and would Gary like to attend the commission’s next meeting to discuss the details.    
  • Update on Village Plan Alternative and Open Space Subdivisions -  Janet  reported that the Planning Board has come to an impasse and Open Space development on hold.  The Planning Board is working on other regulations at this time. There are no subdivisions on the docket right now.
  • Reminder: The Annual Meeting of the New Hampshire Association of Conservation Commissioners (NHACC) is to be held at Pembroke Academy in Pembroke on Saturday, November 12 -  Stephanie and Neal have signed up.  Marlene also plans to go.  Conservation Commission will reimburse the cost to the members.  Action:  Those members who attend the meeting to provide feedback to the Commission.                         
  • New Business  –  Commission members      
  • Schedule next Commission meeting. Last year commission combined November and December meetings.  The next meeting of the Conservation Commission will be at 7:30 on December 14.    
  • New Boston Road Culvert – Karen. The culvert size is currently under discussion by DES and Town. The deadline to comply with the Dredge and Fill application is November.         
  • Contoocook and North Branch Rivers Local Advisory Board Update - Janet is the Chairperson of the Contoocook and North Branch Rivers Local Advisory Board which meets once a month at the mill in Bennington. Amy Smagulla works with DES.  A Hancock member is very concerned about Watermilfoil so Janet brought the concern to Amy.   At the next meeting they will plan a strategy to engage partners in the fight against the Watermilfoil.  Amy is going to write a mitigation plan for the river.  Powder Mill Pond is the worst and Amy thinks it can be managed for 10-15K. Greenfield’s future  NRI will help with the management plan.
The meeting officially adjourned at 8:25 PM. The next meeting is December 14, 2016 at 7:30 pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Janet Lutkus to Conrad Dumas and Janet Renaud for approval, corrections, and posting.