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Conservation Commission Minutes 07/27/2016
Date:           July 27, 2016
Attendees:      Neal Brown, Karen Day, Conrad Dumas, Janet Renaud, Marlene Paulsen (prospective member), Stephanie Kokal, Candi Fowler, Henry Underwood (guest), and Janet Lutkus (minute-taker)
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm. The following items were addressed:
  •       Welcome potential new member sponsored by Karen– Commission and Marlene Paulsen
  • At Conrad’s request, individual commission members introduced themselves to Marlene and reviewed what drew them to the Conservation Commission.  
  •   NRI development presentation  (Karen sent documents separately to be reviewed in advance)– Henry Underwood of Southwest Regional Planning Commission.
  • Henry feels that the inventory needs to be part of the Master plan.  
  • Henry worked with Greenfield recently on broadband and on the Master plan.  
  • Henry feels the timing is excellent for the development of the NRI.  It is a great opportunity to move priorities and ideas to a larger audience.   
  • Henry shared samples of common components of an NRI and discussed them.  
  • There isn’t one way to do an NRI.  The commission will need to meet several times to determine what is most important to include in the NRI.
  • Karen wanted to gain a sense of what the cost will be to develop the inventory.  
  • Henry cited Francestown’s recent NRI and conservation plan as a good example.
  • Karen emphasized that she’d like a very readable document which also contains the GIS maps.  
  • Janet emphasized that it will be “our document and we can make it anything we want.”
  • The first step in creating an NRI is to understand what the commission wants to include in it.
  • Henry said that the sample “Basic NRI” has 10 key themes which represent essentials.  The sample is to be used as a starting point.
  • Henry can share a recent proposal for a basic NRI.  The cost of developing the NRI is based on staff time.
  • Janet reported that the Planning Board has expressed an interest to get involved with creating the NRI. Her suggestion is for the commission to create a proposal for the basic NRI and go from there.
  • Karen suggested the commission go through the “NRI Questionnaire” checklist as a group to make decisions about contents and get that list to Henry. Henry agreed that this would be a better use of time than to have him facilitate a discussion about what the commission wants in the NRI.
  • Henry explained that funds raised from the sale of the NH Moose license plates may be available to towns that have a planning component and public involvement process as part of their NRI.
  • The Cooperative Extension and Fish and Game Community Assistance Plan is a program that helps facilitate the process of a Wildlife action plan:  What the town wants to accomplish.
  • Janet made a motion that the commission ask Southwest Regional Planning Commission create a proposal for a basic NRI for Greenfield.  Conrad seconded the motion.  There was unanimous agreement among the members present.
  • Review plans for the September 24th event at the Robertson property – Neal and members
  • Neal is posting an announcement in the Spirit:  10 to 2 - Rain or shine.  This event will be an opportunity for people to come and see something done with Conservation Commission funds; a chance to show off the conservation easement.  The Boy Scouts will be grilling hot dogs.  People from NRCS will be there. There will be a table at the camp site and a fire at the fire pit. Information about the history of the Robertson property will be presented.  Someone from the Conservation Commission will be there to speak.  
  •  Action item:  Conrad to coordinate with Carol Irvin to represent the commission at the event.   
  • Action Item:   Neal will ask Ray about getting old photographs of the working farm.
  • New Boston Road culvert update  
  • This discussion was deferred to next month’s meeting.  
  • Review documents for presentation to Greenfield select board at 8/2 meeting re: GCC stewardship of George Proctor tract - Janet
  • This parcel of land is owned by the town for conservation and recreation.  The Sportsman’s club has stewardship for the parcel.  The legal agreement  states that if the Sportsman’s club doesn’t fulfill their stewardship duties,  the stewardship will be passed on to someone else.  The Conservation Commission would like to have stewardship.
  • Notice must be posted for 3 weeks saying that the current stewardship is not working.
  • Janet wrote a letter to the select board asking to be on the agenda and draft notice of termination and new agreement.
  • Janet would like someone else from the commission to join her at the select board meeting if possible.  Members suggested Carol Irvin would be a good candidate to accompany her.
  • Candi made a motion that Janet will represent the Conservation Commission to the select board to request stewardship for the George Proctor property. There was unanimous agreement by members present.
  • Review Karla Allen document re: George Proctor Forest Management Plan  - Janet  sent out Karla’s document on 7/24, and brought copies to the meeting.
  • Karla’s services for both plans need to be paid for.
Action Item:  Janet will ask Karla to send the commission an invoice.
Action Item: Conrad will follow up with Carol to see if she had previously received a bill.
  • The Conservation Commission is limited to 7 members.  Conrad recommends Marlene become a member and Candi will change to an alternate.   Candi agreed.
  • Discussion of NRI Questionnaire. Votes by Commission members to the items on the checklist were as follows:
  • Tax maps – no
  • Zoning – no
  • Commercial Lands – no
  • Road Network – yes
  • Utility Rights of Way – no
  • Buildings – no
  • Surface waters –yes
  • Flood Plains – yes
  • Wetlands – yes
  • Aquifers –yes
  • Watersheds –yes
  • Ground water contamination sites – yes
  • Town owned lands – yes
  • State owned lands – yes
  • Lands otherwise protected –yes
  • Lands enrolled in current use –yes
  • Active farms – yes
  • Registered tree farms – yes
  • Other managed forest lands – yes
  • Active farm lands – yes
  • Recreation lands – yes
  • Developed areas – yes
  • Prime agricultural soils – yes
  • Important forest soils – yes
  • Slope classes – yes
  • Sand and gravel deposits – yes
  • Active pits and  quarries – yes
  • Important wildlife habitats – yes
  • Rare habitats – yes
  • Threatened endangered species – yes
  • Historic resources – yes
  • Archeological resources – yes
  • Scenic vistas- yes
  • Action Item:  Janet L will email Karen this list ASAP.
The meeting officially adjourned at 9:14 PM. The next meeting is August 24, 2016 at 7:30 pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Janet Lutkus to Conrad Dumas and Janet Renaud for approval, corrections, and posting.