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Conservation Commission Minutes 04/27/2016
Date:           April 27, 2016
Attendees:      Neal Brown, Karen Day, Conrad Dumas, Janet Renaud, and Janet Lutkus
The meeting was called to order at 7:40 pm. The following items were addressed:
  • Review of Current Mail
  • Conrad sorted and reviewed the mail. He then circulated it among the members for review. Much of the mail can be discarded after being reviewed by the members.
  • There was an item of mail from the vendor managing the destruction of the Phragmites on Sunset Lake.  Conrad would like to go on record to say he is against the use of the pesticides being used and Conservation Commission funds being spent on carcinogens.
  • Neal expressed the opinion that the concentration of the pesticide determines whether it is a concern. Neal feels that the amount of pesticides being used for this effort is not problematic.
  • Roadside Round-up – Discussion by Commission.
  • Neal will be getting 2 tubs of ice cream and toppings. He will also bring 2 scoops, scrubbers, bowls, spoons, and napkins. Neal needs another person to help scoop the ice cream. Conrad agreed to help.
  • Neal will be on duty from 8-10 at the recycling center. Neal will bring a clipboard and receipts to the recycling center.
  • The Commission reviewed the recycling center shifts: Neal 8-10, Conrad 10-12, Candi 12-2, and Karen 2-4.
  • The clipboard will be used at the recycling center to keep a running list of the children bringing bags of trash and the total number of bags. Receipts will be distributed for the number of bags collected.
  • The Commission sets up the tables and chairs for the dinner in the evening. Neal plans to do this on Saturday morning.  Karen will help after 10 AM and before 2 PM.
  • Conrad will pick up prizes from Delays market (coupons for ice cream cones).
  • Karen collected prizes from Candi (3 cups and a handmade afghan).
  • Neal will bring cold drinking water to serve with the ice cream.
  • Conrad will contact the Ledger newspaper to come and take pictures at 6 PM.
  • Each commission member chipped in $8.00 for the cash prizes for the children who collect the most trash.
  • Neal will speak at the assembly at Greenfield elementary school on Friday morning to discuss the Roadside Round up.
  • For the door prizes (movie tickets and afghan), 1 ticket will be also be given for each bag of trash collected at the recycling center. Red tickets will be for adult door prizes, blue tickets will be for children’s cash prizes.
  • Request to change meeting time Discussion.
  • Janet requested the Commission meet earlier on a Wednesday night, at 7 PM.  
  • Candi requested moving the meetings to Monday nights. However, the meeting room is not available on Monday nights.
  • After a brief discussion among the Commission members, it was determined that all members could not accommodate changes to the day or time. The decision at this time is to leave the meeting time and day on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM.
  • Membership Conrad.
  • Conrad feels more members are needed on the Commission. He suggested each member make a commitment to talk to one person about membership.
A discussion followed in which several candidates were identified. Neal talked about keeping a list of prospective members.
  • Action Item: Karen and Conrad will contact 2 specific individuals to ask if they would consider joining the Commission.
  • Goals for 2016 – Discussion.
  • Conrad opened a discussion about goals the Commission would like to plan for 2016.
  •      Karen: The Commission is responsible for protecting natural resources. One of the goals should be updating the Natural Resource Inventory (NRI).  Karen suggested doing the update in modules. Updating the NRI would enable the commission to apply for grants.
  •       At the next meeting the Commission members will look at what currently exists for the NRI.
  •      Karen suggested engaging Southwest Planning to help the Commission with the NRI.
  •      Janet talked about conserving more open space as a goal.
  • Communication – Conrad.
  • Conrad will send email each month to notify members of the agenda prior to each meeting.
  •      After the last meeting, Candi reported via email to the Commission that the FEMA flood plain maps are current and identified. She also identified other helpful information that can be looked up on the computer.  Conrad would like Candi to write a short article for the next issue of the Spirit to publicize this information.  The article needs to be submitted by May 15.
  • Action Item: Janet will send Candi email to ask her to write an article and submit it to the Spirit.
  • Updates from Janet
  • Janet has been sworn in as a full member of the Commission so she can now serve as vice-chair.
  • There will be a ZBA hearing on May 11, regarding the 4 utility poles going up on Swamp Road.
  • Karen suggested a check list or form concerning wetlands for Mike Borden when issuing building permits.
  • Action Item: Conrad to invite Mike Borden to next meeting to discuss how he notifies the Commission when wetlands are involved in development.
  • The Commission reviewed two plans from the Planning Board and found no issues.
The meeting officially adjourned at 8:54 PM at which time the Commission members went upstairs to locate the file cabinet. The next meeting is May 25, 2016 at 7:30 pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Janet Lutkus to Conrad Dumas and Janet Renaud for approval, corrections, and posting.