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Conservation Commission Minutes 01/27/2016
Greenfield Conservation Commission Minutes
Date:           January 27, 2016
Attendees:  Carol Irvin, Karen Day, Neal Brown, Conrad Dumas, Janet Renaud

The meeting was called to order at 7:34 pm.

  • Carol announced that she will be stepping down in 2016 because of work obligations.
  • Meeting minutes. Members discussed changing the process for approving meeting minutes and getting them posted in a timely manner.
  • Eradication of Phragmites on Sunset Lake.  John Ferrell provided an update on the eradication process on Sunset Lake.  The lake association is seeking support from the town to offset some of the costs of removing this invasive species.  J.  Renaud moved to provide $500 toward the eradication of phragmites on Sunset Lake and C. Dumas seconded the motion. There was no discussion and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Draft RFP for the Control of Invasives on the Cilley Conservation easement. N. Brown presented on the RFP that he drafted to seek bids from contractors to remove Buckthorn, Multifora Rose, and Bittersweet.
  • Forest management plans for town-owned properties. Karla would like to start implementing the management plans she put together for the Koch-Brown and George Proctor parcels.  Discussion focused on whether the SelectBoard has determined whether the Commission can take over stewardship of the George Proctor parcel – K. Day to follow up.
  • Initial planning for the Roadside Roundup.  Carol reminded everyone that the Roundup will be the last Saturday in April, April 30. Discussion focused on whether to continue to have a raffle for adults and how to manage the contest for children.
The meeting officially adjourned at 8:57 PM.   The next meeting is February 24th.
Respectfully submitted by Carol Irvin, Chair.