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Conservation Commission Minutes 10/28/2015
Date:           October 28, 2015
Attendees:      Carol Irvin, Karen Day, Neal Brown, Conrad Dumas, Ray Cilley, Chris Guida, and Janet Lutkus

The meeting was called to order at 7:35 pm.

The following items were addressed:
  • Ray Cilley and contractor putting in new wildlife pond – Report from Chris Guida of Fieldstone Land Consultants, PLLC.
  • Chris Guida, a Wetlands and Soil scientist of Fieldstone Land Consultants is working with Ray Cilley. The new wildlife pond is a result of the gravel operation. No permit is needed for the pond per RSA 482A3, section 4, subsection B, an exemption for permitting for manmade water conveyance systems. This area consists of sand and gravels; no wetlands are coming in or going out of the manmade pond.  Nothing but ground water will feed the pond.  They plan to dredge the pond so it will hold water year-round. Its base, course and sandy material, will not attract nutrients. The construction of this pond does not affect any wetlands.  Everything is contained, sloping down to the pond.
  • Lead from the existing shooting range will not be a concern for the pond, due to its distance from the pond.
  • They want the pond to be deeper than 6.5 feet.  Shallower areas in the pond will allow a shelf.  Natural plants will grow and turtles and other wildlife may migrate there.
  • Karen asked if there is any chance of having access to this water in the event of a fire. Ray replied in the affirmative. However, there is actually a hydrant on the road close to the area.
  • Timing: Ray said that if they can get the pond completed before the snow, they will. Otherwise they will complete the pond in the spring.
  • The pond will probably not be visible from the road.  
  • There are two Eagle Scout projects currently taking place on the property.  The scouts are currently finishing an observation deck for wildlife viewing. The second project, due for November 14, is a wildlife kiosk.
  • The NRCS is funding timber stand improvement. Cutting will take place this winter.  
  • Progress Report on developing a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Cilley project – Update from Neal.
  • Re-creation of the fields will solve a lot of the buckthorn problem.  The continued mowing of the fields alone will kill the buckthorn.
  • The remaining buckthorn at the water’s edge will require treatment, which requires a permit. If this effort will cost more than $2500, Ray can probably get more funding from NRCS (farmland division). Ray’s funding may come from two sources within NRCS.
  • Along with buckthorn, NRCS is also including the removal of bittersweet and Multiflora Rose invasives in this effort.
  • The RFP should list buckthorn, bittersweet, multiflora rose removal costs separately.  Ray suggests getting an alternate price for the new field area. NRCS would like to see quotes too.
  • The RFP should be ready for review by next meeting (December 2). This will give time for NRCS to vet it as well.
Action Items
  • Neal will prepare RFP for commission to review at the next meeting on December 2nd.
  • The Conservation Commission will review draft RFP, giving feedback to Neal.
  • Date of our November meeting – All.
  • The Conservation Commission will not have a meeting in November.  The next meeting will be December 2.
The meeting officially adjourned at 8:20 PM. The next meeting is December 2nd.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Janet Lutkus.