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Conservation Commission Minutes 06/24/2015
Greenfield Conservation Commission

Date:           June 24th, 2015

Members:        Carol Irvin, Chair; Neal Brown, Karen Day, Conrad Dumas, Janet Renaud

Guests:         Ray Cilley, Mike Merzi, Craig Morrocco

The meeting was called to order at 7:32 p.m.

Ray Cilley’s application for $20,000 for wetlands restoration. Ray brought several large maps of his property on Old Bennington Road that illustrate key features of plans he has for the property, including the old logging road he wants to upgrade and enhance, new fields, and a new wildlife pond.  The map outlines the portion in the NRCS Wetlands Reserve easement and includes walking trails and general locations for the invasives noted in previous NRCS plans.  It was reviewed and the Commission will retain two copies for its files.

There ensued a discussion regarding Sue Knight’s narrative from the NRCS and whether the narrative sufficiently described the wetlands restoration plan for which the Commission’s $20,000 pledge in 2010 would be used. Sue submitted the plan on June 19, 2015. Conrad noted that a key feature of the plan was the public access it would provide. The Commission discussed that access is at the pleasure of the landowner and any future landowner could limit access. Nothing in the easement requires that the landowner provide public access. Conrad also reported that Carl Inglestrom wanted the Commission to know that he supports the project. Neal commented that the plan was sound, appropriately detailed, and defensible before the public.
Several members’ chief concern was that not enough attention was being paid to the removal of the invasives, which was clearly part of the plan. Ray has already removed the bittersweet, but nothing has been done about the buckthorn. Carol noted that back in 2012 the Commission made a commitment to removal of the invasives, which is a common feature of wetland restoration plans, and the Commission should keep that commitment. The Commission discussed retaining some of the funds to finance the removal of the buckthorn.

The group discussed whether the document serves as a wetlands restoration plan and whether it was a complete plan.  While the document could serve as the wetlands restoration plan, Carol believed it needed to address more directly the monitoring of the restoration, as well as roles and responsibilities for monitoring long term. It should include a description of the responsibilities of the NRCS for Greenfield citizens, as well as the responsibilities of the landowner and the Commission.  Carol will work with Sue to get this additional text added to the plan (as well as to develop a cover page and to add a date and authorship for documentation purposes).  Because this is an expenditure of public funds, the Commission would like to see a monitoring component, both for the NRCS and GCC.

Conrad: I move that we release $17,500 to the wetland restoration project, reserving $2,500 for buckthorn/invasives removal; we also pledge annual monitoring by the GCC.  If $2,500 is not all spent on invasives removal in one year’s time, GCC will release it to the project.  Neal seconds.  No further discussion.   Motion passed unanimously.

Action Items:  Neal volunteered to research buckthorn; Janet R. promised to send links to information about buckthorn and its removal. Carol will work with Sue Knight to finalize the wetlands restoration plan.

Carol’s meeting with the Board of Selectmen on June 11, 2015. Carol informed the BOS about Ray’s application for the $20,000 pledge the Commission made in 2010.  BOS was supportive of the GCC’s caution and approach.  She also notified the BOS that the Commission would like to take over stewardship of the George Proctor Recreation area. There is no evidence that the Sportsman’s club has been fulfilling its role as stewards and the deed indicates that when this occurs, the BOS can appoint a new steward.  The Commission would like to become the stewards to implement a forest management plan that would improve the health of the forest on the property and encourage wildlife and recreation opportunities. The BOS is considering the request, but they are also concerned about the Sayles trust fund, which is tied to the Sportsman’s club, and they will ask Ken Paulsen to come in and explain the results of the research he has done on this trust fund.

Meeting minutes. Conrad felt we should be more diligent about following the 91A rules regarding minutes.  Final agreement: Carol will provide a draft to all, members will have about two days to review and provide feedback, Carol implement suggested edits and transmit the draft minutes to town offices by Wednesday following the monthly meeting, and the Commission members will vote to finalize the minutes at the next meeting.

Janet R. motioned to adjourn; Neal second.  Adjourned at 9:45 pm.