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Conservation Commission Minutes 01/28/2015
Greenfield Conservation Commission

January 28, 2015
Carol Irvin, Karen Day, Neal Brown, and Janet Lutkus
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm. The following Agenda items were discussed:
Plans for addressing the invasive Phragmites weeds on Sunset Lake – Review of facts by Commission members in attendance.
  • The total cost of treatment to rid the invaded area of Phragmites is $3500. Crotched Mountain Rehabilitation Center, with the largest portion of shoreline, has agreed to contribute $1000 towards this cost. The town of Greenfield is being requested to contribute $500. The remaining cost is being covered by contributions from individual property owners on lake, including $700 from property owners’ whose deck is located over the Phragmites plants. These same property owners are cooperating in allowing individuals on the affected land to examine and apply treatment.
  • Concerns about the safety of the proposed Phragmites treatment have been satisfied with information from the vendor (see minutes from December 17, 2014 Conservation Commission meeting). The treatment involves a short-lived herbicide. The protocol is to close the lake for one day in September when the affected area will be sprayed with treatment. Area to be sprayed is on one side of the lake. It has been determined that the prevailing winds blow towards the side of the lake where the Phragmites invasion is located.
  • Karen stressed the importance of notifying the board of the treatment and the importance of shutting the lake down for one day.
  • Neal reported that the invading Phragmites leaves were cut and stacked on shore in January.  These leaves will be burned in the spring.
  • Neal Brown made a motion for the Greenfield Conservation Commission to contribute $500 towards the treatment of the Phragmites invasion on Sunset Lake.  Karen Day seconded the motion.  The three Commission members in attendance represent a quorum and voted unanimously in favor of the motion.
Action Items
  • Karen – Ask the board how to payment should be made to the vendor who will be performing treatment.
Karen – Notify the board of treatment to lake and request that the lake be shut down for the day of treatment.

Forest Management plans – Review by Commission members in attendance of Forest Stewardship Plans:  Koch-Brown Conservation Area and George Proctor Recreation Area.
  • Plan for Koch-Brown Conservation Area has been completed. George Proctor Recreation Area plan is still in draft state.
  • According to a 1952 document, the Sportsman’s Club has stewardship of the George Proctor Recreation Area.  However, if the Board believes the club is no longer operating, then the town needs to develop another project to stewardship.
  • Next steps: Carol will go to the board with the completed Stewardship plan to request the board permission to implement it.
  • Attending members of the Conservation  Commission  reviewed and articulated the following feedback for the George Proctor Recreation Stewardship Plan:
  • The Parking Lot is proposed to require an acre, which seems too large.
  • Would like the plan to show the specific locations for the landing and parking.
  • Need a little more information from Karla about the cutting and schedule a walk-through in the spring.
  • Action Items
  • Carol will approach the board regarding stewardship for the George Proctor Recreation area.
  • Carol will contact Karla and let her know the Conservation Commission has input about the size of the parking lot and would like to see exactly where Units A and B are located. She will look to Karla for direction on when to schedule a walk-through in late spring.    
Items received in the mail:
  • Monadnock Conservancy sent a monitoring report of the Liz Thomas easement.  The Conservation Committee Fund received the land use change tax allotment of $5,000.
Planning for Roadside Roundup on last Saturday in April – The Commission is hoping to do something a little different this year to generate fresh interest.
  • Discussion about growing apathy for roadside cleanup.
  • Do something radically different and do it in a different way?
  • Establish cash prizes for most bags picked up to motivate younger people?
  • Are we getting payoff for the time and effort we put in?
  • Action Items
  • Commission members to continue to brainstorm at next month’s meeting.

The meeting officially adjourned at 9:15 PM.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Janet Lutkus to Carol Irvin for approval, corrections, and distribution.