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Conservation Commission Minutes 10/26/11
Town of Greenfield
Conservation Commission Minutes
October 26, 2011

Attending: Carol Irvin, Karen Day, Neal Brown

Graham Taylor from the Fish & Wildlife Service about the National Wapack Wildlife Refuge came in to show us the plans for an off-road parking lot for trail users. The parking lot has been funded and a company in Peterborough has been awarded the contract.  The company is Morello Construction. They will try to get as much as possible done before snow flies.

This parking area will get the cars off the road and will have a spur trail to connect to the Wapack. The parking lot will be constructed with a natural buffer between the parking area and Mountain Road. The stone walls that are removed to make the entrance and exit will be turned 90 degrees in to preserve the archaeological aspect of the site. There will also be a handicapped slot in the parking area.

We talked about a set of programs that Janet Renaud has offered to give this winter. She has taken the Coverts program and is now trained to give these programs. We are considering partnering with the library again. Carol will talk to Janet about this and when would be the best time.

The NH Conservation Association seminar will be on November 5th. The cost is $45 per person. Carol intends to go and wanted to see who else would like to attend as well. Neal may attend but Karen cannot.

Adjourned at 9:15 pm.