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Conservation Commission Minutes 12/29/08
Greenfield Conservation Commission
December 29, 2008
7:30 pm

Attended:       Carol Irvin, Chair; Neal Brown; Karen Day; Roger Lessard

  • The Commission needs to submit its budget for 2009. Given the town’s financial situation, our budget needs to be reduced. We can probably cut back on general supplies, programs, and the Roadside Roundup. The town forester needs to submit a report for work done during 2008.
  • Action Taken:  Carol will make the agreed upon changes and submit the budget for 2009. She will also contact the town forester to discuss a possible reduction in that line item.  
  • The Commission reviewed the copy of the standard Dredge and Fill Application that Gene Mitchell (Tax Map R2, Lot 17-2) submitted to DES.  This application is for a proposed fire protection pond for a 28-lot residential subdivision.  The fire pond would hold 80,000 gallons and affect 7,440 square feet of the wetland buffer and 2,975 square feet of wetlands.  
  • The Commission discussed the situation with the landowner on Sunset Lake who may be in violation of the Shoreland Protection Act. The Commission has not heard the results of the landowner’s meeting with DES to discuss want is required at this point in time.  
  • Action Taken:  The Greenfield Conservation Commission will make an inquiry about the results of that meeting.
  • The Commission discussed the upcoming Roadside Roundup, scheduled for April xx?
  • Action Taken: Karen will reserve the meeting house for the dinner and a possible program