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Conservation Commission Minutes 10/23/08
Greenfield Conservation Commission
October 23, 2008
7:30 pm

Attended:       Carol Irvin, Chair; Neal Brown; Karen Day; Roger Lessard;
Guests:  Ann McBride (Monadnock Conservancy) and Boy Scout Troop 346

1.      Ann described the conservation easements Liz Thomas from Peterborough is putting on four parcels, three in Peterborough and one in Greenfield.  The Monadnock Conservancy will hold the easements.  Her father years ago gave 1,700 acres for the Wapack Trail.  In total, the easements would conserve approximately 441 acres.  The 57-acre lot she owns in Greenfield needs to be surveyed and assessed.  The Conservancy is helping Ms. Thomas seek financial assistance with the costs associated with the Greenfield property, she will receive financial assistance from the Peterborough Conservation Commission for the Peterborough property.  She is also seeking financial assistance from the Goyette Memorial Fund and the Monadnock Landowners Assistance Fund (which helps landowners in Peterborough, but not Greenfield).  Ms. Thomas is reserving the right to build 2 homes on the Greenfield property.  Ms. McBride stated that the easement will require the homes be set near the road so that the back part of the lots remain open and part of the continuous expanse of land that links up the conserved land to the south and east of the property.  The Conservancy and Ms. Thomas are seeking assistance of about $6,700.  
a.      Action Taken:  Members of the Commission expressed support for the request.  However, there are concerns regarding the right to build 2 homes on the lot.  Carol Irvin will follow up the Ms. McBride and discuss this issue.

2.      The Commission discussed projects the boy scouts could pursue for their conservation and forest badges.  These projects include:  planting blueberry bushes at Oak Part and participating in the vernal pools project.

3.      Other Open Space Projects.  Ms. Irvin discussed the two open space projects being monitored by the Commission.  Little has happened over the last 2 months to move these projects forward.  

4.      Discussed the work of two landowners on Sunset Lake that may be in violation of the Shoreland Protection Act.  The Commission now believes that one owner has taken satisfactory remedial action.  The Commission has not received a response from the other landowner to the notification the Commission sent in September asking the homeowner to provide copies of any DES permits obtained for the work.  
a.      Action Taken:  The Greenfield Conservation Commission will send a second notification to the nonresponsive landowner.

5.      Discussed the Minimum Impact Expedited Dredge and Fill Application from Gene Mitchell (Tax Map R2, Lot 17-2).  Mr. Mitchell’s request for a special exception to the wetlands buffer for a fire pond was denied by the Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA).  The ZBA was requested to reopen the case, but they denied the request on October 13.  

6.      Vernal Pool Project.  Three adults and two children have responded to the request for volunteers for a spring survey of vernal pools.  This response is considered adequate for moving forward with the project.
a.      Action Taken:  Carol Irvin will locate someone who can provide classroom instructions and one field experience in the late winter.  

7.      The next meeting of the Greenfield Conservation Commission is scheduled for November 26, the day before Thanksgiving.  The holiday makes it an inconvenient time to meet.
a.      Action Taken:  The November meeting is rescheduled for Wednesday November 19, at 7:30 pm.