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Conservation Commission Minutes 08/27/08
Greenfield Conservation Commission
August 27, 2008
7:30 pm

Attended:       Carol Irvin, Chair; Neal Brown; Karen Day; Roger Lessard; Colleen O’Connell (volunteer); Elizabeth Thomas (member of the public)

1.      Liz Thomas from Peterborough described the conservation easements she is putting on her property in Peterborough and Greenfield.  The Monadnock Conservancy will hold the easements.  Her father years ago gave 1,700 acres for the Wapack Trail.  The property in Greenfield needs to be surveyed and assessed.  Ms. Thomas is seeking financial assistance with the costs associated with the Greenfield property, she will receive financial assistance from the Peterborough Conservation Commission for the Peterborough property.
a.      Action Taken:  Ms. Thomas was asked to provide the Greenfield Conservation Commission with more information about the total costs of the conservation easement in Greenfield.  Members of the Commission expressed support for her request.

2.      Reviewed and discussed the Minimum Impact Expedited Dredge and Fill Application from Gene Mitchell (Tax Map R2, Lot 17-2).  This application is for a proposed fire protection pond for a 28-lot residential subdivision.  The fire pond would hold 80,000 gallons and affect 7,440 square feet of the wetland buffer and 2,975 square feet of wetlands.  The applicant has a request before the Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA) for a special exception to the wetlands buffer.
a.      Action Taken:  Because the ZBA is scheduled to meet the following Tuesday, the Commission declined to sign the Expedited Dredge and Fill Application until the ZBA had ruled on the special exception request.  The Commission is concerned that the applicant has not provided sufficient evidence to determine how the overall land development will affect the wetlands along Sawmill Road, including the wetlands that will be disturbed by the fire pond.  In addition, the applicant believes that the homeowners association should be responsible for the maintenance of the pond and the legal documents that establish the association should specifically mention maintenance of the fire pond.

3.      Discussed the changes to the Shoreland Protection Act (SPA) and the Greenfield Conservation Commission’s role in the protection of town lakes, such as Sunset Lake.  The changes to the SPA tighten and make the regulations regarding alterations in shoreland areas more stringent.  Neal Brown and others have commented that Sunset Lake is becoming less clear and less deep (for example, the swimming raft must be placed further out into the lake).  The Commission has a right and obligation to ask landowners on the lakes to see their DES permits for work in shoreland areas to ensure that the work is done in compliance with the SPA and DES rules and regulations.  If the landowner is unwilling to comply with the SPA and obtain the necessary DES permits, the Commission should file a complaint with DES.  The Commission then discussed the work of two landowners on Sunset Lake.
a.      Action Taken:  The two landowners on Sunset Lake will be notified by the Greenfield Conservation Commission and asked to provide copies of their DES permits for the work.  If they do not have the necessary permits, we will volunteer to help them with the permitting process.
4.      Discussed the town land along Highway 31 and whether it can provide gravel for the town.
a.      Action Taken:  The Commission will walk the property to determine whether it contains wetlands that would prohibit the extraction of gravel.

5.      Discussed the Class VI road survey.
a.      Members and volunteers will meet to determine the process for conducting the survey.