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Conservation Commission Minutes 3/21/07
Greenfield Conservation Commission
March 21st, 2007

Attended:               Karen Day, Chair; Karla Allen, Neal Brown, Carol Irvin, Roger Lessard, Laura Putnam, Janet Romanelli
Absent: Miriam Lockhart
Special Attendee:       Jim Orr, Kevin O’Connell

1.      Old Lyndeborough Mtn Rd. #1 project - Kevin O’Connell was there to lend his expertise on this .  He explained the details of why the ZBA denied the request.  A couple of possible solutions were advanced.  We will invite the owner to the next OSC meeting to go over those options.
2.      Dialogue with Kevin:
a.      Kevin asked if a “Classification of wetlands” project might be considered by the Con Com - the state defers to the municipality, and we can be more strict if we wish to.  Contact Mary Tebo/Co-operative Extension coordinates this and it could be done for free - 40 hours of service promised in exchange for training - end result: “weighting” the wetlands.  Ask NHACC if there is a standard.  Designating an area as prime wetland would have to be voted on - Greenfield currently doesn’t have any so designated.  Jim Orr volunteered to investigate/coordinate.
b.      Kevin asked Con Com’s opinion about zoning questions that were tabled - specifically, contiguous wetlands.  Folks in the group liked the idea.
c.      Janet asked Kevin if Con Com could be notified about site walks.
d.      Current use laws/management plans - do we have any sway at the State House?  Ways to enforce current use - Kevin and Karla will connect.
3.      Jim Orr:  Jim, as a docent of New Hampshire Fish & Game, has a program he would like to do for Earth Day - “Wonder of Wildlife” - habits and habitat of New Hampshire wildlife.  It includes a short video and lot of interactive kids’ stuff.  2:00 p.m. on Earth Day (Sunday, April 22nd) was agreed upon.  Put in Spirit, papers, notify the school.  Middle schoolers need community service hours.  Invasive plants storyboard.  Karla will get PLT stuff.  For the future, Jim also has a program just about wetlands, and also others.
4.      New Chair:  Because Karen has been election to the Board of Selectmen, a new Con Com Chair is needed.  Janet agreed to accept the nomination and was voted in unanimously by those present.
5.      Roadside Roundup: Karen will call New Hampshire the Beautiful about the blue bags.  Roger will pick them up in Epsom.  Janet will ask Catherine to order 700 #10 self-stick envelopes.  Flyer to the school.  Prizes: NEFP/bark mulch; LF & NM/oil change; Carbee’s Corner/apricot pie; Ray Cilley/plane ride; Delay’s/video rental; Winrose/chicken; Maggie Suvan/perennials; Yankee Farmer/gift certificate.  Roger also has freebees from promotions at work: tool carrier, sweat/tee; golf balls.  Neal will get the prizes.  Mosquito donuts were found online - Gempler’s: 6/$12.50.  Ask Edmunds if they can get us a volume price?
Submitted by Janet Romanelli