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Conservation Commission Minutes 2/28/07
Greenfield Conservation Commission
February 28th, 2007

Attended:               Karen Day, Chair; Karla Allen, Roger Lessard, Janet Romanelli
Absent: Neal Brown, Miriam Lockhart
Special Attendee:       Linda Freeman

1.      Linda Freeman: She came to ask for help getting a zoning exception.  She has expressed an interest in putting her land in easement if the zoning exception is achieved.  The zoning issue is that her frontage is on a Class VI road.  According to Linda, an exception has been made in the past and she will provide the RSA involved in that decision.  It was a lot before the Town granted frontage.  That matters for development, so it follows that it should matter for easement.  Karen will contact and invite Kevin O’Connell to the next meeting to assist.  Possible solution: if Linda swaps some land with Dan LaGuerre across the street, then her lot would have the required frontage.
2.      Roadside Roundup: New Hampshire the Beautiful (in Epsom) didn’t order the bags in time.
3.      Recycling:  Northeast Resource Recovery Association (NRRA) has a program that shows school clubs how to do it.  Neal was volunteered to look into it to see if something could be set up with Greenfield Elementary School.
4.      Programs for Earth Day:  Suggestions were elicited to substitute for Tom Tyning - 1) Eric Orff from New Hampshire Fish & Game - “Change in Large Mammals” (Karla will look into), 2) Ben Killiam’s “bear talk”, 3) VINS (Karen will look into), 4) Wings of Dawn (Karen), 5) David Carroll, turtle man from Warner ($), 6) Barry Wicklow ($0), 7) Francie Von Mertens (Janet), 8) Emily Brunkhurst from New Hampshire Fish & Game (Janet, but this is the Wildlife Action Plan and probably wouldn’t be the “fun, family” thing we’re looking for, 9) Don Stokes - good choice, Roger will follow up.
5.      Fund raising items were discussed - compost bins - no, we did them too recently.  Mosquito “donuts”: “BT” - Roger will follow up. Energy-saving light bulbs are too hard to recycle, they have mercury in them.  See  Carbon credits?
Submitted by Janet Romanelli