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Conservation Commission Minutes 09/27/2006
Greenfield Conservation Commission
September 27th, 2006

Attended:               Karen Day, Janet Romanelli
Absent:         Karla Allen, Neal Brown, Roger Lessard, Miriam Lockhart

Special attendees:      Laura Putnam, probable new Con Com member
                        Phil Mathewson, developer

Current Business

New memberLaura Putnam.  Janet will e-mail Deb Davidson to get the paperwork to the selectmen so they can vote to appoint Laura.  Then, Deb can mail the paperwork to Laura so she can get sworn in.

Fish & Game (non-game) program - follow up in the Spring.
Minimum Impact Application - Phil Mathewson has a lot that requires this and would like to have it expedited.  Karen explained that we always do a site walk and always vote and require a quorum; Janet agreed to arrange a site walk for the following week.
Eyes on Owls program coming up on October 22nd at 2:00 p.m. in the Meeting House.  Janet will send press release - will there be a Tuesday, 10/17 edition?  If not send it for publication on the 12th.  We should send something home with the elementary school kids.  Karen will send Laura the piece that went in the Spirit; Laura will get it to the school. We will need refreshments: cider and cookies.  We need people to set up one hour in advance.  The screen needs to be brought over, if it is not already there.  Karen will bring tickets for the raffle - $1 each or 6 for $5 - she will also bring cups, plates, napkins.
Open Space Committee - start by talking to the Hancock committee.  Start by inventorying and rating each piece of land in the town, and then develop a priority list.
Emily Hague - Karen will call her to find out if she has made any headway on consolidating the Natural Resources Inventory (NRI).

Any other business brought forward by members or attendees - none.

Mail of importance - none.

Submitted by Janet Romanelli