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Conservation Commission Minutes 1/25/06
Greenfield Conservation Commission
January 25, 2006

Attended: Karen Day, Roger Lessard, Miriam Lockhart, Janet Romanelli
Absent: Karla Allen, Neal Brown,
Guest: Emily Hague

New Business

Emily Hague was invited to come in to see what she could do to expand our Natural Resources Inventory (NRI) document by putting in some time for us this summer. Rick Vanderpool did an NRI of Peterborough which includes part of Greenfield, Emily can use that information; also Crotched Mountain’s. Karen would like Greenfield’s NRI to include the wildflower map created by the late Larry Winchester - it could be digitized. Would like to use this info to create a Conservation Plan. Emily says that the riparian and wetland habitats are lacking in our NRF. What exactly do we want? For one thing, we need it to start an Acquifer Protection Plan - we currently don’t have any town water and would like to protect our acquifers in case of future needs. We could list potentially hazardous properties. Karen didn’t like the maps in the current NRI - too sketchy - roads not labeled. Karen to provide Emily with copy of Master Plan. Emily also has access to info from the Monadnock Conservancy, for whom she now works; also Fish & Game’s new habitat model can help narrow down potential conservation land. What land can we focus on? Emily will recommend some and also highlight our hotspots. What about farmland? She will begin by gathering data now using approx. 10 hours per week, 150 total.

Old Business

Change use tax warrant article: To see if the town will vote to deposit 50% of the revenues collected pursuant to RSA 79-A (the land use change tax) in the conservation fund in accordance with RSA 36-A:5, III as authorized by RSA 79-A:25, II. All agreed.

Update on programs: Tom Tyning on April 23rd and then go out to a marsh. Eyes on Owls for March - haven’t returned Karen’s calls.

Living Room Meetings – Tentatively scheduled for February 12th at Andrea Gilbert’s home. Asked Emily for a copy of the Monadnock Conservancy map to bring to these meetings.

Display for photo contest – Someone needs to be in charge of this. Only one entry submitted so far - the deadline is March 19th. We could put up a poster at the chili cookoff at the Winter Carnival. Ask Neal for the sandwich board. Neal is henceforth in charge of the display.

Outline of 2006 Programs to teach awareness:
Photo Contest – All year
Tom Tyning Amphibian Program for April
Roadside Roundup - Earth Day 2006 - April
Non-game Program – maybe beaver
Eyes on Owls for March - probably not.
Wild animal map – must get this together before March 19th - Karen has a map; it could be mounted on FoamCore and covered with plastic
Fish & Game Program – could be deer, bear, turkeys, moose
UNH Cooperative Extension Program could be on forestry, animals, trees, etc
Dollars and Sense Program – later in the year
Turtle Program for June - May instead? Corelle? Suzie Denehy? Dave Carol, turtle man from Warner ($) or Barry Wicklow ($0).
Other ideas:
o       Summer - hikes? July?
o       Organic gardening - Swain?
o       Sell safe mosquito “donuts”
o       Beekeeping - Kathy Carpenter, Wiggleman?
o       Something like Musterfield Farm days
o       Butterflies - Miriam will talk to Lucille Wilson - July, August?

Any other business brought forward by members or attendees - Ray Cilley has resigned.
Mail of importance - none

Submitted by Janet Romanelli