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Conservation Commission 06-09-04
Greenfield Conservation Commission Meeting
June 9, 2004

Those attending: Karen Day, Dario Carrera, Karla Allen, Neal Brown, Roger Lessard

Minutes were approved from last meeting.

Molly Anfuso from the Parks & Recreation Dept. came in with Bill Davidson from Meridian to go over the Minimum Impact Application for Sunset Beach. The plan seemed to be the best that they could do with what is there.  Right now the run off from the road is running directly down the beach into the lake. This has caused a great deal of erosion and exposed old beams and pipes that could be dangerous to beach goers. Molly asked if there would be any problem grading the beach a little to make it safe until the new drainage is approved and completed.  We felt that as long as no machine entered the water that it would be all right to do that. After Molly and Bill left we unanimously approved the application. Karen will put the signed copies in Molly’s mailbox after the meeting.

Jim Orr from Crotched Mountain Center was supposed to bring the NRI Presentation to us but called to say that he could not come. We will plan to see it at a later time.

The Planning Board asked us to look over the Colburn Subdivision Plan to see if we found anything objectionable about his plan around the wetlands. We could not find anything that looked like a problem.

Invitations for the Lakes Association presentation, Protecting Our Lakes, on July 31st still need to be done. Neal said that he will write a letter and send it to Karen along with a list of addresses. Neal will be gone on vacation from June 22 to July 20 so he won’t be able to actually send them out.

We talked about another program for September. Roger mentioned that we could have a hawk watch on North Pack. He thought that we could ask Barry Wicklow if he would join us as the birding expert.  We will talk about this again in July.

Dario said that he would like it if we would set out markers where we want the conservation signs set up.  Once we do that, he will get some posts and will ask Ray Cilley to help him put them in.  Then when things are quiet in the winter he can put up the signs.  Dario has resigned from the GCC but will finish the sign project.

The Selectmen asked the Commission to look at a situation out on Old Lyndeborough Rd. Karen and Karla went out and found that someone had put in a drainage pipe across the road and that a machine had been in the wetlands area next to the road. There was plenty of slash lying all around and especially on top of the stonewall blocking the brook that comes from under it. There was also a set of tracks on the property across the road from the wetlands that were in the mud. Karla took pictures and surveyed the damage on the property. She will contact the owner to make sure that they realize the logging rules. We reported to the Selectmen and were asked to call NHDES. Karen did and Bill Thomas requested that the town bring a formal complaint. This was done and the Selectmen asked that Bill come down to inspect the damage. We are waiting to hear when Bill will come down.

Karen recently attended a meeting with the Francestown Land Trust and PWA. They have asked us to work with them to protect Rand Brook which travels through the George Proctor Recreation Area and the Fleck Conservation Property.  They were wondering if there would be any possibility of putting permanent easements on these properties. We talked about this for a bit and everyone felt that the easements would be a good idea. Karen will talk to the Selectmen.

The Adams Easement Monitoring took place in May.  The property is in good shape. We did not see any evidence of misuse.

Submitted by Karen Day