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Budget Advisory Committee Minutes 09/25/2012
Town of Greenfield, New Hampshire
Budget Advisory Committee Meeting
September 25, 2012


Meeting opened at 7:17 PM
Present:  NNickerson-Chair, DBoilard, GRussell, KPaulsen and MSteere.

The Committee reviewed the current year budget to date results.  There was considerable discussion on various aspects of the budget and background provided for the newer members of the committee.  The committee thanks the Town Administrator for providing the up-to-date budget information.

One item noted for discussion with the Select Board was the question of improvements to Oak Park to be provided by the Mountaineers in lieu of lease payments.  What has happened?

The committee briefly discussed some budget issues for 2013 department budget reviews – assignments noted below -

Committee members volunteered for budget review with various departments as follows:
                DBoilard – Recycling Center
                AKulgren – Town Administration & Finance
                CLong – Fire
                NNickerson – Police
                KPaulsen- Library
                MSteere – Highway

The committees agreed to forward the Recycling proposal based on New Ipswich model to the Town Administrator for discussion with the Select Board.  The information to include an overview, the report on New Ipswich recycling center, and 2011 New Ipswich Annual Report along with current New Ipswich     recycling budget thru June of 2012.  The committee is prepared to discuss the report with the Select Board at the proposed meeting on budget direction in mid-October.

The committee requests the “Materials needed…” below relative to the Highway Bond issue -

Highway Bond -
    Discussion of potential highway bond and related issues:
                Availability of highway grants – request Town Administrator investigate.
Need to open alternate Highway Department site for available road material (gravel).
                Determine items to be included in bond. 
    Materials needed for review of bond impact:
               Need schedule of current bond payments and end dates.
                Need schedule of lease/buy contracts and end dates.
                Need Updated CIP from Town Administrator.

The committee noted a need to move forward on the opening the alternative Highway Department site for purposes of gaining access to the gravel which would save the town money in obtaining needed road building and maintenance material.

The committee with have additional information based on the Highway Commission meeting scheduled for Thursday, 9/27.     

Next Budget Advisory Committee meeting scheduled for October 16th at 7:00 PM.

Respectively submitted,
Myron Steere