ࡱ> M  .bjbj==  WW *l(((((((<z z z z  ,<g  $w  (" {(( !{{{^( ( {{{9f(( S&N<> z Y.~470g, |"{<<((((Town of Granby Kellogg Hall 250 State Street Granby, MA 01033 Telephone: (413) 467-7177 Fax: (413) 467-2080 Town Administrator: Christopher Martin Board of Selectmen: Wayne Tack, Sr., Chairman Bryan Hauschild, Clerk Mary McDowell, Member Board Meeting: November 19, 2007@ 7:00 P.M., AGENDA: Call to Order: VISTORS COMMENTS: Patrick Curran APPROVAL OF MINUTES: November 5, 2007 regular meeting November 5, 2007 Executive meeting APPOINTMENTS: 7:15 Wayne Masse 7:30 Board of Assessors-Tax Classification Hearing 7:40 Earth Tech NEW BUSINESS: 1. Accept Departmental Reports 2. Approve and Sign Warrants TOWN ADMINISTRATOR REPORT: EXECUTIVE SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: 250 State Street, Route 202 Granby, Massachusetts 01033 Telephone: (413) 467-7177 Fax: (413) 467-2080 GRANBY Board of selectmen Kellogg Hall, Room 1 MINUTES OF MEETING November 19, 2007 Members Present: Wayne Tack Sr., Bryan Hauschild Town Administrator Christopher Martin Chairman Wayne H Tack, Sr. called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. Mr. Tack led the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance . Mr. Hauschild reminded the Board that the Annual Tree Lighting is on December 2nd on the Kellogg Hall steps. No visitors came forward to be recognized for comments. Mr. Martin told the Board the reason that Mr. Curran asked to be on the agenda was to ask about the water table on New Ludlow Rd, which has been getting higher every year. Mr. Tack said that he checked into the problem and found out that there are eight (8) beaver dams, which is causing the brook to rise. Mr. Martin told the Board that he had a resident who ask about whether the water on Morgan Street has been tested by DEP to see whether it is contaminated by having the landfill nearby. Mr. Martin will send a letter to DEP. On a motion by Mr. Hauschild and seconded by Mr. Tack, the Board unanimously voted to accept the Board of Selectmens regular session and executive session minutes of November 5th as read. Mr. Martin told the Board a that their 7:15 appointment, Wayne Masse, would not be coming tonight as he is will not be running an oil truck out of his house at this time. On a motion by Mr. Hauschild and seconded by Mr. Tack the Board unanimously voted to sign the maintenance warrants as read. On a motion by Mr. Hauschild and seconded by Mr. Tack, the Board unanimously voted to accept the department reports as read. 7:30 pm: Mr. Gregg Leonard, Chairman of the Board of Assessors, introduced the new Director of Assessments: David Zagorski, to the Board. Mr. Tack opened the Tax classification hearing by reading the legal notice. Mr. Leonard told the Board that there was $9.5 million worth of new growth this past year and that the average value of residential property is $250,000 per year. He told the Board that the Board of Assessors did not believe that the tax rate should be split, as there is so little commercial property that it would be negligible to tax it at a different rate. Mr. Hauschild asked what the single rate tax would be? Mr. Leonard told him it would be $12.57. Mr. Tack asked if there were any more questions, with no other questions asked, Mr. Tack closed the hearing. On a motion by Mr. Hauschild and seconded by Mr. Tack, the Board unanimously voted to set the tax rate for Fiscal Year 2008 at $12.57. Mr. Tack recessed the meeting @7:37 so that Earth Tech could set-up for their appointment with the Board Meeting was called back to order at 7:45 pm. Representatives from Earth Tech gave the Board a presentation to the Board concerning the New Ludlow Road Sewer Project (Handout to follow minutes). Earth Tech presented 4 different cost alternatives for the project for potential users. The entire projects projected cost was around $4.9 million. Payments for the system are based on a 20-year plan and 143 users total users, 57 in phase 1 and 86 in phase 2. The overall cost per user is $34,025.04, with the first year cost estimated at $3,402.50 and the price would drop each year with an estimated cost of $1,786.31 for year 20. It would still be a 20-year plan but factoring in a USDA Rural utilities loan/grant, dropping the overall cost per user to $23,617.53, with first year cost of $2,381.75 and the last year of $1,250.42. Is a 20-year plan for the cost of a force main and pumping station factored in, in addition to USDA Rural utilities loan at a 40- year plan. The force main would cost roughly $780,684 and the pumping station would cost about $427,000. The estimated cost per user would come to about $15,372.19 for the force main and pumping station costing the first year $1537.22 and twentieth year $807.04 for the 20 year benefit assessment payment, with the user fee over a 40-year plan costing $250.18 for t he first year and $95.54 for the fortieth year. Involves user fees used to recover the cost of the project with the USDA loan factored in. This would also involve payment plan over 40 years, with the estimated cost of $3,405,906.56. The user fee in year one would be $1,190.80 and the last payment in forty years being $849.08. Wayne Tack and Chris Martin had some concerns about the user fee, as it was based on all 143 users being hooked up to the system. They do not want to go on a what if situation. They are concerned that not all 143 users will opt to hook-up, raising the cost for the other users. Mr. Martin suggested that we devote more time to look at the numbers concerning the project and see about more funding for the users. Mr. Tack and Mr. Hauschild agreed and asked that it not be put on the warrant for the December 10, 2007 Special Town meeting and be placed on a later date in February or March after the Board has more information and can hold more informational meetings for the residents. TOWN ADMINISTRATOR REPORT: 1. Mr. Martin shared with the Board his meeting with the Hampshire Retirement Board concerning fiscal year 2009 appropriations. Salary contributions will be $565,674 (2008-$539,807) up $25,000 about 4.4%. Under performing system study showed its assets is 65% funded and which means it is a performing system rather then a non-performing system. 2. Mr. Martin shared with the Board a request from a resident of Belchertown who would like to have lights/school sign put up at the intersection of 202 and School Street because of the extra traffic because of Holyoke Catholic School. Mr. Martin will ask for information regarding how many accidents, etc concerning that intersection. Mr. Hauschild asked for information that relates to before the school was there as they are moving in the future. When the information is received the Board will forward it to Mass Highway. 3. Mr. Martin reported that the Town received a notice from Atty. Ryan concerning the pay for the Tax Title Custodian (as attached to these minutes). He does not see a problem with paying the treasurer for the extras duties that he preformed over the 12 hours that he was being paid for at the time as the treasurer, as he believes that in the Mass Treasures and Collectors Association Manuel suggests that it is inclusive in the duties those treasures who are being paid for 40 hrs. He does suggest however that we set a fee schedule for future auctions. 4. Mr. Martin shared with the Board that he had received a letter from the Dufresne Ad-Hoc Committee explaining a skating ring proposal from town residents Cindy Gaspari and Jim Trompke and that they approved the proposal as presented and would like the Board of Selectmen to do the same. Mr. Martin asked questions of Mr. Trompke who was present at the meeting. Mr. Martin asked Mr. Trompke to write a letter to the Board of Health concerning refreshments being served and if they approve he then needs to apply for a Common Victurallers License from the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Martin approved the project and asked Highway Superintendent David Desrosiers to work with Mr. Trompke on getting the area level for the plastic base that Mr. Trompke will put down and then the Fire Department will flood the enclosed area with water. 5. Mr. Martin asked the Board to sign the Town Warrant for the Special Town Meeting for December 10, 2007. He has 4 articles on the warrant: Article 1. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Planning Board to enter into a contract with the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission, in accordance with Chapter 40 Section 4A of the Massachusetts General Laws, for the purpose of updating the Town of Granbys Master Plan provided said contract does not exceed $60,000 as authorized under Article 29 of the June 14, 2007 Annual Town Meeting, or take any other action in regard thereto. Article 2. To see if the Town will vote to approve the Inter-Municipal Agreement with the City of Chicopee, in accordance with Chapter 40 Section 4A of the Massachusetts General Laws for the purpose of treatment of sewage from an area of Town, which is not accessible to a sanitary sewer system, or take any other action in regard thereto. Article 3. To see if the Town will vote to transfer from the Municipal Building Stabilization Fund $1,000,000 for the purpose of funding architectural and engineering costs for the Public Safety Complex, or take any other action in regard thereto. Article 4. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds $15,500 for the purpose of replacing a burner control module at the East Meadow School and the upgrade of the energy management software for the High School, East Meadow School and West Street School, or take any other action in regard thereto. On a motion by Mr. Hauschild and seconded by Mr. Tack the Board unanimously voted to sign the December 10th, 2007 Special Town Meeting warrant as written. On a motion by Mr. Hauschild and seconded by Mr. Tack, the Board unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 8.25 P.M. 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