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Approve and Sign Warrants 3. Affirm the appointment for Mary Morse to the Granby Cultural Council for a term ending 6/30/08 TOWN ADMINISTRATOR BUSINESS: OLD BUSINESS: OTHER BUSINESS: ADJOURNMENT: Board of Selectmen Regular Session September 17, 2007 Members Present: Wayne Tack Sr., Bryan Hauschild, and Mary McDowell Others Present: Christopher Martin, Steven Nally, George Knight, Patricia Shandri, Fred Marion, and William Johnson Chairman Tack called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. Chairman Tack led the meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance. On a motion by Mr. Hauschild and seconded by Ms. McDowell, it was unanimously voted to accept the departmental reports as read. On a motion by Mr. Hauschild and seconded by Ms. McDowell, it was unanimously voted to approve and sign the warrants. The Board met with William Johnson, chairman of the Landfill Oversight Committee, to discuss the issue of issuing permits to vehicles with commercial plates. It was also discussed about limiting access to the landfill to certain times for commercial vehicles. After discussing these issues, Mr. Johnson stated he would be calling Waste Management to discuss ways of monitoring the commercial vehicle activity. Mr. Martin would also be looking into potential ways of monitoring the commercial vehicle activity at the landfill. The Board next addressed the Tax Title Custodian fees issue. The Board asked the Town Administrator for his recommendation. Mr. Martin recommended compensating the Treasurer $2,000 for performing as the Tax Title Custodian on the 1 Greystone sale. Mr. Martin reported that the Town did receive a fax from Attorney Siddall with what he had found out from contacting various communities he dealt with. Mr. Martin stated that his conversations with surrounding communities found that they had not dealt with the auctioning of property recently and did not have to appoint someone to this position. Mr. Knight indicated that he felt Mr. Nally knew it was part of his job to perform these duties. Ms. Shandri had a concern that the Board did not set the fee at the time of appointment. Mr. Nally stated he performed the duties in good faith and did not track his hours. He felt that his submitted request would be negotiated to an agreeable amount and that he saved the Town money by handling the sale versus turning it over to a real estate agent or auctioneer. Ms. McDowell was concerned how this issue came about. On a motion by Mr. Hauschild and seconded by Mr. Tack, it was voted 2-1 to compensate the Tax Title Custodian $2,000 for the sale of 1 Greystone Avenue. The vote was Mr. Hauschild – AYE, Mr. Tack – AYE, Ms. McDowell – NAY. The Board asked Mr. Martin to obtain an opinion from Attorney Ryan regarding the payment for services to Mr. Nally as tax title custodian. On a motion by Mr. Hauschild and seconded by Ms. McDowell, it was unanimously voted to affirm the appointment of Mary Morse to the Granby Cultural Council for a term ending June 30, 2008. TOWN ADMINISTRATOR REPORT: Mr. Martin reported that he has scheduled a joint meeting with the Housing Authority and the Board for October 1, 2007 to fill the vacancy on the Housing Authority created by the death of Mr. Robert Allen. The current candidate is Alice Stewart of 30 E. State Street. Mr. Martin reported that there is now a vacancy on the Personnel Board due to the death of Mr. Allen. Mr. LaFleur has indicated that James Sowell is interested in returning to the Personnel Board. A meeting of the Selectmen Chairman, Finance Committee Chairman and the Moderator is necessary to appoint a replacement. The Town Collector has requested the Board to approve and sign a discharge of mortgage for the property located at 133 New Ludlow Road. The property owner had taken a loan out under the septic system repair loan program. The loan is completely paid off and the Town now needs to record a discharge of the mortgage with the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds. On a motion by Mr. Hauschild and seconded by Ms. McDowell, it was unanimously voted to approve and sign the discharge of mortgage. Mr. Martin shared a letter received from Cindy Watson regarding Constitution Week. Mr. Hauschild read the letter in its entirety into the minutes. On a motion by Mr. Hauschild and seconded by Ms. McDowell, it was unanimously voted to proclaim September 17 – 23, 2007 as Constitution Week. Mr. Martin indicated that he had received a request from a resident that the Selectmen’s agenda is posted on Channel 15. The Board discussed the posting of agendas of the Selectmen and all Boards and committees. On a motion by Ms. McDowell and seconded by Mr. Tack, it was unanimously voted to post the agendas on Channel 15. Mr. Hauschild stated that this is a trial procedure and if other Boards and committees do not follow suit, then the Board will re-address this issue. Mr. Martin reported that he had received faxes from three realty firms that do business in Granby. The issue deals with the Town’s sign bylaw and the permitting process for the signs. The Zoning Enforcement Officer has been starting to enforce the bylaw and there have been some issues raised. Mr. Martin recommended that a moratorium on enforcement be enacted for a six-month period and a review committee be established consisting of the Town Administrator, Zoning Enforcement Officer, Planning Board member and two realtors. On a motion by Mr. Hauschild and seconded by Ms. McDowell, on roll call it was voted to go into Executive Session at 8:47 P.M. and only to come out of Executive Session for the purpose of adjourning the meeting. Hauschild – AYE, Tack – AYE, McDowell – AYE. On a motion by Mr. Hauschild and seconded by Ms. McDowell, it was voted to adjourn the meeting at 10:45 P.M. 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