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Approve Common Victuraller’s License: Poppies Fresh Onion Rings, Inc. TOWN ADMINISTRATOR BUSINESS: OLD BUSINESS: OTHER BUSINESS: ADJOURNMENT: 250 State Street, Route 202 Granby, Massachusetts 01033 Telephone: (413) 467-7177 Fax: (413) 467-2080 GRANBY Select Board Kellogg hall, room 1 MINUTES OF MEETING June 18, 2007 Members Present: Wayne Tack Sr. Bryan Hauschild, & Mary McDowell Town Administrator, Christopher Martin Chairman Wayne H Tack, Sr. called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. Mr. Tack led the meeting with the “Pledge of Alliance”. Nancy Hoffenberg came in front of the Board to tell them about the $15,000 check that Florence Savings Bank gave the “Friends of Dufresne” for new equipment for the Dufresne Play structure. She also explained that they are starting an “in-kind-grant “ program for every new checking account that is opened in the Granby office $50.00 will be placed in an account for the “ Friends of Dufresne” up to $10,000 for future purchases for the play structure. Mr. Martin also told the Board that Florence Savings bank has given money to the Memorial Day Parade and Charter Day. Mr. Daniel Lemelin came in front of the Board to appeal the Landfill Oversight Committee’s decision not to grant him a sticker for his truck that is registered to his business in Chicopee. He lives on Aldrich Street. He owns a vehicle that is 8000 pounds, 2003 GMC Sierra Pick-up. He also owns a 2006 Pont. Torrent. Utility vehicle. Mary McDowell suggests that we talk to the Landfill Oversight Committee before the Board makes any decision. Chris Martin will send a letter to the two other members of the Landfill Oversight Committee to set a meeting up with them to discuss the decision they made. The Board will take everything said tonight under advisement and wait until Chris reports back to the Board. On a motion by Mr. Hauschild and seconded by Mary McDowell the Board unanimously voted to sign the maintenance warrants. On a motion by Mr. Hauschild and seconded by Mary McDowell, the Board unanimously voted to accept the department reports as read. On a motion by Mr. Hauschild, and seconded by Mary McDowell the Board unanimously voted to approve the following Common Victualler’s’ License for Poppies Fresh Onion Rings, Inc expiring on 12/31/07. Board discussed the July meeting dates for Select Board as the 4th of July is on a Wednesday. The Board will meet on Monday July 9th and Monday July 16th for the month of July. The Board of Health brought forward to the Board, as written in the personnel board by-laws, a job description for an assistant to the Board of Health. This would be a 20-hour per week position. The position for (a secretary) was approved for 20-hrs at the May 8, 2007 Town Meeting. On a motion by Mr. Hauschild, and seconded by Mary McDowell the Board unanimously voted to have Richard Bombardier, Chairman of the Board of Health and Town Administrator Chris Martin meet and go over the job description together and then Mr. Martin will forward the job description with a cover page to the Personnel Board. In the meantime, the Board of Health will hold interviews with two people who have already sent letters of interest in for the secretary position. One of them will hopefully fill-in until the process with the Personnel Board, advertising for the position of assistant to the Board of Health and hiring is done. The Board of Health informed the Board about a grant for training Town personnel who need to be NIMS certified. Chris said he has heard of the grant, but is not sure of the requirements or where to apply for it. Betty Fredette will call the Regional Homeland Council and get back to Chris about the grant. The Board of Health is also concerned with the complaints of out of town people and contractors using the landfill without permission or paying tipping fees. It is a financial issue for both the town and Waste Management. It is not clear on how to solve the problem. Board of Health would like to change the by-law and increase the fee for violators. We could have the police do spot checks on registrations. Waste Management was willing to provide the money to have it done twice a year. Bryan Hauschild and Chris Martin will set up a meeting time with Waste Management to go over some ideas on how to fix the problem. Steve Nally, Town Treasurer and Tax Title Custodian informed the Board that on June 23, 2007 @ 10:00 am he will be holding the town’s first annual auction for tax title property @1 Greystone Ave. He has had a lot of telephone inquiry, but not a lot of people buying the bid package. Chris informed the Board of an incident with the Charter Day 2nd Annual Bonfire. Apparently fireworks went off inside the bonfire. Fire Department may need to be on site next year when building the bonfire. Chris will send a letter to Charter Day Committee concerning use of non-bonfire material. If it happens again then Charter Day will have no-more bonfires. Chris and Pat Stevens, School Superintendent would like to set-up a tour of West Street School this summer to determine if the building is suitable for town offices. Pat was looking for the first or second week in September. The Select Board will give some dates that are available to Chris who will set up the meeting with Pat. Mr. Nally wrote a letter to the Board asking to be compensated for being the Tax Title Custodian. He feels that other elected officials get compensated for functions that they do outside their normal duties of their office. Chris said that he doesn’t know what other towns pay. He does not want this to become a “cash cow” for the treasurer’s office. On a motion by Mr. Hauschild, and seconded by Mary McDowell the Board unanimously voted to table the decision on the fee until Mr. Martin reports back to the Board with more information for them to make an informed decision concerning paying any kind of fee to the Tax Title Custodian. The Board received a letter from the Bombardiers concerning the intersection of South and East Street. The Board voted to send the letter to the Chief of Police to do a speed analyst and ask him to send a recommendation to the Board on his findings. Chris received a phone call from a woman concerning parking for Charter Day on Kendall St. A car mirror while walking to her grandmother’s house hit her daughter. She did not get hurt, but is concerned that the next time someone could. The Street has signs on both sides for temporary no parking by police department from 202 entrance till the opening going into Dufresne Park and then one-way parking about another ˝ mile down the Street. The Board suggests sending a letter to the Police Department and having them put temporary no parking signs on all of Kendall St for Charter Days. Kim Masiuk of the Conservation Commission would like an update regarding the NEPS Stormwater Phase II Regulations for the Town of Granby. Chris Martin told the Board that he had sent them to Town Counsel to look over, and has not received them back yet. Kim also asked about the boat ramp at Forge Pond. Chris said that he was worried about liability issues for the ramp, who would be maintaining the ramp and any other hidden costs that might be associated with fixing the ramp. It could be a burden that other town departments cannot afford. What is the on goings costs if it is open to the public? Too many unanswered questions to make an informed decision. The Board liked having the agenda and paperwork sent to them over the weekend to look over. Effective immediately the agenda and corresponding paperwork will be mailed to each Select Board member on Friday afternoon. The final report on the lunch program for the elderly showed a $1500 shortfall. On a motion by Mr. Hauschild and seconded by Mary McDowell, the Board unanimously voted to have the town write a check to cover the shortfall. The School received a $4,000 grant to have women’s programs put into the school program for the 2007-2008 school year. Chris told the Board that they all should be NIMS certified (Homeland Security) as it could affect the Town’s ability to received grants in the future. On a motion by Mr. Hauschild and seconded by Mary McDowell, the Board unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted Cathy Leonard, Selectmen’s Secretary Ř[‰ÂÄŃ$89:;_  *+8<>?RSij‘’ŮŘ+ B H j ‰ ‹ Ť Ź UVäĺ[]Ÿ˛´Ëü÷őďěăü×ăüÔČ×ăü×ăÁă×ă×ăžšłŞ¤ ™™ü㖓Á‹Á‹Á‹ÁH*OJQJaJaJaJ 56\]>*CJ >*CJaJ5;CJ\aJ ;CJaJCJaJCJ OJQJaJ5CJOJQJ\aJCJ5CJOJQJ\aJCJOJQJaJCJ 5CJ$\; 5;\5\6IŘ[‰ÂĂÄô  :;QR€ źč  *ýýýýýýřóîîýäÚýîîîîîîîîîîî „ „Đ^„ `„Đ „p„Đ^„p`„Đ$a$$a$$a$Ü(ţ*+>?RS`abcdefghij’ž×ŘŮőúőőőőőőőőőőőőőőőóîĺîîŘÎ „ „Đ^„ `„Đ $„ „Đ^„ `„Đa$ $„Đ`„Đa$ $a$$a$$a$Y˘Łć+ j Ź Ó Ô   R S     UVĎĐRSýýřýýóćááÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÚáÜŘáá$a$$a$ $„p„÷^„p`„÷a$$a$$a$ĚÍ-d– !ŽŘŮWXS T Ÿ" "Ÿ#6%7%&&ń&ň&i'úőőőěěőőőőőőőőőúúúúúúúúúúúú$„Đ`„Đa$$a$$a$ËĚ_aXa&((Ž(ź(Ü(ýűýýô 56\]H*aJ i'j'(((€(Ó(Ő(Ö(×(Ř(Ů(Ú(Ű(Ü(úúúőóúúúúúúńńń$a$$a$ 1h°Đ/ °ŕ=!°"°T# $ %° i8@ń˙8 NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH <@< Heading 1$$@&a$ 5CJ \8@8 Heading 2$$@&a$5\TT Heading 5$$1$7$8$@&H$a$5CJOJQJ\aJJJ Heading 6$$1$7$8$@&H$a$ OJQJaJDD Heading 8$1$7$8$@&H$ 56\]> @> Heading 9 $$1$7$8$@&H$a$<A@ň˙Ą< Default Paragraph Font^Cň^ Body Text Indent$„¨ 1$7$8$H$^„¨ 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