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Mary Holmes d/b/a Say It with Style c. CSSK Inc., Stephen Scott d/b/a Firehouse Grille d. Steven Charon d/ba Joanies Twin Twist 4. Affirm Annual Appointments TOWN ADMINISTRATOR BUSINESS: OLD BUSINESS: OTHER BUSINESS: ADJOURNMENT: 250 State Street, Route 202 Granby, Massachusetts 01033 Telephone: (413) 467-7177 Fax: (413) 467-2080 GRANBY Select Board Kellogg hall, room 1 MINUTES OF MEETING June 4, 2007 Members Present: Wayne Tack Sr. Bryan Hauschild, & Mary McDowell Town Administrator, Christopher Martin Chairman Wayne H Tack, Sr. called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. Mr. Tack led the meeting with the “Pledge of Alliance”. On a motion by Mr. Hauschild and seconded by Mary McDowell the Board unanimously voted to sign the maintenance warrants. On a motion by Mr. Hauschild and seconded by Mary McDowell, the Board unanimously voted to accept the department reports as read. Mr. Martin showed the Board the signed copies by Town Counsel of the IMA contract with the City of Chicopee. Mr. Martin will now forward it to Thomas Hamel, in care of the City of Chicopee. Board asked that letters be sent to all that parties involved in making contributions so that the Memorial Day Parade could take place this year do to the fact that town funds were not voted in last year. On a motion by Mr. Hauschild, and seconded by Mary McDowell the Board unanimously voted to approve the following Common Victualler’s’ License for: a. Dean Elliott d/b/a Deano’s b. Mary Holmes d/b/a Say It with Style c. CSSK Inc., Stephen Scott d/b/a Firehouse Grille d. Steven Charon d/b/a Joanies Twin Twist with all licenses expiring on 12/31/07. The Board had some discussion concerning the appointment of newly elected Select Board member Mary McDowell remaining on the Police Advisory Committee. It is not that the Board did not want her on the committee, more on what was in the best interest of the town. The Board decided to let Chief Barry decide whether he thought it was good idea if she should continue to be on the committee and Mary has no problem withdrawing her name if the Chief thought it wasn’t in the town’s best interest for her stay on the committee. The Board also discussed having a 3-person committee to oversee the 1-million dollar roof project on West Street School. Mr. Tack will represent the Select Board office; Mr. Frank Marion will represent the Capital Improvement committee and Mr. Kevin Boisselle will represent the School Committee. On a motion by Mr. Hauschild and seconded by Mary McDowell the Board unanimously voted to affirm the candidates presented by Town Administrator Christopher Martin (listed in the back of the minutes with corresponding expiring date). The Board looked over the new Emergency and Disaster Planning pamphlets that were put together by the TRIAD Granby S.A.L.T. Council (Seniors and Law Enforcement Together). The pamphlets were made possible by a gift from Waste Management Systems, Inc. and the Granby High School Graphic Arts Program. The Board felt that the pamphlets were very well put together and that the Granby S.A.L.T Council did a very nice job. The pamphlets are available at the Council on Aging. The Board asked that letters be sent along to COA, Waste Management and the school for a job well done. The Board was invited to attend the S.A.L.T. picnic on Tuesday June 19th. All will attend along with Town Administrator Chris Martin. Town Administrator Christopher Martin confirmed that Kellogg Hall received the $100,000 grant through the Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism to update the building. The Board read the cover letter that Mr. Martin sent along with the application. The grant will be used to make the building more handicapped accessible. The Board will discuss it further before hiring anyone, as they are now sure about the new building codes. They also discussed maybe putting the grant into a trust or CD to gain interest while they figure out how to proceed. Chris Martin reported to the Board that a resident was looking to sell his home on Greystone Avenue and cannot do so until his septic system meets Title 5 regulations. The homeowner is requesting permission from the Board to have a connection made between his system and the community septic system. The Highway Superintendent David Desrosiers told Mr. Martin that the system was made to allow eight (8) connections to the sewer; however, the homeowner’s extension would make it nine. Mr. Martin explained to the Board that he did not want make a determination at this time and then find out that it would create a problem in the future for other users on the system. The Select Board agreed that the Board of Health needs to do further evaluation. Mr. Martin will send a letter to the Board of Health asking them to make a determination on the resident connecting to the community system. Select Board member Mary McDowell asked the Board if the Select Board meetings could be changed to a different location. She felt that that it needs to be a place were it is “more inviting” for residents to come and participate in town government and another problem is that the cable sound is not very clear for viewing the meetings on residents televisions. The other Board members agreed that the current location inside Kellogg Hall is small, but it still remains convenient for the members and especially for the town administrator and if the Board is expecting a larger turnout it can be moved. As, far as the cable we are adding an extra mike on the table and we are hoping that improves the sound problem. The Board reminded everyone that residents are always welcome at their meetings and that the protocol for getting onto the meeting agenda is the following; the request must be in writing and sent to the Town Administrator by noon on the Friday before the next Select Board meeting. Upon review, it will be decided whether or not it is something necessary to be addressed. TA Chris Martin updated the Board on the Public Safety Building Committee; Kastle-Boos Architectural Firm met with both the Fire Chief and Chief of Police to go over their wish list for the building. They are hoping to be able to bring an article to a STM in late summer or early fall. The Board was updated the on the zoning violation on Taylor Street. The business shut down and the owners are talking with their accountant to see if the business really is a viable option to the point where they would want to spent money on having a hearing in front of the Board of Appeals, which they would need to be able to continue to run a business in a residential area. Waste Management spoke to Chris concerning possibly tying in on the planned sewer system on New Ludlow Road. There are still lots of questions and details to be worked out before bringing it to Town Meeting. On a motion by Mr. Hauschild and seconded by Mary McDowell, the Board unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Cathy Leonard Selectmen’s Secretary Ř[‰ÁĂĐÜéî)+;qr•˛łŔÄĆÇÚŰçčN ˘ Ď î đ   ˇ ¸ t B Ö /2JPUXhi‰‹Ćdü÷őďěăü×ăüÔČ×㿸żăü×ă¸ă×ă×ăľőłŹŹüާ˘§§§š—aJCJCJaJCJaJaJ\ 56\]>*CJ OJQJaJCJOJQJaJ5CJOJQJ\aJCJ5CJOJQJ\aJCJOJQJaJCJ 5CJ$\; 5;\5\;IŘ[‰ÁÂĂÖ×ÜJj§Đ<r”•ýýýýýýřóîîýäýîîîîîîîîîîîîî „ „Đ^„ `„Đ$a$$a$$a$ĺ#ý•˛łĆÇÚŰčd‡Ď  \ úőúúúúúóńńńńńńńńńńńěâńńÝń$a$ „ „Đ^„ `„Đ $a$$a$$a$\ Ą ˘ Ď  8 9 } ~ ˇ ¸ 1 2 ´ ľ s t B C Ö ţ /ižĆÇýřďĺýýăăăăáýăăăăýăăÜÜÜýýý$a$ „p„÷^„p`„÷$„Đ^„Đa$$a$ÇÔóôĚ:ÇČ1đńmn8­ŽÍ N"$#&#˘#Ł#¤#ź#˝#ž#ż#ýýřďýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýííýýýýë$„^„a$$a$doóô‡‰%#ž#ż#Ŕ#Î#ă#ä#ĺ#ůöóďóćßÖCJOJQJaJ 56\]56CJ\]H*aJaJCJ OJQJaJ ż#Ŕ#Î#ä#ĺ#ýűöô$a$ 1h°Đ/ °ŕ=!°"°ě# $ %° i8@ń˙8 NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH <@< Heading 1$$@&a$ 5CJ \8@8 Heading 2$$@&a$5\TT Heading 5$$1$7$8$@&H$a$5CJOJQJ\aJJ@J Heading 6$$1$7$8$@&H$a$ OJQJaJD@D Heading 8$1$7$8$@&H$ 56\]> @> Heading 9 $$1$7$8$@&H$a$<A@ň˙Ą< Default Paragraph Font^Cň^ Body Text Indent$„¨ 1$7$8$H$^„¨ a$CJOJQJaJPR@P Body Text Indent 2 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