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Donald Soucey d/b/a Rocket Tunnels b. Tadeusz Czubaj d/b/a Mr.Kielbaski c. Rockwell Amusements d/b/a New England Rides d. Center Pharamcy, Inc. d/b/a Center Pharmacy 4. Approve and Sign Intermunicipal Sewer Agreement between City of Chicopee and Town of Granby 5.Affirm the following candidates to the Granby Auxiliary Police Unit with term expiring 6/30/08. Amber Mayberry Daniel Dias Neil Donah Jamal Pressley 6. Sewer Commitment 7. Request for Ceremonial Bonfire-Charter Days OLD BUSINESS: OTHER BUSINESS: ADJOURNMENT: 250 State Street, Route 202 Granby, Massachusetts 01033 Telephone: (413) 467-7177 Fax: (413) 467-2080 GRANBY Select Board Kellogg hall, room 1 MINUTES OF MEETING May 22, 2007 Members Present: Wayne Tack Sr. Bryan Hauschild, & Mary McDowell Town Administrator, Christopher Martin Chairman Wayne H Tack, Sr. called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. Mr. Tack led the meeting with the “Pledge of Alliance”. On a motion by Mr. Hauschild and seconded by Mary McDowell, the Board appointed Mr. Tack as chairman of the Board of Selectmen. On a motion by Mr. Tack and seconded by Mary McDowell, the Board appointed Mr. Hauschild as clerk of the Board of Selectmen. On a motion by Mr. Hauschild and seconded by Mary McDowell the Board unanimously voted to sign the maintenance warrants. On a motion by Mr. Hauschild and seconded by Mary McDowell, the Board unanimously voted to accept the department reports as read. On a motion by Mr. Hauschild, and seconded by Mary McDowell the Board unanimously voted to approve the following Common Victualler’s’ License for: a. Donald Soucey d/b/a Rocket Tunnels b. Tadeusz Czubaj d/b/a Mr.Kielbaski c. Rockwell Amusements d/b/a New England Rides d. Center Pharamcy, Inc. d/b/a Center Pharmacy On a motion by Mr. Hauschild, and seconded by Mary McDowell the Board unanimously voted to approve and sign the Intermunicipal Sewer Agreement between the Town of Granby and the City of Chicopee for the joint use of portions of the Chicopee sewerage system, with the stipulation that Mr. Martin show the Board that town counsel has signed off before the agreement is sent out. On a motion by Mr. Hauschild and seconded by Mary McDowell the Board unanimously voted to affirm the following candidates to the Granby Auxiliary Police Unit with terms expiring 6/30/08 Amber Mayberry, Daniel Dias, Neil Donah and Jamal Pressley. On a motion by Mr. Hauschild and seconded by Mary McDowell the Board unanimously voted to Approve and sign Sewer Use Fee Warrant No. 07-02 for $39,928.13. On a motion by Mr. Hauschild and seconded by Mary McDowell the Board unanimously voted to authorize the Fire Chief to grant the Charter Day Committee a ceremonial bonfire permit for Friday June 8, 2007. On a motion by Mr. Hauschild and seconded by Mary McDowell the Board unanimously voted to authorize Christopher Martin signatory authority on Chapter 90 of a 10-yr contract (July 1 2007-June 30, 2017), with the first installment being for $211330.00. Christopher Martin updated the Board on the $100,000 grant that is being offered to the Town of Granby by the Department of Business and Technology Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism. It was generated by Senator Lee’s office. It is to be used towards making Kellogg Hall handicap accessible. After much discussion on a motion by Mr. Hauschild and seconded by Mary McDowell, the board unanimously voted to authorize the Town Administrator to submit all of the required documents for this grant and to send a letter along with the documents outlining the Board’s concerns regarding the expenditure of this grant. Board read a letter from a student at the Granby Jr-Sr High School concerning sidewalks on Route 202. Mr. Hauschild will write a letter to the young resident. The Board discussed the requested of Matthew Romoser regarding the placement of a “Geocache” devise at Dufresne Park. After discussing the placement site of the unit, on motion by Mr. Hauschild and seconded by Mary McDowell, the Board unanimously voted to grant permission as long as the unit is placed at the play structure only due to the number of private parties that rent the pavilion and gazebo. The Board read a letter from Peter and Cindy Ouellette of 109 Taylor Street concerning their neighbors running a business out of their home without a special permit. Mr. Martin informed the Board that he had contacted the Zoning Enforcement Officer concerning this matter. He told him to call the owners and tell them they are to take an application out for a Special Permit/ Site Plan Review by Tuesday May 29th or have the Police Department serve them a cease and desist order on Wednesday May 30th. The Town needs to be consistent on making sure the zoning by-laws are enforced. The Board asked Mr. Martin to write the Ouellette a letter informing them what actions were being taken. Chris asked the Board to look over the appointments that he would like to have affirmed at the Board’s next meeting on June 4, 2007 and let him know of any changes or additions before the meeting. Board discussed having the Select Board’s agenda close on the Wednesdays at noon. The Board decided to leave the closing date as Friday noon and will revisit again if it is not enough time for members to read all the information before the meeting on Mondays. On a motion by Mr. Hauschild and seconded by Mary McDowell, the Board unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 8:43 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Cathy Leonard Selectmen’s Secretary Ř[‰ÁĂĐó1567[5I–     , - < p Ä ń   2 3 iťÎχ”•ďOŒć)ƒ…  ą˛łÁÖü÷őďěăü×ăŇĘÇť×ă˛ă×ăŤă×ă×őŠ˘˘ăŤ˛ăŤŸŤœŸšŸ‘˘56CJ\]H*CJaJ 56\]>* OJQJaJCJOJQJaJ5CJOJQJ\aJCJ5CJ\aJCJaJ5CJOJQJ\aJCJOJQJaJCJ 5CJ$\; 5;\5\9IŘ[‰ÁÂĂíîó67MN|œŮ.b–ýýýýýýřóîîýäýîîßîîîîîîîîîî$a$ „ „Đ^„ `„Đ$a$$a$$a$ţ–* Œ › § ˛ Á Ö    , - : ; < = † Š ń : ; ~ Ă Ä úúňňňňúúíííííííëćÜëë×ëë×$a$ „ „Đ^„ `„Đ $a$$a$$ & Fa$$a$Ä ń 3 Z [ Ÿ   Ů Ú Z [ Ř Ů RSŐÖi‘¸č”•Oöěęęččččęęęčćęčččááááččęá$a$ „p„÷^„p`„÷$„Đ^„Đa$O‹Œç()ôőOńň˛]^ýţ‘AB —Ż°ąööôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôňôôô$„^„a$ą˛łÁ×˙ýűýöôň$a$Ö×ţ˙÷ôCJCJOJQJaJ 1h°Đ/ °ŕ=!°"°# $ %° i8@ń˙8 NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH <@< Heading 1$$@&a$ 5CJ \8@8 Heading 2$$@&a$5\T@T Heading 5$$1$7$8$@&H$a$5CJOJQJ\aJJ@J Heading 6$$1$7$8$@&H$a$ OJQJaJD@D Heading 8$1$7$8$@&H$ 56\]> @> Heading 9 $$1$7$8$@&H$a$<A@ň˙Ą< Default Paragraph Font^Cň^ Body Text Indent$„¨ 1$7$8$H$^„¨ a$CJOJQJaJPR@P Body Text Indent 2 „p^„pCJOJQJaJ6P@6 Body Text 21$7$8$H$<Q@"< 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