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03/07/2006 Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes
March 7, 2006

Chairman Phinney opened the meeting at 7:10 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call:  Present:  Chairman Phinney; Councilors Dugas, Justice, Willett, Loveitt, Robinson, & Hamblen, Town Manager, David Cole, and Town Clerk, Christina Silberman.  

Moved by Councilor Dugas, seconded by Councilor Willett, and VOTED to accept the minutes of the February 7, 2006 Regular Meeting.  7 yeas.

Open Public Communications

There were no communications from the public.

Councilor Communications

Councilor Robinson reported that the Capital Improvements Committee met February 22, 2006 and reviewed the quitclaim deed from Central Maine Power in1976 and no action is recommended at this time.  Councilor Robinson thanked Mr. Harold Grant and Mr. Clark Neily for their service on the Planning Board.  He would like the Town Council to consider granting a stipend for planning board members because of the traveling required for them to attend site walks and special meetings.  He reported a glitch on the easy pass system for the Maine Turnpike and recommends that people review the statement.  If other cars are following too closely behind you when you go through the toll, you can be billed for a trailer in error.

Councilor Willett reported that the Finance Committee met February 27, 2006.  Excise tax collection is above projections.  Property at tax map 49 lot 21 will be added to the tax acquired property account.  They also looked at another tax lien property and they will look at the condition of the building and send a letter to the owner of the property. There will be a draft finance policy available soon.  The Town Manager gave an update on the process for the municipal budget.  The next meeting will be March 21, 2006 at 8 am.

Councilor Justice reported that the Ordinance Committee continues to meet regularly and they discussed transfer of development rights.  The Council of Governments executive committee meeting was February 15, 2006 and they discussed the strategic plan and corridor studies.  There was a report on the financial services group analysis for municipal budgeting software.  They have found competitive pricing from vendors.  The time frame to buy into this program has been extended.

Councilor Willett remarked that Cumberland County is doing a strategic plan they are working on a 5 year plan.

Chairman’s Report

Councilor Phinney thanked the board and committee members for their service to the town.

Town Manager’s Report

The Town Manager reported that the Maine DOT will hold a public hearing on March, 21, 2006 on the Gorham bypass here at 7:00 pm.  The Gorham Market Place is this Saturday at the USM Field House from 10-3 and many town departments will have booths set up there.  The USM’s women’s basketball team is in the final 16 and they are hosting a regional tournament this weekend.

School Committee Report

Jim Hager reported on the White Rock Project Committee.  An ad will run this Sunday for qualification letters from architects.  They will meet on Monday April 3rd to review the qualification letters.  He will be asking the School Committee to approve a  request for $100,000 in seed money for the project.  The middle school budget was reviewed with an anticipated increase of 7.4%.  Councilor Phinney asked for clarification of the figures presented.  The School Committee will meet again March 8th on the school budget.  The regular meeting has been moved to March 29th.  There is a tentative workshop with the Town Council scheduled for April 25th.  The ad hoc Facilities Committee meeting will be March 28th.  Councilor Robinson asked why the workshop has not been televised.  Mr. Hager explained that is was videotaped and he is not sure why it was not televised.  Councilor Robinson asked if the final school budget could be put on the web site as a convenience for citizens.  He also commented on the 1.944 million projected budget increase for the school.  

Neal Allen and Tony Plante were not available to address the Town Council and discuss GPCOG.

Steve Sawyer, volunteer for the Board of Trustees representing the Peoples Regional Opportunity Program, presented a plaque for 40 years of community action to the Town Council.  He gave an invitation to meet with the Town’s senior staff to assess PROP’s performance.

New Business

Public Hearing #1  Chairman Phinney opened the Public Hearing.  There were no comments from the public.  Chairman Phinney closed public hearing.

Item #7238      Moved by Councilor Dugas, seconded by Councilor Willett, and ORDERED that the Town Council of the Town of Gorham, Maine, in Town Council assembled authorize the issuance of a Massage Therapist License for Julie K. Brown to do business at Gorham Massage Therapy, 20 Mechanic Street.  7 yeas.   

Public Hearing #2  Chairman Phinney opened the Public Hearing.  Frank Scherr, of BDFI, LLC an architect for Nappi Distributors spoke and showed a map outlining the proposed change and a sample of the proposed building.  Chairman Phinney closed the public hearing.

Item #7239      Mr. Cole explained that Mr. Nappi has requested that action on this item be postponed until the site evaluation is complete.  Moved by Councilor Justice, seconded by Councilor Dugas and VOTED to postpone action on the proposed item to rezone property located at 615 Main Street.  7 yeas.  

Item #7240      The proposed order was moved by Councilor Justice and seconded by Councilor Willett.  

Moved by Councilor Loveitt, seconded by Councilor Justice and VOTED to amend the order to remove the words “, and refer the report to the Capital Improvements Committee for their review and recommendation.”.  7 yeas.
The order as amended was then voted.  ORDERED that the Town Council of the Town of Gorham, Maine, in Town Council assembled receive the strategic planning study report, prepared by Policy One Research, Inc. and Maine Fire Training and Education.  7 yeas.

Item #7241  Moved by Councilor Willett, seconded by Councilor Dugas, and ORDERED that the Town Council of the Town of Gorham, Maine, in Town Council assembled  review the attached Investment Policy as recommended by the Council’s Finance Committee and place it on the April 4, 2006 Town Council Agenda.  7 yeas.  

Item #7242  Moved by Councilor Robinson, seconded by Councilor Dugas, and ORDERED that the Town Council of the Town of Gorham, Maine, in Town Council assembled designate Plan-It Recycling as an official disposal site for solid waste; and,

BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that the Public Works department is authorized to cease public collection of waste except for used motor oil, brush, and yard waste such as leaves and grass clippings.  7 yeas.

Item #7243      Moved by Councilor Robinson, seconded by Councilor Loveitt, and ORDERED that the Town Council of the Town of Gorham, Maine, in Town Council assembled approve appointments to various town boards and committees as presented.
PLANNING BOARD - Thomas E. Fickett for a three year term to expire 4/1/2009 and Edward L. Zelmanow for a three year term to expire 4/1/2009.

BOARD OF APPEALS - Audrey Gerry for a three year term to expire 4/1/2009, Alton Shurtleff for a three year term to expire 4/1/2009, and Melinda Shain for a term to expire 4/1/2007.
RECYCLING COMMITTEE - Tiffany Townsend for a three year term to expire 4/1/2009.

BOARD OF HEALTH - Lori Willis Rumery for a three year term to expire 4/1/2009.
GORHAM ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION - Marc Badeau for a three year term to expire 4/1/2009, Philip L. Bartlett, II for a three year term to expire 4/1/2009, Brenda Caldwell for a three year term to expire 4/1/2009, Philip A. Csoros for a three year term to expire 4/1/2009, Jim Means for a three year term to expire 4/1/2009, and Robert G. Petitt for a three year term to expire 4/1/2009.
PARK & CONSERVATION COMMISSION - Scott Riiska for a three year term to expire 4/1/2009 and Dale S. Rines for a three year term to expire 4/1/2009.

RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD - Alan Curtis for a two year term to expire 4/1/2008 and John A. Miliano for a two year term to expire 4/1/2008.

CABLE TELEVISION COMMITTEE - Sergei Haramundanis for a three year term to expire 4/1/2009, Richard D. Portwine for a three year term to expire 4/1/2009, and Lee K. Stanley for a three year term to expire 4/1/2009.

FAIR HEARING BOARD - Martha T. Harris for a three year term to expire 4/1/2009 and
Dede Perkins for a three year term to expire 4/1/2009

BOARD OF ASSESSMENT REVIEW - Clinton C. Pearson as a regular member for a three year term to expire 4/1/2009.

BOARD OF TRUSTEES-BAXTER MEMORIAL LIBRARY - Linda M. Frinsko for a three year term to expire 4/1/2009, Nancy A. Kenty for a three year term to expire 4/1/2009, and Dede Perkins for a three year term to expire 4/1/2009.  7 yeas.     

Item #7244      Moved by Councilor Loveitt, seconded by Councilor Robinson, and ORDERED that the Town Council of the Town of Gorham, Maine, in Town Council assembled approve a Municipal / State agreement regarding the installation, operation, and maintenance of a traffic signal at the intersection of Route 25 and Route 237 (PIN 8899.00) as presented.  7 yeas.

Item #7245      Moved by Councilor Willett, seconded by Councilor Dugas, and ORDERED that the Town Council of the Town of Gorham, Maine, in Town Council assembled authorize the Town Clerk to sign liquor license applications on behalf of the Town Council after their approval.  7 yeas.

Item #7246      Moved by Councilor Loveitt, seconded by Councilor Justice, and ORDERED that the Town Council of the Town of Gorham, Maine, in Town Council assembled authorize the Ordinance Committee to have informal discussions regarding conceptual plans for industrial property on Route 237.  7 yeas.

Item #7247      Moved by Councilor Loveitt, seconded by Councilor Justice and ORDERED that the Town Council of the Town of Gorham, Maine, in Town Council assembled refer a proposal to amend Chapter II, Section V - Minimum Standard for the Design and Construction of Streets and Ways, of the Land Use and Development Code to the Ordinance Committee for their review and recommendation.  7 yeas.    
Item #7248  Moved by Councilor Dugas, seconded by Councilor Willett, and  ORDERED that the Town Council of the Town of Gorham, Maine, in Town Council assembled approve an agreement with the Maine Department of Transportation regarding the Route 114 road construction project (project no. STP-1021(301)X).  7 yeas.               

Moved by Councilor Justice, seconded by Councilor Dugas and VOTED to adjourn the regular meeting at 9:10 pm and resume the special meeting.  7 yeas.

A TRUE RECORD OF MEETING                Attest:  Christina Silberman, Town Clerk