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03/16/2004 Special Meeting

March 16, 2004

        The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call of Council:  Present:   Chairman Loveitt; Councilors Dugas, Willett, Robinson, Justice and Phinney; David Cole, Town Manager; and Brenda Caldwell, Town Clerk
                              Absent:    Councilor Hamblen

Item #6938.  The School Board
Item #6939.  Moved by Councilor Justice, seconded by Councilor Phinney and ORDERED that staff prepare an order for a referendum question to authorize the use of the Shaw School Bonds fund to demolish the Shaw Junior High School facility and return the site to a natural park-like state and to use the balance of the existing bond fund to accomplish the goal of constructing a municipal gymnasium and community center and improved school department administrative facilities.  6 yeas.

Item #6940.  Moved by Councilor Dugas, seconded by Councilor Phinney and ORDERED that pursuant to Chapter II, Section III of the Land Use and Development Code the Town Council approve the entrance sign for the Gorham Industrial Park.  6 yeas.

Item #6941.  Moved by Councilor Willett, seconded by Councilor Justice and ORDERED that the Town Council authorize the submission of an application to the Portland Area Comprehensive Transportation Study (PACTS) for a road maintenance project for New Portland Road for the 2006/07 Biennial Transportation Improvement Program, and

BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that the Town Council authorize the resubmission of applications for the traffic circle at the intersection of Route 237 and 25 and the traffic improvements project for the Route 114/22 overlap to PACTS.  6 yeas.

Moved by Councilor Phinney, seconded by Councilor Justice and VOTED to adjourn.  Time of adjournment - 9:30 p.m.

A TRUE RECORD OF MEETING                        Attest:  D. Brenda Caldwell                                                                                                              Town Clerk