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American Flag Collection Sites


My name is Chris Deursha and I am a Life scout from Troop 65.

I am working toward my Eagle Project, which is collecting ripped and torn American Flags.  My Troop will then be performing a flag burning ceremony to retire the flags that I have collected.  

My project will make the community a better place to live by making homes look sharper and businesses look more professional with brand new flags.

The drop off bins will be located at the Richard O'Rourke Middle School, (Lakehill Rd.) and the Glenville Town Hall (Glenridge Rd.).  Several of my fellow Scouts and I made the collection bins, created posters to be hung around the area, and Glenville Town Hall staff offered to post the collection sites on this website.

After my project is complete, my collection bins will remain at the sites and the Troop 65 historian will continue on with the collection of the flags for many years to come.  This project will have ongoing effects for the community as we can keep collecting flags for our neighbors.

Thank you for your interest and participation.

Chris Derusha