The Town of Glenville Highway Department will begin the 2017 Loose Leaf Program on Tuesday, October 17, 2017 with one crew working in the north easterly part of town. The crew will then work its way down from the Paradowski area. We intend to have all crews out the last week of October at which time we will assess the town as to where to send the crews.
Please keep the following in mind while placing your leaves out for pick up:
- Please refrain from placing loose leaf piles on the blacktop as it creates narrow roadways and if leaves are wet, slippery conditions. These are dangerous conditions for motorists and pedestrians.
- We ask that leaf piles be no wider than 5ft. so the hose can reach. Anything wider will slow the process down
- No other debris such as branches, sticks or stones can be mixed into the leaf piles. These items create costly damages to the leaf machines.
We will do our best to complete two passes through town as weather permits us to. We have 186.32 lane miles of town road, 119.54 lane miles of county roads and a few state roads to pick leaves from. This program is a huge task that grows every year as the trees grow.